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Zack's Match Summaries


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Sounds like things are really going well for you. That is great to hear.

What made you decide on the G34?

Thanks man. The G34 is a funny story. I had been thinking about getting a Gen 4 version and was saving my $$ to buy one. My brother recently bought a gen 3 34. On a whim he put in a low dollar bid on one he saw on gunbroker not expecting to win it. He ended up winning it. He was just going to flip it because he doesn't need two of them and I told him I'd buy it. I would have perferred a gen 4 for the beaver tail but I'll just deal with the slide bite I get. It's on the way to the FFL and I should get it on Monday. I'm going to order some Dawson sights for it today. I seem to recall you saying you would have preferred the taller front sight? I think you got the .285 and felt .300 would have been better, is that right?

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Thanks for the confirmation, guys. I've ordered the sights. The G34 should be here on Monday so I'm going to load up some ammo over the weekend and take it to the range Monday afternoon and see how it shoots. As soon as the Dawson sights get here I'll put them on and then had back to the range and get them adjusted. I need to go back through my load data and see what load works best out of a G34.

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First impressions of the Glock 34 after putting almost 200 rounds down range:

1 - Stock sights suck, but hey they're adjustable!

2 - I had a bit of a brain fart and was adjusting the rear in the wrong direction. If you want the POI to go down you have to lower the rear not raise it!

3 - White sights and white steel is not a good combination.

4 - Having shot rimfire all year drawing from a holster feels very odd, and slow.

5 - Using an 18x24 target 15 yards down range I did one of the drills I learned at Ben Stoeger's class. In the drill you misalign the sights on purpose to see just how far off of perfect they can be and you still get your hits. In his class we were obviously concerned with A zone hits but what I found is I could cover 1/2 of the front dot with the rear post before I would start to get misses on the plate. I plan to repeat this process again after putting the Dawson sights on and also perform the test with 12- and 10-inch plates.

6 - This gun fits my hands well. Not one slide bite today (which just jinxed me and I'll get chewed up next time I shoot it).

Load development will be the next thing I need to do. The more I've thought about the the more I've convinced myself that chasing the ultimate bunny fart load for steel isn't worth it. I have to make at least a 125 power factor for USPSA matches so I would be smart to just develop one load that works for steel and USPSA matches. Now I just need to decide between 125 grain and 147 grain bullets.

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First impressions of the Glock 34 after putting almost 200 rounds down range:

1 - Stock sights suck, but hey they're adjustable!

2 - I had a bit of a brain fart and was adjusting the rear in the wrong direction. If you want the POI to go down you have to lower the rear not raise it!

3 - White sights and white steel is not a good combination.

4 - Having shot rimfire all year drawing from a holster feels very odd, and slow.

5 - Using an 18x24 target 15 yards down range I did one of the drills I learned at Ben Stoeger's class. In the drill you misalign the sights on purpose to see just how far off of perfect they can be and you still get your hits. In his class we were obviously concerned with A zone hits but what I found is I could cover 1/2 of the front dot with the rear post before I would start to get misses on the plate. I plan to repeat this process again after putting the Dawson sights on and also perform the test with 12- and 10-inch plates.

6 - This gun fits my hands well. Not one slide bite today (which just jinxed me and I'll get chewed up next time I shoot it).

Load development will be the next thing I need to do. The more I've thought about the the more I've convinced myself that chasing the ultimate bunny fart load for steel isn't worth it. I have to make at least a 125 power factor for USPSA matches so I would be smart to just develop one load that works for steel and USPSA matches. Now I just need to decide between 125 grain and 147 grain bullets.

Zack, my vote is for the 147's. Zero 147 JHP, Bayou 147 FN, or Blue Bullets 147 RN,in that order have worked well in my G34 with stock G barrel. I am currently running out of a batch of 452AA, but when that is out , I am going to WST. My favorite powder was S1000, but have not seen that powder in almost two years.

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Zack, my vote is for the 147's. Zero 147 JHP, Bayou 147 FN, or Blue Bullets 147 RN,in that order have worked well in my G34 with stock G barrel. I am currently running out of a batch of 452AA, but when that is out , I am going to WST. My favorite powder was S1000, but have not seen that powder in almost two years.

I'll most likely go with 147. That's what I've run in the past. When Blue Bullets posted on Facebook that they were looking for shooters to represent them I applied and I'm waiting to hear back. If I made the cut I'll be buying Blue Bullets. If I didn't I'll buy Bayou's.

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I started running roundabout the way you describe (it's max Michele's way apparently but other top shooters do it differently). That is close right, far right, far left, close left, stop. for me it means a nice quick first shot, then a straight transition across the back 2 targets then accelerate to the close left and the stop. I'm new at steel and crap but it immediately felt better to me than the other 2 methods Doug Koenig describes in his roundabout vid on YouTube (he briefly mentions max's method).

Seems like you are coming along nicely. :)

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Seems like you are coming along nicely. :)

I'm working hard at it. I have the NSSF World Shoot, PA State Championship and SC State Championship matches coming up and of course .22LR would become hard to get right now :(. I am going to back on on shooting .22LR for a couple of matches and shoot production with my new-to-me Glock 34.

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Went out to the range today and spent some time dialing in the new Dawson sights I put on the Glock 34. I guess I got really lucky with installing them because I didn't have to do too much tweaking of them. I will test them again after I setting an a load I want to use. I also spent some time trying different recoil springs. I did the initial setup with stock spring which I think is 17 pounds? I tried a 13 and 11. I liked the feel of the 11 better than the 13 for some reason. I'm planning to shoot production at the match coming up this weekend so it'll be interesting to see how I do after having not shot production in several months.

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I'm not sure what stages we'll shoot at the match tomorrow but I looked at my Production and Limited times (I'm C class in both now) and decided a good goal for each stage tomorrow is to shoot at least one string with a solid B Class time. Based on our proposed 2016 classification changes I need to shoot the following times to meet my goal:

5 To Go - 5.60

Showdown - 4.36

Smoke & Hope - 3.49

Outer Limits - 8.02

Accelerator - 4.77

Pendulum - 5.60

Speed Option - 5.60

Roundabout - 4.36

I decided I was going to shoot two divisions instead of just one. It only cost $5.00 more to shoot a second gun and that's at least another 125 rounds of practice so it's money well spent, IMO.

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@Pasley - could just be my math :). I will double check my numbers.

Goal Review

Accelerator - Not even close to 4.77 goal time.
Prod - 5.78 (26.00) (24.20 best Production time)
LTD - 5.17 (24.81) (first time in Limited)
5 To Go - Not even close to 5.60 goal time.
Prod - 6.11 (33.43) (28.16 best Production time)
LTD - 6.40 (29.92) (29.75 best Limited time)
Showdown - Almost made 4.36 goal in production
Prod - 4.64 (21.73) (New best for Production)
LTD - 5.21 (25.66) (New best for Limited)
Pendulum - Made it in Limited but not Production
Prod - 6.60 (29.26) (New best for Production)
LTD - 5.43 (31.37) (28.28 best for Limited)
Smoke & Hope - Shot solid B class runs for at least one string. Goal met.
Prod - 3.94 (19.05) (15.91 best for Production)
LTD - 3.50 (16.74) (16.49 best for Limited)
Light turn out for the match. We had 4 Limited and 3 Production shooters. I managed to be first loser in both. My total time in Limited was 128.50 and in production 129.47. The light turn out was a blessing for me becuase I had a USPSA master class shooter coach me on all of the stages. Before I shot we would discuss shooting order for the stage and then he would make suggestions. He suggested I change my shooting order for Smoke and Hope and you can see the time difference between Production and Limited. I shot production my way and limited his way. Needless to say I'm going to stick with his way which was simply to shoot them left to right just as you see them and then go get the stop plate. We used this approach on Accelerator, 5 To Go, and Showdown. We started on Pendulum and it's already a straight across stage. I'm going to shoot Production and Limited again at my match and see if I can continue to make some improvements on my times.
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  • 3 months later...

I came so close to making B class over the weekend! I shot two matches and managed to have personal bests on Roundabout, The Pendulum, Accelerator and Smoke and Hope. The biggest improvement was with Accelerator. In the past I had been shooting 1, 2, 5, 4, S (using the Nimitz Numbering System) and after watching and listening to other guys shoot it I changed to 5, 4, 1, 2, S. I practiced this sequence in dry fire all week and it really helped (funny how that works, isn't it). I dropped close to 5 seconds off my time for that stage alone. I'm really digging my Open Glock 17. I'm going to try and trim .22 off my time which should be pretty easy to do on the draw and hopefully I'll close out 2015 as a B class shooter.

ETA: I also picked up my first division win. Granted I only had to beat one other shooter (lady super senior, but she's B Class) but I did it.


Edited by ZackJones
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You have the no battery Trijicon RMR on your G17?

What is the B class aggregate for open?

No running full up G17 open with C-more on Carver Custom mount.

Currently 115 regardless of division. With the new classification system using just the 6 stages it would be 101.67 and for all 8 stages 143.34 unless something changes between now and when they go active with it. Hmm I wonder if they'd drop me back to C under the new system?

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I have decided to shoot the next few months with corrected vision even if it makes me take a few steps back at first. If that doesn't get me past my current plateau I'm going to be looking hard at an open gun.

I like shooting open, at least in steel challenge. I'm way to slow in USPSA to shoot it plus I shoot minor so I lose points for not shooting A's.

What kind of visions issues are you dealing with?

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I came so close to making B class over the weekend! I shot two matches and managed to have personal bests on Roundabout, The Pendulum, Accelerator and Smoke and Hope. The biggest improvement was with Accelerator. In the past I had been shooting 1, 2, 5, 4, S (using the Nimitz Numbering System) and after watching and listening to other guys shoot it I changed to 5, 4, 1, 2, S. I practiced this sequence in dry fire all week and it really helped (funny how that works, isn't it). I dropped close to 5 seconds off my time for that stage alone. I'm really digging my Open Glock 17. I'm going to try and trim .22 off my time which should be pretty easy to do on the draw and hopefully I'll close out 2015 as a B class shooter.ETA: I also picked up my first division win. Granted I only had to beat one other shooter (lady super senior, but she's B Class) but I did it.

Nice! Amazing what a little practice will do ... :)

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  • 1 month later...

Shot my last match of the year today. I achieved two goal today:

1 - I lowered my time enough while shooting Accelerator that I'll make B class. Unfortunately the steel challenge web site is hosed up and I can't upload results yet.

2 - I won the Rimfire Pistol Match. That's my first match win!

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Shot my last match of the year today. I achieved two goal today:

1 - I lowered my time enough while shooting Accelerator that I'll make B class. Unfortunately the steel challenge web site is hosed up and I can't upload results yet.

2 - I won the Rimfire Pistol Match. That's my first match win!

:cheers: Congrats Zack, glad to see the hard work paying off

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