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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

So, I Was Waxing My Car The Other Day...


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I'd rather practice dryfiring than work on buffing, but hey, whatever floats your boat. as for protecting the gun, heat build up and variety of solvents used will render most waxes useless in a short amount of time.

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Back on the old cave man days (flint axes and blue steel guns) we used to use auto wax on most of our hunting guns. It provides some what of a moisture barrier, doesn't gum up in low temps or collect dust / dirt and seemed to keep the rust to a minimum (expecially the actions and barrel where they were up against that wooden stock. Like I said, the Old, Old, Old, Old Days.

Nothing like getting the turtle wax out to get the ol' 06 ready for a trip up into the mountains or wherever.


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