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Change, Big Change


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I'm a 51 yer old limited GM. I spent years as a master and finally in October of 2012 I slipped into GM. I have had some tendinitis over the years and lately it has been pretty bad in my right wrist. I got a couple of cortisone shots and it was better but I still had some pain. I iced twice a day, didn't shoot for four months and still had pain. My doc sent me to a hand guy who tells me I have a scahpolunate interosseous ligament tear and that reconstruction is possible and works about 70% of the time. Six months very limited use to recover.

The injury apparently occurred over 2 1/2 years ago with a power drill. I thought about taking the year off but I have a B class 16 year old who wants to shoot. His idea, shoot weak hand.

Today I got a left hand DOH Bladetech in the mail from Shooters Connection. Back to my Seeklander drills and to the weights for the left hand and core. It is Montana so live fire will be limited for a while. I will track the dry fire and workouts. My goal? Finish above 50% at area 1. I may game it and build a wide body 9mm to protect my left hand and reduce my reloads.

My hope is to return to shooting with both hands by nationals but I will protect the repair. At the worst there will be good "watch this" video. The best, my son will see me work.

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Once a week updates after this, but I'm started (with the kid).

Day 1

partial A series:

20 hands at sides

20 surrender

Clock drill turning

Clock drill stepping

No: pick up, barricade multi position

Brutal. I had to slow down and find the gun. It's good I am using a DOH rather than a Ghost. Lots of bobbles and bad grips. No second hand on the gun equals slow good sight picture, for now.

Treadmill 2.5 miles

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Going to be interesting. Planning a doorstop heavy 9mm 2011 to help keep the recoil impulse low. Minor limited, wow. At least my kid has had the grace not to ask if I will be using those .40 limited and SS guns.

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I lied, one more entry before next week. I had to qualify a guy at work today and took my 9mm spartan to shoot to gauge recoil. I got it as a Christmas gift from my wife and had dropped in new trigger parts and a magwell. I shot it weak hand and the recoil is soft as butter. A 2011 in 9 may be the future to me.

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