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The Ladies Don't Talk To Us Anymore....


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I had concerns that this would happen when the Ladies Only forum was announced. Suddenly, the ladies don't seem to be participating as much in the main forums... and I can't even congratulate Rika on her move, cause I'm not allowed to post in the forum over there by the forum rules.

Am I feeling ignored?? No... but, I *am* missing the input from them... I understand the point behind a Ladies Only Forum... but I don't think it was to remove participation from the main forums??? <sigh>

Are we really that bad??? :huh:<_< Do I want to know the answer to that??? :o:blink:

So, since I can't do it over there.... I hate that I can't say "Congrats on your move, Rika!!!" in the proper thread..... :(:(:(

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Take a breath....in....out...mkay - feel better? :)

I was going to say something about my ratio of BE to ladies forum posts, but that might sound like a rebuttal. So instead I'll clarify with the following. For now, men aren't prohibited in the ladies forum (except in the henhouse), only discouraged from blogging away and dispensing huge amounts of testerone laden advice - No, you haven't been guilty of doing so Dave.

You've said you understand the point of the ladies forum but I'm not certain (no offense intended). Let me put on the gender interpretor hat for a moment and see if I can 'splain. When women communicate, they share details in order to bond. Supposedly we use twice as many words as men when relating events. And this is the part that mystifies most men; what ever it is we're blathering on about - we don't want it fixed. We only want a sympathetic ear and an acknowledgement of what we experienced or felt. This in turn makes us feel like we belong. And feeling like you belong on the range surrounded by burly men and loud toys can sometimes be quite the feat. When you men folk try to be helpful (you all are hard wired that way), it usually just gets us exasperated and makes us say things like, "You just don't understand!" Sound familiar?

So part of the function of the ladies forum is trying to make an area where the ladies can go to support each other. It's not that we don't want support from you men. It's just some times we need the comfort of estrogen. Some days you want a soda, other days plain water - simple as that. I'd guess that you can safely post a congrats on the proper thread and not get chewed on.

Now as to your other complaint - What topics do you need female input on? I'm more than happy to render opinions, right, wrong, or indifferent! :P:P

Ooops, wait a minute - hate thread....uh...uh...I hate that you feel this way?!?

Edited by carinab
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Yeah! Me too.

I always liked to welcome new shooters etc. When these type of things occur I alway wonder what would happen if we flipped the coin the other way. What would they think if we had a for men's only forum. :unsure:

I do like that more women seem to be drawn to post. I checked the forum this morning early - 4 am kind of thing and noticed that about 1/2 of the new posts were in the women's forum. Maybe they feel more secure without worry about some guy thinking that he has to help the poor little girly out.

I just liked it when we were one big family. I don't like the split. <_<

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Well....I know one lady that will still talk to us (hi Sharyn). :)

I guess this has become the the lastest "us vs them" issue?

Equal Time...a Men's Only Forum?

This is all getting stupid....I agree that it was better as one group....but whatever floats your boat.

Edited by SteveZ
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For now, men aren't prohibited in the ladies forum (except in the henhouse), only discouraged from blogging away and dispensing huge amounts of testerone laden advice

Oh no?? The forum sub-titles (beginning w/ "Women Only"), and the forum announcement's first sentence make it pretty clear that, except for a welcoming statement in the "Tell Us Who You Are" forum, that men are not allowed to post there (even if it's not password protected).... Obviously, I'm not prohibited by software, but I try to respect the requests of the mods, so...

You've said you understand the point of the ladies forum but I'm not certain (no offense intended).

None taken. Rika might could vouch for my understanding of the issue... ;) We've traded a lot of PMs about it...

When you men folk try to be helpful (you all are hard wired that way), it usually just gets us exasperated and makes us say things like, "You just don't understand!" Sound familiar?

Totally understood. And I totally support the presence of the Ladies Only forum, and the need and desire for it.

It's not that we don't want support from you men.

You're certainly allowed to not want support from us men ;) And I can certainly understand if you don't....

I'd guess that you can safely post a congrats on the proper thread and not get chewed on.

I'd hope no one would chew on Rika for moving... They should be shot, if so... (did I just type that???). I was lamenting that I could not ("legally", by the posted guidelines) also support and congratulate a friend on a big and exciting life change... simply because my biology is different, and she chose to post there instead of the "normal" forum...

One would think you ladies might be sympathetic to gender discrimination issues :lol:

Now as to your other complaint - What topics do you need female input on? I'm more than happy to render opinions, right, wrong, or indifferent! :P:P

At the moment, not a whole lot.... But, I've read a lot of good stuff (and, in some cases, gotten a lot more out of stuff) written by ladies on this forum. I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to benefit from that, now, cause y'all will keep it behind closed doors... :(

Your post counts between the two are going to look way skewed, anyway, cause the ladies forum is brand new ;)

I guess this has become the the lastest "us vs them" issue?

No no no.... :( Certainly, I don't intend that.... sheesh....

This is all getting stupid....I agree that it was better as one group....but whatever floats your boat.

I don't necessarily agree with this - and, dammit, this is my Hate Thread... Frankly, I think it's cool that they have a separate forum - cause many (most?) of us are over-testosteroned gorillas (no offense to the 300lb variety) and can't offer them info in a form that's usable to them. That's what the ladies forum is all about. The spirit of the BE forum is to pass on learning - and if they can help each other more clearly and more efficiently without the men interjecting with "the man thing" (uh... mind out of gutter), so much the better!!!

Hi, Sharyn :)

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"...Supposedly we use twice as many words as men when relating events..."
Well, I dunno. I've seen some of Brian's posts and other posts by "the guys" and it appears they get mighty-damn long-winded with no effort whatsoever. :lol::lol::lol: Perhaps a different kind of long-winded, maybe. ;)
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I also kinda wondered about the new "No Boys Allowed" forum. I guess if the ladies want it though, have at it and enjoy. I wonder if since we now have the marvel of password protection, we could have a "grown up" forum where we can trade obscene jokes and swear. Maybe a bad idea, but it would allow for lesbian jokes and maybe keep a couple valuable members.

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Personally, I'm glad they've got a women only thread and I think they should lock us guys out completely. I laugh my butt off looking at the ladies only threads and the always politically correct "guys I'd like to do" thread when I see that half the posts that pop up in the there are from guys. What's up with that?

I sometimes laugh at women going into the bathroom in pairs but I've never been tempted to go in there to find out what they're doing. Guys, get out of the ladies room, let them do whatever secret rituals it is they do in there, and just appreciate them more when they come back out.

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I don't really think of this as a split clay. You know me and my husband. Who does most of the talking. He does. It is very refreshing that there is a place that I can go to come out of my shell. It's not that we want to keep you guys in the dark. I like the fact that I can ask advise about things that the women have experienced and not have the guys take over. Not that I don't appriciate you guy helping. My husband and Ronnie both have given me great advice but Jay knows that I need a little bit of help that he can't give me. This is a new part of the forum and I think it will allow women to contribute that normally wouldn't. Like me for exsample. As with any thing the newnest will probably wear off. :)

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My, my, my! Can't we all just get along?! :D Woman are always going to feel more comfortable talking about things on their own. What ever gets them more involved. I mean what is it really hurting? For those of you that are really getting "all up in their feelings"- get over it! I really don't think that woman would really care if we had a "men's only" forum. It would just be another "boys club". I think they would be a little more secure about it. Show some maturity. Well I am going to stop before some "drama queen" gets offended! :ph34r:

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Gah, I'm an idiot. I've opened Pandora's box. Someone close this thread and shoot me.... before the forum self destructs!

And, no, Carina, they are not all "warped" like me... heh heh. :D

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Rocket4, congrats on finding a new home! I've always enjoyed this board, so I think that you will too.

The ladies forum is obviously seeing some good success. Enjoy youself. Since this is the hate forum, I hate that I haven't introduced my wife to the ladies only forum yet.

She did say that she is looking forward to taking a concealed carry class and Babes with Bullets will be in her stocking this year. Rocket and you should come by PineTree and practice with the wife and I one day. More on that in a private email.



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