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can i use same load data for plated as lead?


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I'm making the switch from Molly lead 230 to plated 230 as they run cleaner in my revo less leading and I actually found them cheaper than Molly lead. Can I use my same old 3.9 grs of clays I've heard lead and plated use the same load data

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I'm making the switch from Molly lead 230 to plated 230 as they run cleaner in my revo less leading and I actually found them cheaper than Molly lead. Can I use my same old 3.9 grs of clays I've heard lead and plated use the same load data

You will want to re-chrono that. It should be perfectly safe, provided your bullets are pretty much the same profile and you load to the same OAL, but I doubt you will get the same velocity with plated. At least I don't. You will likely need to bump up a bit since the plated are usually somewhere between lead and jacketed.

ETA: I just looked at the data for Clays and it looks like you don't have alot of wiggle room (depending on oal). 4.0gr is a listed max with a FMJ.

Edited by dsmw5142
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If its not the same, it'll be real close. Measure the length of each bullet. One will probably be a little longer than the other. If you're loading to the same OAL, then the longer bullet (when seated to the same OAL) will most likely run a little faster.

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thsnks guys 3.9 behind a 230 gr precision molly coated lead gives me somewere around 172-173 so if im a lil slower it will be ok. They should be here next week latest so ill give them a good testing chrono and cleanliness wise and accuracy( if they consistently hit a A zone at 15 yards im cool with that.

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In my Springfield TRP 1911 it takes 3.8 for moly lead and 4.2 for plated with clays to make major. Both 230 grain.

Had the same experience. Just started using Plated along with my lead rounds. I was really surprised how much slower the plated were than lead with the same load of Clays.

I've always heard the same load for both but obviously I'm not the only person who had that problem. On the other side i used the same load for lead and plated using WST and virtually no difference.

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