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6/5/18    First Match with the CZ Shadow 2 - 6th Production

I already posted a bit about my first match, but here's the match video.  All my stages look, and felt at the time, C class, the last one looked a little more B class.  I was feeling really lazy that night, so that probably didn't help, but this match was mostly about testing my gun out and getting a feel for it, so I didn't really care that I ended up being 6th Production.  I was 84% of another Production A competitor that I am pretty equal with (we take turns beating each other).  My percentages for the first two stages were 55% and 56%, then 97%, 81%, 71, and 96%.  So I did warm up a bit with the gun.  By the last stage, I felt comfortable enough to NOT think about the gun/trigger/newness and just shot the stage.  (I posted that stage a few posts back already.)  I did knock a mag out of a pouch at the last position and ended up dancing around it to avoid stepping on it, but overall that stage went okay because I was much more used to it.  




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6/9/18    2nd Match with the CZ Shadow 2 - 3rd Production, 93.59%

Watched my videos of the stages from the match I shot on Saturday.  My reloads weren't too bad, but I.... don't really want to judge anything else until I shoot a few more matches.  I did enough "that was horrible" at the match to last the rest of my transition from the XDm.  I'm just going to focus on memorizing my stages and forget about it "being a new gun" or "moving like a C class" and definitely need to stop worrying about the double action and just shoot and have fun.  And practice!


A:140    B:9    C:25    D:6    M:1    OTS:1    Pts: 89%

Stage 1:  4th, 97.32% - 25A, 6C, 1D

Stage 2:  4th, 89.63% - 25A, 6C

Stage 3:  5th, 77.97% - 15A, 2C, 1D [8.95, 10.19]

Stage 4:  5th, 82.00% - 19A, 6B, 1C

Stage 5:  4th, 82.36% - 25A, 2B, 4C, 1M

Stage 6:  4th, 86.65% - 22A, 1B, 1C 

Stage 7:  7th, 75.64% - 9A, 5C, 4D, 1OTS [Classifier 09-09, 65.56%]



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The light polymer to heavy DA/SA transition is not an easy one. It’s shockingly hard.


Dryfire, and more dryfire. Every day for just 10 minutes (if you can manage it) is far more helpful than 45 mins twice a week.


Aaaaand then right when I was shooting the metal gun better than I ever shot plastic... I went back to plastic. :D


You should probably skip that part.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/20/2018 at 8:33 PM, MemphisMechanic said:

The light polymer to heavy DA/SA transition is not an easy one. It’s shockingly hard.


Dryfire, and more dryfire. Every day for just 10 minutes (if you can manage it) is far more helpful than 45 mins twice a week.


Aaaaand then right when I was shooting the metal gun better than I ever shot plastic... I went back to plastic. :D


You should probably skip that part.


I'm starting to get used to it now!  I think I'm almost to the point I wouldn't want to go back to plastic lol -  I don't know, I haven't shot my XDm since i got this one, I quit it cold turkey to force myself to adapt to this one quicker.  But, yes, dryfire is helping and feeling much more comfortable now. :)

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6/23 - 6/24    2018 Oregon State Championship - 2nd A Class Production


Just finished the Oregon State Championship this weekend.  Both days my first TWO stages were the roughest.  First day I had no penalties and only 1 delta... second day I tagged a NS (2A/NS) on the first stage of the day, a mike on the second stage, and 9 deltas throughout the day.  The tougher shots were on day 2 though.  I stayed relatively consistent despite not feeling the greatest on the second day.  I threw up after my first stage (a first, lol) and had a hard time staying hydrated.  Despite that - I always have a great time at this match!  Looking forward to Area 1 being here next year!  We had some Ms and GMs shooting in Production this year - they weren't all over in PCC and CO:  3GM, 9M, 5A  I ended up 14th Production, 2nd A class, 75.56%


Stage 1:  8th, 83.29%  I don't know how this was one of my better stages percentage-wise; it was really slow.  Wasted like  whole second lowering my arms for a sec after shooting that target entering the middle section.


Stage 2:  10th, 74.51%



Stage 3: 13th, 78.33%

This would have been a really good stage if I had gotten a few more alphas!  I dropped two deltas on my two right papers rushing off of the open target and onto the clamshell... I ended up having way more time on the clamshell than I thought I was going to gave.  Just a little more time to get those few always and it would have put me very close to a stage win. 



Stage 4:  11th, 62.35%

Stage 5:  15th, 66.63%


Stage 6: 16th, 69.83%

So this was my reshoot. A popper at the end fell in the wind before I got to it. The reshoot was going better than my first run, 5 seconds ahead of my time up to the field of poppers at the end.... then - rushed, pick up shots all over.... my, "Oh no" because I knew I was going to slide lock 1f641.png:( ugh! was 16th, 69.83% Ended up being almost TWO seconds slower than my first run. *sigh*


Stage 7: 10th, 78.76%



Stage 8:  9th, 84.32%



Stage 9: 13th, 78.68%



Stage 10:  18th, 65.34%


Stage 11:  18th, 54.57%



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7/1/2018    DQ!!  :(  


So.... after four years of shooting it finally happened.... for realsies.  I DQd :(   (The DQ from November was an illegal stage design and I was following USPSA stage design rules when I was shooting the course, unaware of the "steel fault line" WITHIN the shooting area... so doesn't count "as much."  - It actually felt WAY worse, though. lol)  


DQing on the LAST STAGE of the day was, by far, much better than my first DQ - which was my 12th shot or so of the entire match.  Taping and scoring all day without getting to shoot any of the stages was a bummer!  At least I got to shoot this time and got some scores to compare against the other shooters.  I took a picture of all my stage scores and then changed the last place Production in the Competitor App to my scores to see about where I would have placed.  I made an estimate for the last stage, and it looks like I would have won with an 8% lead - so little fluctuation on the last stage probably wouldn't make a difference on placement.  I made mistakes, but it wasn't too terrible. Definitely needed to memorize a few of the stages better though because I wasn't hitting my positions and "hunting" a bit for the targets.      


No.... this isn't the DQ, this is my first stage of the day.  I was happy it went well, because at Oregon State I had a hard time on my first stages BOTH days.  I just aimed and shot and didn't worry about anything.  Now if I can just keep doing that lol  20A, 19.81 seconds, 6th overall out of the 61 shooters.  First 5 on the stage were a PCC GM and M; Open GM, and CO M and A.  And Production stage win (except... DQ).  



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No one was more bummed that you DQ'ed than your fellow Production A shooter here. It's quite a drag that they zero all the HF data for a DQ'ed shooter. As I was inputting your time and points into Excel for my own spreadsheet to see how I'd stack up with you and Todd on all stages minus stage 5, I felt like I was being punished for your DQ.  ?


You really did burn it up on stage 6. Thanks for posting this vid... it's convinced me that I need to wear a hatcam just for my own viewing and eval if nothing else. Watching you shoot this is how I "felt" while shooting it, but my time of 27.57 indicates my reality was far different... more in line with shooting on Quaaludes in fact. I wish I had a vid of myself to watch now.


May I ask ...what was your HF assumption on stage 5? Was it going well before the DQ?


Take care!





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11 minutes ago, OlliesRevenge said:

No one was more bummed that you DQ'ed than your fellow Production A shooter here. It's quite a drag that they zero all the HF data for a DQ'ed shooter. As I was inputting your time and points into Excel for my own spreadsheet to see how I'd stack up with you and Todd on all stages minus stage 5, I felt like I was being punished for your DQ.  ?


You really did burn it up on stage 6. Thanks for posting this vid... it's convinced me that I need to wear a hatcam just for my own viewing and eval if nothing else. Watching you shoot this is how I "felt" while shooting it, but my time of 27.57 indicates my reality was far different... more in line with shooting on Quaaludes in fact. I wish I had a vid of myself to watch now.


May I ask ...what was your HF assumption on stage 5? Was it going well before the DQ?


Take care!






Yeah, it's nice to see how you stack up against the same people.  Oh... I actually would have been third.  I accidentally swapped times for two stages and forgot I took out time for my malfs on stage 3 when I was looking to see what my stage score would have been if I hadn't stupidly stuck my gun half way through the port - I lost about 50 stage points on that stage :(   So, you got me this time! ;) 


Stage 1 - 22A, 3C, 1M, 1NS, 29.03 seconds, 3.4103 HF  |  4th  I rushed the first paper and got an alpha/mike/ns, then I don't think my gun liked the aluminum casing and had a weird thing in the second window on the left with that double stack target, so wasted some time there.  I knew there was one paper where I didn't call my shot, but I rushed off of it and didn't pick up any shots, so after show clear I was whining because I was afraid of what I had shot on that target. So... rushing, again.  I need to stop that.  

Stage 2 - 21A, 2C, 22.07 seconds, 5.0295 HF  |  1st  I had good hits, but I didn't have my positions memorized well enough, I was kinda leaning a little extra to hit targets and wasting movement.  It was decent though. 

Stage 3 - 29A, 5C, 1M, 53.72 seconds, 2.7923 HF  |  6th was HORRIBLE... stage plan was awesome, I eliminated going down two hallways and didn't have to go to the end of the stage... BUT... I put my gun halfway through the port and had several malfunctions, not realizing what I was doing.  I had 18 seconds of clearing multiple bad jams :( 

Stage 4 - 9A, 3D, 7.37 seconds, 6.5129 HF  |  3rd  The classifier - I had a good time, but 3 deltas lol...  The two paper on left I had a nice group straight across the middle of the alpha right in the delta zone.  The last target I knew was bad because I had loosened my grip and saw the gun jumping like crazy... I needed to calm down and just call my shots on that! 

Stage 5 - DQ [24A, 2C, 35.00 seconds, 3.6 HF]  And the last stage I DQ'd on.. well... I only got to shoot 8 aimed shots.

Stage 6 - 20A  19.81 seconds 5.0480 HF  |  1st  The steel stage we started on went almost perfect.  The only thing was when I left the first position I forgot how it was to run in sand lol and was thrown off by my slow departure lol.  Then at the end I had a few pickups.  But I was really happy with it.


So... I am only using brass cases from now on, I'm never putting my gun halfway through a port again, making sure I add my position at a port in my visualization, visualize every stage better and in more detail for every stage, stop rushing, call my shots.... and not DQ.



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1 hour ago, OlliesRevenge said:

You really did burn it up on stage 6. Thanks for posting this vid... it's convinced me that I need to wear a hatcam just for my own viewing and eval 



Haha thanks!  That was my only "good" stage, but I had good things here and there that were an improvement, so there were positives.  Just gotta bring it all together lol


I like having video because I never know how I did until I see it.  I usually feel it was SUPER slow and then sometimes it looks way better when I watch it.


I'm the green scores compared against you and Todd. 

Custer DQ scores https://imgur.com/a/MjuPtYH

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Haha thanks!  That was my only "good" stage, but I had good things here and there that were an improvement, so there were positives.  Just gotta bring it all together lol
I like having video because I never know how I did until I see it.  I usually feel it was SUPER slow and then sometimes it looks way better when I watch it.
I'm the green scores compared against you and Todd. 
Custer DQ scores https://imgur.com/a/MjuPtYH
Thanks for sharing all that. When I saw your time on stage 3 I knew something had happened. How did sticking your gun through a port induce a malfunction? Maybe there's something I need to learn here.

So far I've had two score destroying types of malfunctions with my new Shadow 2. They both involved the Montana gold 124 gr jhp. It's a finicky bullet in the cz because the transition from bearing surface to ogive is very abrupt, like a cone. This fact, combined with the short leade of the CZ, makes for a volatile combination. The first malfunction was due to an oal too long, resulting in the gun failing to go into battery and the bullet getting stuck in the rifling and separating from the case during my manual attempts to extract it... zeroed that stage.... clearing it involved squib rod & hammer at safety bench.

So, I started loading that bullet to 1.065 in, and at the next match discovered that an oal too short can cause the mouth of the jhp to jam at the top of the mouth of the chamber. Not as catastrophic as malf #1, but still ugly. To clear it involved taking out the magazine.

Now, Montana gold jacketed hollow points are for practice only. My current match load is a Montana gold 124 grain CMJ over 3.8 grains of titegroup, at 1.125 oal. No problems with that load so far. It plunks nicely all the way down into the Shadow 2 chamber, and does not require any gentle prying w/thumbnail to get it out.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

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3 hours ago, OlliesRevenge said:

Thanks for sharing all that. When I saw your time on stage 3 I knew something had happened. How did sticking your gun through a port induce a malfunction? Maybe there's something I need to learn here.

...both involved the Montana gold 124 gr jhp. 

You're welcome :)


@Nickblasta thought it might have been because I hit my front sight on the port on recoil and short stroked it.  Not sure if that was the reason, or the only reason - might have been that and the aluminum casings.  Maybe doesn't like them?  I was shooting factory Federal, but two of the rounds I ejected had strikes on the primers.  There was bay one that something felt off as well.  I wasn't sure at the time what happened, I could have sworn I pulled the trigger in double action in the middle of a mag and was super confused.... I was thinking maybe what happened was that I had a light primer strike and it dropped the hammer, but I pulled the trigger again without racking, which would be in DA, and it went off.  At that end of bay 1 at after show clear I was like.... "What did I do?!"


Yeah my XDm doesn't like a long OAL or JHP and I read both those things may also be finicky in the S2.  So the OAL of my loads have worked well in the Shadow, I shot Oregon State without any malfs.  I'm still using 124 Rainier at 4.0 gr Titegroup.  130 PF 



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  • 3 weeks later...

6/19/18    Mt. Rainier Shadow - 4th Production


So..... this is the match right before Oregon State where my sights were off and didn't know it.  So things like, "I thought I aimed!" and "How did I do this!" popped up during this match as I was super confused by why I was sucking so much.  Of course blamed my gun.  The closer range stuff wasn't as affected by my sights, so I had s few decent targets shot in the match.  The stage with the double swingers was a stage win in Production.  Almost picked up a shot on the swinger, but decided against it.  Thought it was going to be a Charlie/Mike, but it was a Charlie/Delta (and another delta). :)  Still not confident on them, but getting there.





Super frustrated this year.  Kinda banned from locals.

Kinda long and rambling, but I want to put all this negative stuff behind me and move forward.  I seem to always need to repeat myself a few times before I let it go. 

TL;DR... Bombed IPSC Nats.  Not shooting locals for a bit so I can make time to livefire practice between majors and get to the point that I feel confident in shooting and can have fun again.  Working on being more positive.


So, the whole beginning of the year, I had tumbling rounds and didn't know it... thought I was just sucking.  Then stopped dryfiring because I wasn't getting out to livefire to keep the dryfire honest and I thought the dryfire was making me worse because I had all these mikes and noshoots out of nowhere.  Then I knocked my rear sight without knowing and got unexplained noshoots and mikes - once again, thought it was just me sucking.  Then fixed that the day before Oregon and had a pretty good match for Oregon State Championship.  Then switched to factory ammo and have been getting charlies and nicking no-shoots.  When it happened at a match the MD let me shoot some groups in another bay and it seemed low, but the had CRO friend shoot, too, and it looked zeroed, then i shot again and it seemed fine - so left my sights where they were and just assumed it was me.  (I may have had my handloads in one of my mags when we were checking the zero the second time). I had a horrible match and was super bummed.  This was the weekend before IPSC Nats. 


I practiced the day before on the range in Florida and, I'm still shooting low, and am super frustrated by how much I was sucking (again, I thought) and can't understand how I'm "yanking the trigger," but left the sights because "I" was doing the same thing just a few days ago.  Shot IPSC Nats.  My first day wasn't too bad.  Times were a little slow, a few too many charlies, but overall I was happy with it.  My second day of shooting was horrible.  Started off with a no-shoot, then on the second stage got confused by the light shining through a target and let it throw me off and didn't end up shooting it because I thought it was shot already, but couldn't figure out how in the moment and got 2M, FTSA.... and I felt done.  Like, I was so hot and miserable and depressed, I didn't even want to finish the match.  I finished, but not without more noshoots and another huge mistake.  It was THE WORST I have ever shot at a major.  I was so disappointed and frustrated.  Totally bombed the entire second day.  Sooooo frustrated.  All the mistakes and horrible matches this year, and just life stress in general, got to me bad and vented to my friends.  When one joked with me, like we normally do, I took it horribly and swore at him.  Now that I look back, it was kinda funny.  I was like, "I never want to shoot in Florida again!!" and he's like, "So does that mean there's a Nationals slot opening up?"  


So.... next day after I had slept and was rehydrated and calm... one of my friends talked with me and basically banned me from shooting local matches - because I'm taking mistakes way too hard right now and said I "wasn't having any fun."  And that I needed to practice instead.  Other friends backed him up.  I pushed back a little, but in three years he's never said anything like that, so in the end realized he was probably right.  


Here's a few stages from IPSC Nats.  I did have some fun!


So moving forward....


Working on catching myself when I'm negative and reframing my thoughts.  Going to be scheduling time in between majors for live-fire practice instead of local matches.  Went and did my first live-fire practice in over a year.... I had one other one in February 2017.  I know, sad.  And - my sights were off for my factory ammo.  Low and a little to the right (but I have to whack it with a hammer to change that - not gonna move that until I run my loads through it again to see if it's in the right spot.  I had it zeroed at 25 yards with my handloads.)  Going to go livefire again on Wednesday and then off to the Idaho Sectional this weekend.


This explains my THREE 2A/NS that I got at Nats lol...


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On 2/19/2017 at 10:46 PM, AlphaCharis said:



February 4, 2017    ~200 rounds


I didn't really think about writing stuff down, so here's the things I did manage to record:


Groups at 25 yards, headshots at 25 yards, A zone headshot at 7 yards


Bill Drill (7 yards)

Alphas, 1 close charlie:  2.22 seconds

Fastest time:  1.92 seconds (charlie/deltas included blah)

Alphas (slow!):  2.60 seconds 

Fastest split:  0.13


Draw to One shot (alpha at 7 yards)

Average:  1.07 seconds

Fastest:  0.93 seconds

Into the berm with sights alighned:  0.83 seconds


Call it and leave it drill.  




7/20/18  |  17:30-19:30  |  ~250 rounds


Friday became a member at a club that is 70 minutes from my house and went for my second ever livefire practice.  I'm definitely a lot slower with my Shadow 2 right now.  I worked on the drills from 10 yards - I didn't want it close enough I could be sloppy, but didn't want it far enough that I'd be frustrated.  I focused on getting used to my double action pull.  After the *beep* on a timer, my brain all of a sudden can't pull the DA smoothly.  Used the timer on all my runs, ready to break that mental block.  I have been pretty good with it in a match, but an occasional stage I'll take forever for my first shot. 


Started with groups and zeroed.  Still shoots a little right.  


Doubles (10 yards, Draw and shoot 2 - 2A, unless otherwise noted)  Goal:  1.3 seconds  

First set of the day:  2.05 AC, 2.17, 2.38, 1.91, 2.32, 1.83 AC, 1.69 AC, 1.92 CD (totally yanked and called these shots), 1.97 AC, 1.80 AD, 1.97 AC

Last set of the day:  2.16 CD (totally yanked this), 1.93 AC, 1.96, 2.20, 2.38, 2.06, 2.00 AD (called a left C, but it ended up being in the D zone), 2.30 AC (was thinking the C would be a low A, but was on other side of perf), 2.25 

     Best:  1.69 AC / 1.91 2A

     Worst:  2.38 2A

     Median:  2.00 AD / 2.20 2A

     Average:  2.06


Draw to One Alpha (10 yards, in Double Action)  Goal:  1.0 second? consistently

1.77, 1.35 D, 1.59 C, 1.32, 1.25 C (called a delta, but it made C), 1.44, 1.14 C, 1.20, 1.16, 1.18 

1.37, 1.46 C, 1.31, 1.26, 1.39, 1.47, 1.33, 1.23 C, 1.23 C, 1.31 C, 1.25 C, 1.20, 1.37  (C's were all close charlies, 2 to the right (called), 1 barely left (called), 3 low (called one of these Cs, missed calling 2 of the right-under-the-A-zone C's) 

     Best:  1.14 C / 1.16 A

     Worst:  1.77 A 

     Median:  1.31 C / 1.31 A

     Average:  1.327


Just a few reps for a baseline for future practice comparison:  

Bill Drill (10 yards, Draw and shoot 6A)  Goal:  2.2 seconds

I just did a few because I wanted a baseline to compare in the next few weeks.  I only had one successful Bill Drill, which was my first run.  Need to grip harder in dryfire!  [Bill Drill at Open/L10 Nats in 2016 was 2.74 sec, 5A1C] 

3.51 6A, 3.25 3A3C, 3.73 3A3C, 3.22 4A2C


Blake Drill (10 yards, Draw and shoot 2A on 3 targets)  Goal:  2.2 seconds

3.82 4A2C


El Prez (10 yards, writsts above, turn and draw, 2A each on 3 targets)  Goal:  5.0 seconds

8.21 ACCD, AAAC, CCCD, 7.39 ACCC, AAAC, AAAC - yeahhhh need to work on griiiiip.  My second one was better, though - I think my third would have been all alphas ;)  




Dryfired three times since my range practice on Friday, just some basics, gripping hard, calling shots.  Looking forward to some dryfire tonight and more livefire practice tomorrow!

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7/25/18  |  15:45-19:00  |  ~400 rounds


Tapped my rear sight to the left a bit and now my sights are all squared away.  Shot some groups.  Did the drills I did on Friday, plus a few more.  Didn't feel like I could draw AT ALL tonight.  Gonna dryfire a lot more this week than I did this past week.  Really need to focus on calling my shots, looking away or something when I pull the trigger, the last thing I saw as alpha and then it lands four inches lower.  I was successful in calling some shots though.  I got a lot of charlies but most of them were close charlies.  I just wrote down everything from practice for now...



all times / only alpha times  [time difference from Friday]


Doubles (10 yards, Draw and shoot 2 - 2A, unless otherwise noted)  Goal:  1.3 seconds  

1.60, 2.25, 1.88 AC, 1.86, 1.47 AC, 1.71, 1.54 AC, 1.63, 1.68, 1.59 AC, 1.63 AC, 1.91 AC, 1.52 CC

     Best:  1.47 AC / 1.60         [-.22, -.31]

     Worst:  2.25                        [-.13]

     Median:  1.63 AA / 1.695 [-.37, -.505]

     Average:  1.713                  [-.347]


Draw to One Alpha (10 yards, in Double Action)  Goal:  1.0 second? consistently

1.29 C, 1.20 C, 1.32, 1.13 C,1.19 C, 1.25 C, 1.20, 1.34, 1.27, 1.51, 1.24, 1.08 M?, 1.50, 1.22, 1.54 C, 1.10, 1.14, 1.16 C, 1.10, 1.15 C, 1.21 C, 1.12 C

     Best: 1.08 / 1.1 A               [-.06, -.06]

     Worst:  1.54 C / 1.51 A      [-.23, -.26]

     Median:  1.21 A / 1.24 A   [-.10, .07]

     Average:  1.24                     [-.087]


El Prez (10 yards, wrists above, turn and draw, 2A each on 3 targets)  Goal:  5.0 seconds

6.47 ACCC AAAC AACD  Points: 46  HF: 7.1097

6.64 AACC AACC AAAA  Points: 52  HF: 7.8313

6.69 AAAC AAAA AACC  Points: 54  HF: 8.0717

6.26 AACC AACD ACCD  Points: 41  HF: 6.5495    [8.21  Points: 40  HF: 4.8721]

5.92 AAAD AACC AAAA  Points: 52  HF: 8.7837    [7.39  Points: 50  HF: 6.7659]


Plate Rack (Goal 2.5 seconds):  4.94 sec


Singles (Goal 1.6 seconds) 2.13 CAA, 2.51 AAA, 2.28 DCC, 2.21 CAA, 2.30 CAA, 1.99 AAC, 1.84 CAC


4 Aces (Goal:  2.7 seconds) 4.08 ACCC, 3.93 AAAC, 3.35 AAAC, 3.70 AACC, 3.62 AAAC


Blake Drill (Goal 2.2 seconds):  3.14 CC AC AC, 3.67 AC AA AC, 3.20 CC CD AC, 3.90 AC AA AA, 3.97 AA AA CC


Blake Drill SHO (Goal 3.5 seconds) 5.47 CC CC AC, 4.62 AA CC AA, 4.75 AC AA AC, 4.16 AA AC AD, 4.33 AC AA AM


Criss Cross Singles:  6.07, 5.61 BA/AC/(C)A


Criss Cross (Goal 7.0 seconds)9.21 B(C) AC / B(A) AA / (C) (C) AA    (Was tired, wasn't aiming all the hard, didn't get some of the hits on the headbox, but below)



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7/29/18  Idaho Sectional Championship - 5th Production, 77.44%


First place in Production was a GM and second was an M at 93.54%  It was 102 degrees, almost no wind all day long and no clouds, super hot towards the end of the day.  The last 3 stages were getting a little tough in the heat, especially with our small squad of 9.  Even though I would make a mistake, or several, on a stage, I put it behind me and focused on the next stage.  Overall, I was happy -- my sights were zeroed; my ammo worked; my gun worked; I shot at all the targets; I carried out my stage plans; I was much more confident with my double action; I tried to keep moving throughout the stage; the gun felt much more like an extension of me, becoming more natural to shoot it; and... I HAD FUN! :)    


Need to tighten it up a bit, my three mikes bumped me down two places, so.... going to work on that this week!    

1.  Visual patience!  Make sure I have an acceptable sight picture first and don't worry about the time it takes to see what I need to see. 

2.  Call my shots!  "Call it and Leave it" drill in livefire this week.  Be confident in knowing what I saw, don't hesitate to pick up needed shots.  No need to look at the targets.  

3.  Grip hard in dryfire/livefire.

4.  Visualize in detail before my drills in dryfire and livefire this week.


I only had my phone footage for this match as my GoPro battery didn't hold a charge.  Here's the stages in the order I shot them:


Stage 6 - Panda Rampage:  7th  |  71.07%  |  25A, 2C, 1M, 34.19 sec   Thought my sights were high right on my first shot on the far paper.... and they were... hardcover hit

Stage 7 - Go for Broke:  6th  |  73.44%  |  26A, 27.17 sec  Accidentally tried to rack it from back serrations and grabbed the frame.  I do better from the front with the CZ.  I don't know how I managed to knock ALL my mags out of my pouches.  It was also an unloaded start and I took my normal loading mag out of my back pocket, which I NEVER do - I normally take out the 11th round and carry all my mags no matter what stage it is.  So, I didn't have that one as a backup mag and last position started missing on the steel, I knew I had none on my belt and realized I was gonna have to dive in the dirt for a mag if I didn't go one-for-one... aimed real hard.  Slidelock on last shot.  Almost ruined my stage even more LOL

Stage 8 - Triple Tap Nap:  6th  |  71.49%  |  27A, 4C, 1D, 22.33   Three per.  My delta was almost a charlie on the left paper going prone, steered a little too clear of the noshoot.  Need to learn to drop down quicker and more straight down/forward instead of rocking back first.   

Stage 5 - Take a Seat:  4th  |  78.58%  |  19A 5C, 19.96 sec  No video :(

Stage 2 - A British Hawk:  3rd  |  78.31%  |  23A, 6C, 1D, 1M, 22.27 sec  Griiiiip.... needed a better grip on my gun.  I was also pretty sure I shot over the swinger on my second shot, and wanted to pick it up... and then didn't.   

Stage 3 - The Weaver Express:  6th  |  62.77%  |  23A, 4C, 1D, 1M, 27.14 sec  Positions weren't right on in first two position in the back.  Fourth shot in the first position, I started looking away before I was done shooting, too anxious on the transition.  180 transition was a little choppy to second position.  Cooper tunnel was okay.  Almost overran my last position, and acquiring last target was a little sluggish.

Stage 4 - Foreboding Ruins:  3rd  |  81.54%  |  24A, 5C, 21.88 sec  Called shots on popper activator and swinger, didn't waste time for feedback or second guessing.  Going around the corner, I was going to take those targets on the move, but wasn't low enough and just posted up.  Hit one popper twice, not sure if I just nicked it the first time.

Stage 1 - Run Amok:  4th  |  91.48%  |  23A, 8C, 1D, 26.38  I was first up on this stage.  I took the drop turner first only because I didn't want to miss it cause I could always shoot the head box if I missed the clamshell.  Ended up being A LOT more time and had to wait for it, still ended up shooting too early and hit the delta, then alpha on full presentation on the dropturner, two charlie on the clamshell.  There would have been plenty of time for the activator, popper, clamshell, drop turner.  Was hesitant on the clamshell, because I didn't call my second shot and my brain wanted to shoot a pickup on it, but only headbox was available, but my body said to go - so that's what that yelp and hesitation was right there.  At the end, I called two good hits, but when I was done and looked at the target I thought I saw a hit in the hardcover and then was like... shoot it again... and reached for mag, but fumbled, then it took too long and I was telling myself, "I'm pretty sure I got those hits, though..." and left it.  SO GLAD I didn't shoot it again, that would have been HORRIBLE.  I'm not looking at targets anymore!!  




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8/1/18    #livefire ~250 rounds


I was really tired and didn't want to head out an hour to the range to practice, but I did anyway.  Planned on a shorter session and between 200-300 rounds.  I didn't plan what I was going to do - but will start planning for future sessions to get the most out of my practice.  It will be a lot more exciting and beneficial to target my weak areas.  Since general familiarity with the gun was what I needed, and confidence, I've just been doing basic stuff for my first three sessions.  


My grip was really poor in this session, which seems to be a constant struggle if I don't keep on it.  Focusing on that in dryfire, and really making sure I don't loosen my grip too early before a reload, and make sure after a reload I am taking the time to get a proper grip.


Seems overall, I'm getting comfortable with this gun and starting to love it.  Just sent in my CZ certificate for another Shadow 2! (paid the difference to upgrade).  I'll now have a backup gun or, if I get it soon enough, set it up for Carry Optics.  Will definitely have to stick with the CZ now that I will have two of them!


Doubles (10 yards, Draw & shoot 2)  Goal:  1.3 seconds  

     7/20 Average:  2.06 

     7/24 Average:  1.71    

     8/01 Average:  1.57


Draw to One Alpha (10 yards, Draw, one in Double Action)  Goal:  1.0 second? consistently

     7/20 Average:  1.33

     7/24 Average:  1.24  

     8/01 Average:  1.22

1.18, 1.16, 1.42, 1.12, 1.20, 1.22, 1.32, 1.20, 1.16, 1.21.  I seemed to be more sloppy and not calling my shot when I was just shooting one round on the DA.  On some of the shots, it was 5 inches straight below where I was aiming, must have stopped looking as I pulled the trigger.  On Doubles, I seemed to pay attention better and see my hits.  I didn't have a problem at the last match I shot at, in Idaho - must have had better focus then.  Will be shooting the Call it and Leave it Drill on Saturday morning.  


Blake Drill (10 yards, Draw and shoot 2A on 3 targets)  Goal:  2.2 seconds

     7/20 Average:  3.82

     7/24 Average:  3.58  

     8/01 Average:  2.70  

I was kinda sloppy on my grip in this session and throwing quite a few charlies on Blake Drills.  I was faster, but slightly worse hits than the last session:  2.85, 2.56, 2.83, 2.69, 2.68, 2.94 (bad draw), 2.38, Average 2.70; taped and shot 3.09, 2.76, 3.06, 2.46, Average 2.84; taped them up cause they were kinda crappy hits and then focused more and shot 2.48, 2.51, 2.64, 2.39, 2.95, 2.48, 3.03, 2.60, 2.64, 2.72, 2.95, 2.43, Average 2.65Overall Average 2.70 seconds 


Edited by AlphaCharis
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2 hours ago, AlphaCharis said:

8/1/18    #livefire ~250 rounds


I was really tired and didn't want to head out an hour to the range to practice, but I did anyway.  Planned on a shorter session and between 200-300 rounds.  I didn't plan what I was going to do - but will start planning for future sessions to get the most out of my practice.  It will be a lot more exciting and beneficial to target my weak areas.  Since general familiarity with the gun was what I needed, and confidence, I've just been doing basic stuff for my first three sessions.  



There's an old saying. "If you don't plan, you're planning to fail." You have a great work ethic and attitude, you're correct to be concerned about planning.

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8/5/18  First GSSF Match!


So, thought about this match a few days before, didn't realize I was going to be around for it.  Didn't really decide to go until the night before.  Got there about an hour early to test fire my G34 that I hadn't shot in over a year? and also my G19 which I had never shot.  I was pleasantly surprised with the stock trigger.  Entered 3 divisions:  Competition with my G34, the GlockGirls Side match with the G34, and Civilian with my G19.  Overall, besides the first stage, I was happy with my consistency and calling shots.  I was doing much better with calling shots than I have been doing lately, and will do some more drills this week with that.


First stage I shot was "5 to Glock"

I aimed on the first gun, Competition, dropped only two close charlies on the back target.  3 strings 7.83, 7.29, 7.94 +2.0 = 25.06 seconds.

On my second gun I thought I could shoot faster because the first gun felt so tedious.  Also, they put new targets on and I didn't know where to shoot on the tombstone targets.  This was my

Civilian G19 entry.  7.17, 7.88, 7.45 + 19.0 (7 charlie, 4 delta) = 41.50 seconds

I think I was shooting too high on the target, so adjusted and shot more in the middle for my Lady entry with the G34.  6.94, 8.91, 8.17 +12.0 (6 charlie, 1 delta) = 33.02 seconds.  These were my worst runs. #aimhard #nopickupshotsallowed


Second stage up was "Glock the Plates"

I wanted to #aimhard after the first stage and not rush.  For aiming hard, I think I burned it down.  I think I only had 2 pickup shots for all the strings.  

Competiton G34:  4.68, 3.57, 3.44, 3.42 = 15.11 seconds.

Lady G34:  3.79, 3.30, 4.64, 3.43 = 15.16 seconds.   

Civilian G19:  3.47, 3.48, 4.18, 4.28 = 15.41 seconds.  


Last stage shot was "Glock 'm"

Competition G34:  6.49, 6.79, 5.88 = 19.16 seconds  

Lady G34:  5.91, 5.46, 5.64 + 4.0 (4C) = 21.01 seconds.   

Civilian G19:  5.53, 6.13, 7.13 + 4.0 (1C, 1D) = 22.79 seconds.  



Competition G34:  59.33 seconds -  First Place

Lady G34:  69.19 seconds - First Place

Civilian G19:  79.70 seconds - Second Place (lost first by 4.94 seconds!  If only I didn't have 19 seconds of penalties on stage 1 LOL) and High Lady




I've had four dryfire sessions and one livefire session that I still need to add to my journal.

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  • 3 weeks later...

8/7/18  Mt.  Rainier Shadow Series Match - 2nd Production


Stage 6 - 3rd, 76.80% (49.53% of PCC M)    What a DISASTER.  Shot at the swinger before it was even there.  That was a first.  I thought the swinger was faster than it was, and I was so ready to shoot it.  I should have passed off the score pad much earlier because I did not have this stage memorized.  The rest of the match I was sure to pass it off right before I was in the hole.

Stage 1 - Stage Win (52.02% of Open A )    I forgot on my second reload that I shot to 10 twice on an unloaded start, was thinking I was going to have a round in the chamber on that reload and forgot to rack it right away.  Need to remind myself on unloaded starts that I only have 10 rounds.  I also missed my position and was a step back too far and had to waste time stepping forward and leaning to get the last target.

Stage 2 - 4th, 77.16% (67.25% of CO A)   Weird trigger freeze and had to jump back in the shooting area.

Stage 3 - Stage Win  (70.68% of PCC A)  This stage went pretty well.

Stage 4 - 2nd, 94.85% (67.33% of PCC A)  Classifier "On the Move" - I never know how to shoot this one.  Had master time with not so great hits.  GRIP! 

Stage 5 - Stage Win (62.04% of PCC MPickup on the headshot, almost ran the RO down, forgot to shoot the poppers from my other position cause I didn't want to shoot to 10, and ended up doing a standing reload.  Should have just reloaded and shot all of them straight across.



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  • 2 weeks later...

8/11/18  Columbia Cascade Sectional - 6th Production  |  2nd A Class


I did a little better at this match at calling my shots, but still suffered occasionally on looking toward my next target before I was done with the one I was on.  I did a lot of popper stepping at this match!  I'm usually really good with steel, but I was just rushing off it today.  First stage was rough... my worst stage of the day.  Overall, the match was really enjoyable - especially since it ended up being overcast and the weather made it so much easier to shoot in!   


Stage 6: 6th, 67.95%  Weak hand, terrible run!

Stage 7: 6th, 77.33%  Unneeded pickup shot because I looked at the noshoot, saw a staple and thought I hit it cause I wasn't calling my shot

Stage 8: 9th, 74.60%  Prone

Stage 9: 5th, 92.09%  One charlie, needed to shoot faster - felt reaaaaally slow

Stage 10: Stage Win!  Long distance, poppers from both sides of stage, liked my stage plan

Stage 1: 8th, 73.84%  2 mikes on the headshot :(  just barely in the black!  If they were a mm and cm higher this would have been a stage win!

Stage 2: 5th, 69.70%  Gun pickup, hardcover donut, swinger

Stage 3: 2nd, 97.11%  Memory stage, going left then cutting across back to the middle, spent a lot of time day before timing 3 different stage plans (well, used Nick to time it) 

Stage 4: 3rd, 84.02%  Running from front right corner to back left, inconvenient round counts for reloads

Stage 5: 7th, 79.11%   3 per target, kneeling in last position





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How do you join a USPSA Match, coming up this Oct 14th at Paul Bunyan?


I live just south about 2hrs and a USPSA Member. Never have been at the Paul Bunyan USPSA Matches yet, but would like to know whats involved. Not being a member do I just drive up, pay the admission ($20) get squaded and off I go? Anything I should know or be aware of as a first time shooter at this range?


Just want to make sure I have all my ducks in the pond, and not get sent home, cuz I was not aware of a certain rule. Thanks.

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37 minutes ago, Lastcat said:

How do you join a USPSA Match, coming up this Oct 14th at Paul Bunyan?


I live just south about 2hrs and a USPSA Member. Never have been at the Paul Bunyan USPSA Matches yet, but would like to know whats involved. Not being a member do I just drive up, pay the admission ($20) get squaded and off I go? Anything I should know or be aware of as a first time shooter at this range?


Just want to make sure I have all my ducks in the pond, and not get sent home, cuz I was not aware of a certain rule. Thanks.

Join the "USPSA - Washington State Shooters" FB group.  There's a lot of info for our section posted there. 
Generally you can just drive up, pay (25), squad and go.  PB has practiscore signup also, so you can do either.  I don't believe payment is required to pre-register.  It will let you choose your squad earlier, but if you don't know anybody, than that's not an issue.

As a USPSA member, I am assuming that you already have had a "safety check".  If not, you'll have to get one scheduled.
our section also has a basic website, http://northwestsection.org/, that you can get more info from.

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5 hours ago, DukeEB said:

Join the "USPSA - Washington State Shooters" FB group.  There's a lot of info for our section posted there. 
Generally you can just drive up, pay (25), squad and go.  PB has practiscore signup also, so you can do either.  I don't believe payment is required to pre-register.  It will let you choose your squad earlier, but if you don't know anybody, than that's not an issue.

As a USPSA member, I am assuming that you already have had a "safety check".  If not, you'll have to get one scheduled.
our section also has a basic website, http://northwestsection.org/, that you can get more info from.


Thanks Duke. I found that NW Section site many months ago. Have been visiting all the sites. But for PB, if it is listed at PractiScore, then I must have the wrong name for the Range/Event. I would search for "Paul Bunyan", "Puyallup", "Bunyan", etc... but have not found the Pre-Registration yet or even a listing for PB. If you have a link or the correct name to search on Practiscore, please let me know.


I have been at it a few years and about 25 matches. Open C currently.

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42 minutes ago, Lastcat said:


Thanks Duke. I found that NW Section site many months ago. Have been visiting all the sites. But for PB, if it is listed at PractiScore, then I must have the wrong name for the Range/Event. I would search for "Paul Bunyan", "Puyallup", "Bunyan", etc... but have not found the Pre-Registration yet or even a listing for PB. If you have a link or the correct name to search on Practiscore, please let me know.


I have been at it a few years and about 25 matches. Open C currently.

Right on!  PB is also known as NW01 on practiscore.
Here are some past matches:  https://practiscore.com/results?query=nw01

I'm not completely sure if PB does pre-reg all the time.  We did do it for the last match, but that was a sectional match.  Everything else about PB is standard procedure.  The action bays are on the left side of the range as you drive in.

Come on up and play with us :)


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1 minute ago, DukeEB said:

Right on!  PB is also known as NW01 on practiscore.
Here are some past matches:  https://practiscore.com/results?query=nw01

I'm not completely sure if PB does pre-reg all the time.  We did do it for the last match, but that was a sectional match.

Come on up and play with us :)



NW01...ah, that's the magic word. I'll check that. Puyallup has been on my mind for a few years, look forward joining you guys. Thanks.

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