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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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I am guessing you may be speaking of the Google Deskbar for Wintel.

Heck, if Microsoft hates Google, then they have to be doing something right ;-)

Check this out:


If anybody can possibly give Bill and Company a hard time, my money says it's gonna be Google. Maybe with Intel helping out and maybe even Apple assisting just a tad with an open source OS for the masses that doesn't need to be re-installed every coupla weeks. Sony and Disney would most probably prefer to use the digital rights management system Intel is pushing over MS's version of toll choking your digital content pipeline. BTW, that will be the same DRM that Apple will be gladly letting Intel put in all of their new machines (AMD won't be licensed it of course). I dunno, a new paradigm could be just over the horizon ;-)

BTW Kath, I would trust the Google stuff as long as my Windoze build was clean and cool to start with. Installing new stuff on a flaky build of any OS is always a good idea, NOT!!



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Yahoo USED to be my favorite - the pop-ups are wickedly bad there and I hate pop-up!

The Google toolbar is what I was referring to... someone suggested using it as a spell checker. I'm just not sure I want to give another piece of sotfware control over my browser. I've been through the ji-jacked home page, reinstall, delete, reinstall and it's still there crap once before and I ain't up to doing it again!

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Please do all of yourselves a great favor and switch to FireFox for general browsing in any Windows OS and keep IE reserved for the sites that absolutely require it for account mgmt and such.

Mozilla FireFox on Windows is much safer code to bomb around the internet with AND it comes with a free popup blocker that can be toggled on/off with a simple command. It also has ad blocking plugins available for free (downloaded from Mozilla after FireFox is installed). It's code is less targeted (at present) than IE code so SpyWare and AdWare issues will be reduced.

All in all, it's a good thing to have in your toolbox. I keep IE for it's compatibility issues (asshat web dev's who think IE is the only browser on the planet) and JIC, but use Mozilla based browsing engines for all my casual surfin' (Windows and Mac OS).



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