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Seeing my enemies go down in flames!


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Tomorrow midnight, the 1994 AWB is history. This failed piece of propaganda was carefully crafted to begin the banning of all firearms ownership in the USA. Don't miss the significance of this enormous failure by the haters of liberty. Celebrate loud and strong! We won, Dammit! Let's don't feel like we have to be nice about it.

You know those Charlie Brown cartoons of Snoopy dancing around with his nose straight up in the air? I feel like that today! I'm ordering a new barrel for the AR on Monday. I'll see if I can get a heck of a deal on a post ban model and just legally thread it myself.

Of course, sometime in the next week or two, one of the pathetic old guard news media, like the washed up CBS, will report on some horrific crime drama that could have been prevented "if only the ban had been extended." Yeah, right!

Guess what Dan Rather, due to your "unimpeachable sources" you now have zero credibility with 2/3 of Americans and there are 150 other channels to get our news from. HAHAHAHAHA :lol:

Dan, it's time for you to join Connie "just whisper it into my ear" Chung in newscaster oblivion.

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While it's good news, I think it's only a brief respite in a war that will not be "won" in our lifetimes.

In addition to your plans, I think we should all also celebrate by sending another set of letters to our respective legislators in order to continue sending the message of truth, liberty, and justice.



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You could print some postcards with the same message and send them every week. That way she won't be able to claim that no one in her state is opposed to banning guns. She'll still do it, but you'll have evidence that she's lying.

My two Senators are also both hopeless causes, but I won't give up. Lugar is one of the two "Republicans" who defected at the last minute and got the Crime Act of 1994 passed in the first place. Every time I write to his office, the staffer who replies gives me the same lie about how he supports our right to own guns, but we have to "keep these weapons out of the hands of criminals and children." The other Senator (who replaced the OTHER "Republican" who helped pass the AWB in 1994) is a Democrat who always plays according to his team. The both suck.

Keep trying!

Celebrate, but keep fighting!

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To me this event is like the Berlin Wall coming down. The spell of the propagandists has been, even if temporarily Brother Rhino, broken. If we can get past the politically correct crowd, USPSA and IDPA, could become much more mainstream.

It has never been solely about taking our guns away. Guns are just material possessions. And liberty does not exist in the realm of material possessions. They just have to take our guns so we can't resist the armed minority. Saddam's regime was an armed minority. Any unarmed people in the world can be quite easily controlled by a well armed minority. Look at the Sudan.

We can never give up our guns, not to our government, or anyone elses. If we ever do, the kind of people who will come here to loot and pillage this soft, wealthy, nation will make Gengis Khan look like a Sunday school teacher. Very bad men are out there my friends. To me, they pose a very clear and present danger. Millions of them are being indoctrinated from their early youth to hunt us down and distroy us, for no other reason than we are happy, wealthy, and free. And they are not. Our borders are as leaky as a sieve. High-cap mags and battle rifles are exactly what free citizens need.

BTW, my U.S. House Representative is Barbara Cubin. She's also an NRA board member. (This means she knows Chuck Heston and Ted Nugent) B)

They first struck us on our soil three years ago today........Never Forget!

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Glad to see you refer to them as enemies, instead of people with well reasoned, and equally valid, opposing opinions. Bottom feeders.

Anyone who can say (with a straight face) that the streets will be less safe when the AWB is no more, has lost touch with reality. I am forced to believe they know better, but are pandering for the votes, and are therefore evil. Alternatively, they actually believe the crap they say, in which case Peter Sellers' retarded gardener is more qualified for office.

Sam for President!

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Sadly I left church this evening and a couple of people were talking about voting for Kerry. One of them suggested that he was going to try to get my mother to do the same. :rolleyes:

When I think about the number of Roman Catholics (or at least people who identify themselves as such) are liberals (or rather pseudo-liberal socialist-statists), it makes me embarrassed to know they're around and giving the rest of us a bad name.

I think I'd vote for Drew Carey, though ... ;)

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Sam for President!

Certainly, Clinton and Dubya have both lowered the expectations for "previous life conduct" for Presidents. Anything you did between the ages of 15 and 25.....uh.... no.... 26, should be off limits for discussion. ;)

While I wouldn't make a "teflon" candidate for public office, having a checkered past and faulty memory makes me a great campaign manager. Run, Eric, Run!

Seriously though, the socialist gun grabbers have had us one the run since 1968. Now is the time to take back ground we lost over the last two generations. Clinton's life of excess has ruined his health. Kennedy is ready for a stroke. Kerry will soon lose his neglected senate seat. The old guard is dying off! A new generation of freedom awaits America if we sieze it. The young people are ready for instruction. Proudly tell everyone you know that you are a recreational shooter and why! Especially tell young adults that are leaning to the left. Don't be afraid of their condemnation. Would you rather be vilified by pretty young Jennifer at work, or end up looking down the barrel of an AK empty handed? Ask them, "if terrorists come to your town, would you rather be skilled with a gun or a golf club?" Appeal to their sense of personal and public responsibility. Learn how easy it is to snatch a long gun from somebody that is standing too close, and then show your teen-aged kids how to do it. Free people have always had to be fighters. This is a fundamental rule of the universe and will never change. Lesson from the 1st grade: If you aren't willing to fight, somebody is going to whip your butt and take your lunch money. Fashion update for young dudes: Girlie men are out, clean-cut action figures are in. Dump them baggy drawers, turn your friggin hat around, and mow that old lady's lawn. Yes, for free!

Now is the time.

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" If you aren't willing to fight, somebody is going to whip your butt and take your lunch money."
You know, NEITHER of my scared-to-death, reclusive parents ever taught me this... or how to think critically or how to think about my personal defense and well-being. I can't believe it sometimes that I came out as self-motivated and cautious as I did after all. We don't raise a generation of strong, responsible individuals by doing everything FOR them, wiping their noses (and rear ends) FOR them. We do it by setting a valid example and letting them know they have to do likewise.

And tell them to pull up their pants while they're at it! They look like mindless idiots!!!! <_<

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