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Are You Dumb Like Me?

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So I've got a really good head cold going right now, and I am trying to decide if I still want to shoot a club level match tomorrow or not. Supposed to be around 42 as a high, with mostely clouds. If this were a larger match, then there would be no question, but with it being a club level match, about 1.5 hours away, I am just not sure if it is worth the effort. If I go and am even sicker later in the week I will regret it, and if I don't go and feel good tomorrow night, I will probably regret it. What do you'all do?

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In the past, I'd say "screw it, you p***y, the consussion will clear your head out".... Nowadays... discretion is the greater part of valor.... ;) Play it by ear - if you're feeling better tonight or in the morning, go. If not, don't - and if you feel better tomorrow night, know that you *wouldn't* be feeling better if you'd gone and shot....


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With an upper respiratory epidemic still in progress nationwide--and pneumonia close on the heels of the onset of this ailment if neglected in its early stages--many of our shooters declined to participate in the local .22 League (indoors, at that!) competition in progress now because they just plain flat felt lousy and were even having trouble getting well.

Being macho is all well and good until 1.) you land in the hospital, 2.) the doctor bills start rolling in, and 3.) you miss enough work to wound your income.

Stay inside and get well, dammit. Moreover, you may spread the disease to others, and they'll NOT thank you for it. :ph34r:

...just MY two sense.

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I cowboyed up and went shooting two weeks ago when i was feelin like sh_t. Here i am 12 days later just starting to feel human again. I had a bad head/chest cold and i should have taken time off and gotten well. Stubborn though.

Dumber than you too :D


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So I've got a really good head cold going right now, and I am trying to decide if I still want to shoot a club level match tomorrow or not. Supposed to be around 42 as a high, with mostely clouds. If this were a larger match, then there would be no question, but with it being a club level match, about 1.5 hours away, I am just not sure if it is worth the effort. If I go and am even sicker later in the week I will regret it, and if I don't go and feel good tomorrow night, I will probably regret it. What do you'all do?

I had pretty much the same thing going on about a month ago with a sinus infection the same weekend my club's monthly outdoor match rolled around. Since I help set-up and run this match I felt compelled to "tough it out"....It was raining off and on and in the 40's FWIW. On the way to the range it dawned on me just how stupid a move that really was so I went on and helped set-up and then went home without shooting and stayed in bed most of the rest of the weekend. Monday AM I was feeling alot better than I was Saturday and congratulating myself on finally having the sense to get out of the rain ;)

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I can be miserable at home, or somewhat miserable at the range...I shoose the range. I shot the whole month of January with some of my vertabrae all screwed up. The only thing miserable was the ride home. I've shot with sinus infections so bad they bled. I must be really dumb, but I cannot miss a match without getting all grouchy and sad. I shot over 52 matches last year, and have only missed three weekends this year. One was because a club wussed out for weather, another because a death in the family(I almost went anyway). I gotta shoot, it is the only thing I have ever enjoyed like this, and I have never been addicted to anything else. Now the right thing to do is rest, but I wouldn't do it myself. Hypocrisy isn't it?

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Yeah, I'd definitly lean towards shooting the match - unless you feel worthless in the morning.

There's something to be said for getting out, being active, forcing the body back to normal that may in fact help you heal (but I ain't no doctor so don't take my word for it ;) )

In 92 or 93 I had mono bad for like 6 weeks. I was LAID OUT! Got caught up on every good and bad movie released. Nationals was taking place during the later part of being sick, but I decided to go. As soon as I was there, I started feeling a little better. I was still dying - but it was a slower death. Through the week I continued to feel better. One week after I got home I think I was prety much back to good. I'm not certain if going to nationals helped or not - but it sure felt that way.


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Two things factored into me saying "Screw it" and not shooting. Within a few hours of starting this thred I was feeling worse and worse. Also, the high for today went from the mid 40's to the low to mid 30's, and there is still a few inches of snow on the ground at the range where the shoot is being held.

Spent the night on the sofa fighting the chills, headache, and a throat that feels like a gravel truck emptied it's load down it. Still feel like crap this morning, and I am glad I made the call not to shoot. I have shot hung over as hell, and done well, but there is no way I could focus on seeing much of anything today.

Back to the sofa I go.

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Man Sunday morning I was sooo clogged up I couldn't even hear the voices in my head :blink: . Spent the ENTIRE day on the sofa, which was just fine with me. Glad I did, here it is Tuesday and I am feeling almost human again. No shoots this weekend, but the following weekend I can hit the ground running again.

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Man Sunday morning I was sooo clogged up I couldn't even hear the voices in my head  :blink: . Spent the ENTIRE day on the sofa, which was just fine with me. Glad I did, here it is Tuesday and I am feeling almost human again. No shoots this weekend, but the following weekend I can hit the ground running again.

Told you ;)

Seriously, glad to hear you feel better.

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