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tumbrest on limited gun


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it seems that thumbrests are growing in popularity on limited guns.

however, after reading the new front sight , there seems to be an adendum to the rules stating that rests are illegal in limited guns? something about devices used to control the recoil, screws, extended slide stops , thumbrests.......

is this the case?

btw, can anyone post the pics of their limited guns with thumbrests just for a visual :D

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Well, it starts to grow in popularity in IPSC too.

Current world champ Eric G. had one on his standard pistol and it doesn't seem to be a problem for ROs.

I don't think of it as a device that can control recoil such as a porting or a comp would do.

Otherwise, things like recoil master or sprinco guide rods should be in that category too.

Anyway, no problem for me, I don't use one, neither on my open or standard pistols ;)

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After reading the changes to the rules in Front Sight, yes. The "etc." added to the end of the rule appears to cover anything that someone could dream up in the future to put your thumb on to control recoil externally to the gun.

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A thumb rest may be OK for IPSC but it is certianly not for USPSA. The redbook says no external recoil control and the 2004 handgun rules specifically list a thumb rest as an external recoil control device not allowed.

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I don't think they are legal on Limited guns in USPSA...with either the new or the old rules.

A thumb shield, to keep the shooters thumb off the slide should be OK. But, not if it has a *thumb rest [generic]*/shelf.

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As Mr. Boit pointed out before thumb rests on standard guns have become quite popular over here in Europe and they are perfectly legal under IPSC rules.

Best regards,


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  • 3 weeks later...

i tried a gun w/ one, i liked it. it helped me steer the gun in the direction i desired/ if desired. however, looks like uspsa rules wont allow it....ahh well, i should hit the gym :lol:

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  • 12 years later...

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