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washington state 3 gun matches

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Wow there are zero club matches listed in the 3 Gun Nation forum. That's sad:(


I agree, it is sad. However, the Courage Classic is scheduled for 3-5 August at Kitsap Rifle and Revolver Club. http://gunsafety.org/index.htm The put on a nice match and its all for charity.


Law Enforcement, Military and Civilian Charity Shooting Match August 03, 04, 05 - Benefitting worthwhile charities including the Combat Casualty Assistance Campaign of the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society

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There is a monthly multi-gun match at Custer March-December. It is typically 5-6 stages, heavy on close up rifle action, but Steve the match director is moving it more towards a true multi-gun. This past year we have been having at least 2-3 of the stages being pistol/rifle, rifle/shotgun/ shotgun/pistol. Its been great and continues to get better.

We just had our 2nd annual Toy's for Tot's chairty match. Raised over $5000 so far and we still have an open "blind and silent" auction for a Colt CRP-18. 100% of the proceeds will go to Toy's for Tots. If we are lucky will be well over $6,000 from all the donations. :goof:

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If you are willing to travel down south a little:

TriCounty Gun Club (3gun Nation club) holds a monthly 3gun on the third Saturday of every month

Albany Rifle and Pistol Club holds a monthly 3gun on the second Sunday of every month

Douglas Ridge Gun club holds a monthly 3gun, not sure of the date

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