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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

First Time Sex

gm iprod

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A young man comes home from a party late one evening, his father happens to be awake.

He asks "how did the party go?"

The young man replys " Great, I had my first sexual experience tonight"

The father is quite proud and invites the boy to share a beer now that he has moved further into manhood.

As the drink the father asks 'Is there anything you would like to ask me about sex son?"

"Yes," replied the boy, "when will the pain in my arse go away????" :blink:

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A man walks into the bar and orders 6 shots of vodka.

The bartender lines them all up on the bar and the man drinks them all down one right after the other.

The bartender asks, "Are you celebrating something?"

The man says, "I just had my first b!ow job."

The bartender says, "Congratulations! Let me buy you another shot."

The man says, "No thanks. If six shots of vodka won't get the taste out of my mouth, nothing will."

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Mr. Penguin was out for a drive one fine hot summer day when his car started making a funny noise. He decided to find an auto mechanic to give it a check. He pulled into a garage and asked the mechanic to check it out. The mechanic said it might take a little while so why doesn't Mr. Penguin go on over to the ice cream parlor for an ice cream cone. Mr. Penguin thought that was an excellent idea so off he went.

When he got to the ice cream parlor he ordered a vanilla cone. He proceeded to eat it messily. It's hard to be neat when you have flippers instead of hands. When he was through he went back to the garage. The mechanic looked at him and said "Well, Mr. Penguin, it looks like you blew a seal." Mr. Penguin started brushing at his chest saying "No, really, it's just ice cream."

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