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Wow! Did I do That?


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The last match I shot in we shot a stage called 'UP and Down' but it was like mirrored from the stage drawing at stageexchange.com. It had the steel on the left side instead of the right side of wall....I figured I would squat down too lean left around wall for steel then I was planning to just sway to the right of wall to get to paper without having to move my feet any at all, figured it would be super quick that way......BUZZER goes off I squat sway left blow thru the steel so fast I was like DAMN! did I actually just do that!! hell yeah Im cranking thru this stage its gonna be a good run. I sway to right to take out the paper and wtf! SLIDE LOCK! :(...I was so stoked about running thru the steel as fast as I did I forgot to change my mag on the sway to the right side...hehe....I fumbled around and managed a 15 sec run on that stage... RO run the timer back so I could see how bad that hurt me...right at 5 seconds is what the slide lock surprise cost me....oh well, I will learn. It's just Im a newbie at ipsc... :D

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Were you actually thinking while shooting???

Tsk, tsk,tsk, bad boy, go back to your basement, do the homeworks and read Brian's book thoroughly. :P

Seriously, If you haven't already done it, you should read BE's book, especially in the mindset sections, because actually thinking and letting conscious mind speculate on what's going on while shooting is really detrimental.

Not to mention what having expectations on results will do to your performances.

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I forgot to reload last Sunday during our 3-Gun match. I was shooting my Limited gun with my 18+1 round "big stick," but the course of fire required 24 rounds. For some reason, I thought the bullets would just keep coming out ... I was wrong! :lol: The old standing slide-lock reload is not helpful in getting a good time.

I also lost track of the targets I was engaging at the time and got a miss because of it. OUCH!

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Almost as bad as forgetting to change mags, is not loading enough ammo in your mags... I was shooting Prod... Me, field course, array of 4 plus one target, 10 rounds, reload, array of 4 targets.. hey, why am I out of ammo after 4 shots... oh damn! :blink: reload, shoot more reload......


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Almost as bad as forgetting to change mags, is not loading enough ammo in your mags... I was shooting Prod... Me, field course, array of 4 plus one target, 10 rounds, reload, array of 4 targets.. hey, why am I out of ammo after 4 shots... oh damn! :blink: reload, shoot more reload......


Somehow I managed to do that at a match I shot in July. I have now changed my method of reloading partial mags after stages to prevent that from happening again.... :blink:

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You folks have discovered the meaning of “geezer-lock”. My most recent was an array of 4 paper and one steel. Depending on how you approached the targets it should sound something like:


Mine was:


Did I mention that I was already unloaded and about to show clear before I got the “ding”?


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Tha sad thing is, most of us will continue to find "new" ways to saboutage our own performance as long as we shoot!

Dammit Joey!

Perception is reality! Quit talking yourself into a hole. :angry:

Nick, those suprise slide-lock reloads should only cost you 3 seconds...but, that isn't something I would practice. :)

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Ever pulled out an empty mag on a mag change? And to think people are smart enough to learn it the first time. Well, I did it three times in a single match...!

Talk about my habits... <_<

What do you call somebody who gets the feeling that pouches need to have mags everytime...with or without ammo...? :P

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I've never done that, but in a 3-Gun match a few weeks ago, I planned to shoot dry during a combination pistol-rifle stage. It was going great until I dropped the mag and fired that last shot, only to realize I had one more pistol target to engage. So I was standing there with an empty gun, slide forward, once again amused by my own ineptitude. Then I stuck a new mag in the gun, ran the slide, and hosed the last target. :lol:

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What do you call somebody who gets the feeling that pouches need to have mags everytime...with or without ammo...? :P


Full mags in the mag pouches. Always.

Empty, or less than full mags in pants pockets. Always. B)

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Hey Nick, since you won Production, it doesn't look like it hurt you too much! :P

Also, I did the opposite on one of those stages..... in other words, I dumped a mag and did a reload when I didn't even need to. In fact, as soon as I hit the mag release, I paused because I had to ask myself...... 'now why in the hell did you do that? :huh::wacko:

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Hey Nick, since you won Production, it doesn't look like it hurt you too much! :P

Also, I did the opposite on one of those stages..... in other words, I dumped a mag and did a reload when I didn't even need to. In fact, as soon as I hit the mag release, I paused because I had to ask myself...... 'now why in the hell did you do that? :huh::wacko:

Yes, I did get my first 1st place win last Sunday...scores got posted and I couldnt believe it....I was pretty stoked about that, especially when there was almost twice as many competitors than there has been the last couple of matches there at MRP....It makes you feel pretty good when you see your name at the top of list for the first time... :D:D

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It makes you feel pretty good when you see your name at the top of list for the first time... :D  :D

I know exactly what you mean, as I was at the top of the list in Limited as well. :D Unfortunately, it turned out that the list was posted upside down.... :huh:

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It makes you feel pretty good when you see your name at the top of list for the first time... :D  :D

I know exactly what you mean, as I was at the top of the list in Limited as well. :D Unfortunately, it turned out that the list was posted upside down.... :huh:

Now Im afraid to go back and look at the scores again.... :D

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I did the same thing at the Arkansas race gun match last year......

(stage plan) :)

LMR, buzzer, shoot 3 targets shoot 2 targets in port, reload going around the corner finish stage.

went like this.. :angry:

LMR, Buzzer, shoot 3 targets, hit eject button grab mag and reload and at same time ask out loud. " why on earth did you do that?" shoot two targets in port, reload going around corner and finish the stage.

Fortunately I was still in C class sitting right on the edge of B and reloads were good so I added only 1.3 to the stage time. ;)

Oh yeah I forgot.... that was back when I was shooting a bottom feeder. :lol:


See you at nationals,, will reintroduce myself

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  • 1 month later...

Cactus 400, 32 round stage, Starting kneeling on platform, Seeing stars( Bad Knees) RO says" hurry get your hands on your head and I will start you before you pass out"..... Buzzer goes off I take off shooting like hell. 29 rounds later CLICK!. 20 years of doing this and I still amaze my self! ARRRRRRG! :angry:


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On Sunday I was using a mag carrier that I got from a guy on eBay that he made himself. It looked okay in the photos, but when I got it last year, it was ... "home made." And I bought five of them. Caveat emptor ...

Anyway, I recently got a new belt, so they damn things actually fit. For some reason, I chose to put one of them at the foremost position on my belt, holding my first reload.

The first time the carrier came off of the belt with the mag should have been a clue that I should stop using it. It was actually pretty funny. The second time it happened, I was less amused because I realized I'd been stupic again. Instead of just dropping it on the ground and going for another mag, I tried to bite it and drag it from the end of the magazine with my teeth. Unfortunately for me, my teeth could not gain purchase in the Kydex surface.

Once again, I was replete with doofosity.

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The second time it happened, I was less amused because I realized I'd been stupic again. Instead of just dropping it on the ground and going for another mag, I tried to bite it and drag it from the end of the magazine with my teeth. Unfortunately for me, my teeth could not gain purchase in the Kydex surface.

Once again, I was replete with doofosity.

If I tried doing that my dentures might end on the ground.... :D

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