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2006 Uspsa Revolver Nationals


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I had it wrong on the other post.

According to the USPSA Nationals website, the Revolver division nationals will be Sept. 13-16 at PASA, along with L and L-10.

Good news for me, not so good for Sam C. (he'll be in school), and not so good for the guys closer to Tulsa who were hoping it would be at USSA.....

At least it's not Barry in July, right?

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I had it wrong on the other post.

According to the USPSA Nationals website, the Revolver division nationals will be Sept. 13-16 at PASA, along with L and L-10.

Good news for me, not so good for Sam C. (he'll be in school), and not so good for the guys closer to Tulsa who were hoping it would be at USSA.....

At least it's not Barry in July, right?

That stinks, I was looking forward to seeing a new range. I hope they do not conflict with the Pan Am match in Brazil.

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This from Kim:

Hi guys,

It's true that I posted the Nationals dates yesterday and then took them down an hour or so later. I had been given the okay to post around noon and spent the afternoon updating the site. Then there were some last minute planning changes that came through via email from Voigt around 4:30 pm that forced a complete rewrite of what I had there.

I realize you're trying to be helpful with snapshots of the page, etc, but there was a reason that information was taken down. Passing along misinformation is likely to cause confusion and serious discontent if someone makes plans based on a snapshot rather than the real thing.

I intend to get the left sidebar jam packed with more Nationals info than you can click a mouse at by the end of today, I promise. Just hang in there a little longer.

Thanks! We appreciate your patience and cooperation.

Kim Williams

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Hi Kim,

First - Thanks for the work that you do on this. I'm sure the pay isn't enough to retire on.

Second - My whole goal this year is to try and get to the Nationals. I don't have a club closer to me than 90 miles. I live in the Quad Cities (you might know where that is if you live in I-away) and there isn't a club in the area.

Even if I joined one of the clubs I travel to, I know that they aren't going to give one of their slots to me, instead of a regular local member. My only hope is the waiting list. I am planning on going to the A-5 match in Wisconsin, but that is probably only going to be a few weeks before the Nats. Kind of hard to plan on that option.

I shoot both Revolver and L-10. Is it possible to shoot in more than one class at the Nationals?

Am I better off choosing one or the other?

Should I get on the waiting list for both classes and see if either one is lucky?

There isn't a lot of guidance in this area on the USPSA website.

Thanks for any help.


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Well they are up again on the USPSA website.

It looks like Limited Nationals with Limited -10 and Revolver Divisions this time.

For those interested, start now on your Club President, Section Coordinators for slots that are awarded Sections for Mission count (this depends on how many shooters at the local matches, and how many local matches)

If that is not an option, get on the waiting list as soon as Possible !!!!!!

My opinion, (not that it matters)

Here is a legitemate chance to make a major showing, L-10 will be only the dedicated L-10 shooters as most everyone will choose to shoot Limited (I have been wrong before)

In 2004 when it was 1 gun there were only 30+ in that division(If memory serves me) and I really don't look for many more than that again.

Get out, beat the bushes, beg, and do what ever needs to be done to get Revolver shooters at the USPSA Nationals in Barry in September!!!!!!

I have been trying to get interest up for the last 2 years, and it seems to have paid off (some of the time) Here is the best chance to make a statement of "LEAVE US ALONE, Just set up some stages and let us SHOOT"

Now, last year at the Nationals there were several faces missing that normaly are around, get intouch with them, and anyone else who shoots revos (YOU ICORE GUYS/GALS) and let's show the nay sayers that the wheelgun is NOT ANTIQUE, and is a viable choice.

If all else, skip a few state matches or even the area match and save up some $$$$$ and time off to use to go to Barry.

I will be there, even though I'm not very good. ;)

HOPALONG................Sam Keen.......one and the same.

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OK, the info for when the Rev / 10 Nats is really posted.

It says that the Waiting list is May 1, and the Slot Deadline is May 12.

So is there anyone with experience who can tell me when I can or should send in for the waiting list?

I have heard some people talk about sending in their waiting list info by FedEx overnight.

I guess you have to game this as much as some shoots?

Does it matter about class. If possible I would like to go for both L-10 and Rev. But I will go with what gets me in.

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Aerosigns, the waiting list is done electronically on the USPSA website, using a credit card. My son and I got to shoot the Nationals last year only because I jumped on as soon as the waiting list went live at 12:00:01 a.m. on the first day the wait list was available. Stay tuned to the forum when we get close to May 1, there will be plenty of conversation about how it all works. Your classification doesn't matter, the waiting list will be handled first-come, first-served.

You can only shoot 1 gun per Nationals location -- in other words, you have to choose between R, L, and L-10, but if you wanted to drive to Tulsa in October you can also shoot O or P.

Obviously, we'd all like to see you (and your son) shoot Revolver division with us, our revo super squad last year had a fantastic time (lots of pictures posted on the old string about the '05 Nats here in the revolver sub-forum--be sure to check them out). We have every reason to believe that 2006 will be the best-attended and hardest-fought Revolver Nationals ever!!


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Aerosigns, I second Carmoneys idea of shooting revolver at nationals. It was too much fun being squadded with these guys. (some of us even managed to stay awake for the whole match :P ) Poor Sam will never live that down.

Edited by Keith
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My son are talking about it. I am leaning heavily towards shooting my revolver for the Nationals. He only shoots revolver. We are just wondering how we will compete against 'Full Moon' shooters.

Both of us have L Frames. He has a 4" 6 shot 686. I have a 6" 6 shot 686.

One reason is that I have carried that gun on duty when I was a cop, and competed with it for 19 years now.

I recently shot a match with my 1911, and then reshot with my 686 (I like guns with numbers). I was 22 seconds faster overall with my 686. So much for paying a lot of money to go fast with the 1911.

Can anyone recommend a GOOD gunsmith to do some mods on 686's.

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Hello Allison,

It is not a good thing that the two matches are so close together, but those who are really interested in going to both will most likely find a way to do so.

I will not know myself until later in the year, but sure would like to make the trip down to shoot with you guys.

Aerosigns, What type of work are you interested in? As most know Randy Lee is likely the Premier Revolver mechanic right now. But don't overlook Jim Clark at Clark cutom guns in Shreveport La, There is some guy named Miculek that is seen in that building on a semi regular basis.

As for moonclip vs. speedloaders......ask Carmoney about Bubber and his 686 ;)

I think you just need to bring the L frames, enjoy the Match and get to take in a Nationals, see the big dog go (Jerry) and some other dogs that every now and then get off the porch.

Nationals is not ONLY about the shooting...... :D

Carmoney, You and Sam can still make the match......Leave after school on Tuesday then he will only miss 3 days, no different than if he had the chicken pox. ;)

D.Carden, get on those guys out west do what ever you need to do, even offer to pay thier entry fees I know you are good for it.

Sure would like to see Randy Lee, Jason Petit, John Bukaukus and some of the other Hot rocks from ICORE step up and represent the wheelgun the way I really think they can.

The more the Merrier !!!!!!!!!!! :):):)


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Yep, I used to smirk and laugh whenever I'd hear about this guy "Bubber" who could supposedly reload a 686 with Comp III speedloaders just as fast as a good moonclip guy could recharge his 625.

Yeah, right......sure.......good one.....tell me another story.....

Then I saw him do it with my own eyes at the MO Fall Classic this year!

(And if I ever hear anyone whine and cry about being outgunned by the gamey moonclippers, I know exactly where to send 'em......) ;)

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Does anyone have any experience with converting 686's to full moon.

I have seen several sights, including Clark who do the conversion. Allows you to single rounds, still use speedloaders, and use full moon clips.

One sight talked about that you had to 'wiggle' the rounds to go in. I have that already.

Does anyone have real experience with them though.

Also, are there any other roto-shooters that shoot .38 spl for USPSA. I find that some of the Pepper-poppers won't go down unless I head shoot them. I have to believe that I have as much knock down power as a 9mm.



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Hello Allison,

It is not a good thing that the two matches are so close together, but those who are really interested in going to both will most likely find a way to do so.

I will not know myself until later in the year, but sure would like to make the trip down to shoot with you guys.



Hi Hopalong,

I know what you mean. Brazil is a big country and, in a similar way, I have to choose those matches I will attend all the time. It is impossible to shoot all matches I want. :(

But I hope to meet a lot of BEnos' friends here next year.

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Yep, I used to smirk and laugh whenever I'd hear about this guy "Bubber" who could supposedly reload a 686 with Comp III speedloaders just as fast as a good moonclip guy could recharge his 625.

Yeah, right......sure.......good one.....tell me another story.....

Then I saw him do it with my own eyes at the MO Fall Classic this year!

(And if I ever hear anyone whine and cry about being outgunned by the gamey moonclippers, I know exactly where to send 'em......) ;)

I can testify to that! He sends me home in second place on a regular basis AND he shoots strictly minor power factor loads :blink:

Edited by Waltermitty
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Yep, I used to smirk and laugh whenever I'd hear about this guy "Bubber" who could supposedly reload a 686 with Comp III speedloaders just as fast as a good moonclip guy could recharge his 625.

Yeah, right......sure.......good one.....tell me another story.....

Then I saw him do it with my own eyes at the MO Fall Classic this year!

(And if I ever hear anyone whine and cry about being outgunned by the gamey moonclippers, I know exactly where to send 'em......) ;)

I can testify to that! He sends me home in second place on a regular basis AND he shoots strictly minor power factor loads :blink:

Not at this Month's Match :angry: Dern Sidewalks :(

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