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Pulled pistol out of holster with sling.


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New guy here, first 3 gun match two weeks ago, I nearly got sent home without completing a single stage. The match stipulated that slings were required on long guns because of stage design. This particular stage didn't need it and I was a combination of lazy and unsure if "required" meant required for all stages or not, so I left it on. I shoot my rifle targets, transition to shotgun, clean one set of plates, move to the other set, shoulder the gun and as I'm about to pull the trigger, the SO yells "STOP." I turn around with a "what for" look and he points to my feet and my heart sinks as I see my pistol laying in the snow on the ground. Should have been a DQ by the rules, but since I was new and it was a more informal match, the SO took pity on me and only stage DQed me. Turned out to be a pretty fun rest of the day but could have been over before it started due to dumbassery.


Tighten up your holster for 3 gun. I immediately cranked down my holster after this happened so it took a very stiff pull to release. Retention would have been better but there's not much out there for CZ P-09s unfortunately.

Take off slings unless they're absolutely necessary.

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... Retention would have been better but there's not much out there for CZ P-09s unfortunately. ...

You'd be surprised what is available for P-07 and P-09 nowadays. Don't hesitate to contact the holster makers. They don't always update their websites. I'm currently breaking in my new holster from Dara Holsters to be used in our local matches.

Glad it was only a DQ.

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The retention holster is the way to go for 3 gun. Your not the first one to do that by any means. And of peoples kydex holsters hold it tight enough and rentention is not needed and is slower than kydex friction fit till it pops out of the holster. Been running a retention holster here since before they were cool

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You didn't mention if your handgun was loaded, unloaded, or magazine inserted but empty chamber. Most matches I have been too require the handgun to not have a round chambered if the stage requires using a long gun prior to shooting the pistol.

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