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2013 Florida Sectional Championship

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Not sure this belongs here but I need to withdraw from the match which is this weekend. I tried sending the MD an e-mail asking how to do it but no response. I get that he is probably really busy at this point ...

Anyone got any ideas of who I could contact to withdraw & see if I could recover any of my match fee? Thx

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I shot this match today. Wow! Some of the best stages I' ve seen all year! Hats off to the stage desingers and everyone involved putting on this match. I shot like crap but had a ton of fun doing it. If you're in the southeast, put this match on your calendar next year.

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All 9 stages were great. That range has it all. BIG bays deep & wide, shoot house and they are working on a measured 1 mile l.o.n.g range rifle too. Crazy and I don't even shoot long range, unless 50 yds with a pistol is long range. It is to me. Great match too. Ill be back next year for sure. Thanks to everyone that helped make the match happen. Great job!

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Nicely done and many thanks to all of the RO's who worked their ass's off!!!!!!!!

Nice stages to say the least, lots of running (tons of room to move and shoot) and gunning, my kinda liking for sure. Had a great time and got a bunch of trigger time.

I learned the importance of making sure all of your equipment is in order like your red dot having enough battery life and not waiting for three stages to change it out---kinda helps to see where you're going! And of course appreciating the great shooters of which you have joined by going up in class as you improve but remember they have already been in the class kicking ass and you just arrived and now you have to work hard, probably harder to improve and kick their ass!

Amazing, all the different levels of skill in this sport and the display of it especially as each and every one of us advance up the ladder, working harder and harder and then to see a Grandmaster display it all---

Enough rhetoric, time to get ready for the next shoot, the monster match!

Edited by Recon'sHide
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Damn, that was FUNNY watching/listening to Dave yell as he went back to the position where he forgot a target or 2. He's a good guy and a really good shot!

Edited by remoandiris
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Damn, that was FUNNY watching/listening to Dave yell as he went back to the position where he forgot a target or 2. He's a good guy and a really good shot!

Ya was pretty funny watching him shoot then break out the battle cry lol. His videos don't do justice for how fast he is... When the RO calls out the times your like "how in the hell" lol...

He didn't forget a target though. There were poppers on each end that activated swingers on opposite ends so you had to run back to shoot the swinger. That stage wore everybody out I think lol

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They have a shoot house that we ran in a had 8 paper and 1popper that activated a double swinger that was pretty quick. They also had some long shots not just a couple a great mix. Thanks to everyone the helped put on this match...

Edited by a matt
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Damn, that was FUNNY watching/listening to Dave yell as he went back to the position where he forgot a target or 2. He's a good guy and a really good shot!

Ya was pretty funny watching him shoot then break out the battle cry lol. His videos don't do justice for how fast he is... When the RO calls out the times your like "how in the hell" lol...

He didn't forget a target though. There were poppers on each end that activated swingers on opposite ends so you had to run back to shoot the swinger. That stage wore everybody out I think lol

Ah. That explains it. Here I thought he just had a brain fart or something.

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