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Small Pistol Primer Alternatives?


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Awhile back, during the early phase of the current and ongoing Ammo Panic, a friend of mine and I were swapping some powder and primers around. He was looking for Small Rifle Primers, and because I knew he was shooting in USPSA Open Division, I couldn't understand why he wanted rifle primers. As it turns out, some of these folks use rifle instead of pistol primers in Open loads, to get more pressure, I guess. They aren't known for re-using their brass, that much I do know.

So, now that I'm reloading 9mm in quantity, I've got a few thousand small pistol primers, but I've got several thousand more small rifle primers. And I'm wondering...could I use those small rifle primers in a pinch?

Does anyone out there substitute small rifle for small pistol primers? How about using small pistol magnum primers instead of small pistol primers?

Since I've never done this sort of exchange, I'm not aware of the differences, so I'd like to learn from the experience of others.


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In my 38SC I run Small Rifle primers due to pressure but I reload them until they split or I loose them. They are just a little harder I "BELEIVE" not sure someone will chime in. But you will get many different responses start low using rifle primers and work up a load and if they run no issues.

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You could try but I have seen cases of breech face erosion since SR didn't seal correctly. That said I have done it before with no problem.

I would just announce at your local matches you are looking to trade. Bet it happens right away.

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When I tried SR in my 34, I got light strikes.

Back in '08, the only primers I could find was WSPM. I figure out of >40,000 rds. I've only had <50 light strikes, if that many. Now those >40,000 rds. were in several different pistols, but I never saw any breech face erosion.


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fire away... ive used small rifle in my minor 9mm - no erosion... just seat them properly so everything goes bang all the time... small rifle cups are a tad thicker in my opinion...especially true on wolf primers... they are hard...lol

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Chris, they did not use the rifle primers to get more pressure. They used the rifle primers because their Open load produces a lot of pressure that often exceeds the pressure that pistol primers will handle without becoming seriously malformed. Many Open loads exceed SAAMI pressure limits for these pistol cartridges (9mm, 38 Super) and sometimes pistol primers will show excess pressure signs and can be pierced, which is dangerous, damaging and can render the gun dead when primer metal fills the firing pin hole. Rifle primers handle that type of pressure better because they are designed for higher pressures typical of most rifle cartridges. Many competitors use rifle primers in their excess pressure loads for that reason.

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Chris, they did not use the rifle primers to get more pressure. They used the rifle primers because their Open load produces a lot of pressure that often exceeds the pressure that pistol primers will handle without becoming seriously malformed. Many Open loads exceed SAAMI pressure limits for these pistol cartridges (9mm, 38 Super) and sometimes pistol primers will show excess pressure signs and can be pierced, which is dangerous, damaging and can render the gun dead when primer metal fills the firing pin hole. Rifle primers handle that type of pressure better because they are designed for higher pressures typical of most rifle cartridges. Many competitors use rifle primers in their excess pressure loads for that reason.

Thanks, that does make a lot of sense. I appreciate the reply!


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I used Winchester Small Rifle Primers in my 9mm Major open gun for years. Last January I got a new gun and within 500 rds noticed my ammo was causing breach face erosion. Switched to Small Pistol Magnum Primers and have not noticed additional erosion.

Why did I have problems with one gun and not the other? I don't have a clue.


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