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First USPSA match


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Tony, are you headed to the Quantico Match? They will take good care of you, Just let them know that it is your first match, not just at registration but tell the RO on your starting stage, in fact you can probally squad with the MD and he will help you along the way. Great bunch of people, very helpful and accommodating.

Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Normally I go to this match each month but decided to go to the Southern Maryland match this month, otherwise we could have meet up at the match.


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Jeff....I am going to the SoMD match with a few friends that have been shooting USPSA & 3Gun for a while. I, infact, didn't even know there was a match at Quantico this weekend.

Mike (Poppa Bear)....Again thank you for the words of wisdom. I have been trying different things to put pressure on myself with no live ammo as to try and best mimic that adrenaline rush you were referring to. I want these things to become second nature to me, regardless of a timer and me being a new shooter. I've said it here multiple times that safety is my biggest concern and it is.

BeerBaron....thanks as well. The no timer at ULASC is good to know. Believe me, there will be no fancy tricks or anything of that sort. I just wanna stay safe and have fun :). Your comment about going back to the range bag and doing a reload is good to know....NEVER touch the firearm outside the box!

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Like others have said. Safety first. You can do some dry fire now prior to the match. Do this after you are familiar with the rules. It will also help watching some videos of some guys higher up in the sport. If your shooting production I wouldn't recommend breaking down videos with guys shooting open class. Going back to dry fire. It will help you with your nerves come match day. I know it helped me a lot. Let the match director and RO know its your first time. Most of the time at my local match the new shooters get a little more slack. For example the RO's will talk to them after a stage and let them know what they did wrong safety wise. If they do it again it most likely will be a DQ.

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I usually give the new-shooter safety briefings at our range. I tell people to not even worry about going fast or 'competing'. The first time is for demonstrating that you can follow the rules and be safe and get your hits. If you don't have any mikes and you don't dq, then you win, and you can come back next time and start thinking about speed.

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Does anyone have any advise (what to do and not do) for a n00b? Thanks in advance.

Hey Tony - exciting times, man! Your first match will be fun.

First, as all have said before me: SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY! Repetitive? Yes, but worth repeating. Just listen to the RO and you'll be ok.

Here's the advice that was given to me during my "new shooters" meeting (it echoes a lot of what others have said):

"There will be a lot of people shooting very very fast - DON'T try to catch them today. Treat this game like a report card... try to get straight A's. The speed will come."

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I took a peek at the results looks like he finished 26/39 in Production with 50%. Excellent first match. I would give the most credit to having quality prematch instructions.

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FINALLY able to get in here. hahaha. Alma is right. 26/39 with 50%. I am actually pretty happy with those numbers considering my first go around. the 1st 2 stages kinda messed with my head. 1st was an action stage start with hands on the wall. 2nd was facing up range...hands on bar. After those 2 I started to get into a groove. The last 2 stages were REALLY fun.

Like everyone said, took it slow and 3 thoughts ran thru my head as the RO said make ready..Safety, ALPHA shots and SAFETY! I got a lot of good pointers from some really amazing shooters. I got compliments on my mag changes so that was nice.

thank you ALL to that posted on here with words of wisdom and advice. I really appreciate it!!!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm new too, the only thing I can tell you is calm down. All the guys I shot with were awesome, they support ya, talk ya threw things and made it a great time. Biggest thing though is go SLOOOOOOWWWWWW.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm going to consider myself a pre-n00b, since I shot bowling pins and falling steel MANY years ago, and I'm just talking about shooting IDPA with an instructor friend.

But, my favorite competition quote is "you can't miss fast enough to win".

My second favorite is attributed to Wyatt Earp, something like "take your time, but do it quick".

I'll keep watching and reading you guys to be ready for when I pull the trigger to shoot my qualifier. See what I did there...? ;)

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