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Having Great Shooting Buddies


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There's nothing like having a great bunch of friends that you shoot with when you have one of those dumbass moments. Here's my story and I'm sticking to it. At the match this past weekend, during the setup, I placed my scoresheet in the trunk of the prop car while I was painting some steel. Time came for the walk through and I was talking as I opened the trunk to retrieve my scoresheet. I reached in then turned to look. It was swarming with yellow jackets! I snatched my hand out, but a little too late. I got tagged on the ring finger of my shooting hand. (If I was one of the guy's with a sub 1 second draw, maybe I would have gotten it out in time.) :D I'm allergic to wasp/bee stings, not the death type just the extreme swelling type. I have to get Benadryl into my system in the next few minutes or it's Goodyear Blimp time. I head to the truck, "Oh chit", I'm in the wife's car. No Benadryl. My buddies start coming to my rescue. First-aid kits are coming from everywhere. Someone even cell phoned down to the range office so they had some waiting for me when I got there. I didn't get it in my system quite quick enough, so I only half-blimped out. Everyone on the range was trying to help me get through the match. Thanks to a great group of shooters I managed to complete the day. Needless to say, "ole dumbass" will have Benadryl in the shooting bag from now on. Thanks to Lyn, John, Bob, Sam, Coverboy, Bill, Siggy, Steve, David, Storm and everybody. Nothing like friends around when the a case of the dumbass strikes ya.


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i thought my first aid kit in my truck would have something for bee stings. it had everything but Benadryl. i'll put some in the kit for you john.

btw, john finished up 3rd overall, i barely beat him...humm maybe i won't put the Benadryl in the kit. :D


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9x23, glad things worked out for you man. What's kind of funny is that maybe two weeks ago I was talking with a recently transplanted FL shooter who told me a story about shooting a stage (I think he said it was at Frank Garcia's place), and there was some kind of prop that he had to shoot through. Well, he takes off blasting with an Open gun... finishes the stage... looks over his shoulder for the RO to show clear, and NO RO!! :huh: Then he hears everyone screaming for him to get off the stage! It turns out that his comp blast blew open a hornet nest, and everyone ran off the stage except for him. :lol::lol::lol: Of course this is only funny because no one got hurt, and everything worked out. ;)

While I am not super alergic to stings, I did get stung by a wasp last year during match setup. I pulled a 4 x 8 panel out of the prop barn, threw my left arm over the top of it, and sure enough there was a small wasp nest on the other side that I did not see. That little bastard whacked me right on the inside of my left arm. :blink: Turns out my arm swelled up from the fingers to the shoulder. :( Not good, but I learned and now always check the back of panels before carrying them, AND I carry a can of Wasp & Hornet spray in my set-up bag.... ;)

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I got stung by a bee in the back on Sunday right after the match. I couldn't reach the stinger to scrape it out, so I was going to ask one of my shooting buddies to do it for me. Then I decided to just tough it out and deal with it when I got home.

It was an unpleasant feeling, but the idea of having someone comb over my back looking for the stinger reminded me of asking a buddy to suck the venom when you sit on a rattlesnake ... you just don't do that.

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I am sure one of your buds at the match had a curry comb in his gear bag. should have asked...

Seriously, when I started shooting, way back when, I was super fortunate to tag up with three other guys who became steadfast friends through nearly 30 yrs of the good and the bad, not to mention shooting.

I cannot tell you how many great memories, both shooting related and other we made together but include going to 5 US Natls together, 3 World Shoots, winning a few team shoots in Texas and out of state as well. Congratulating each other on individual efforts, consoling each other when it did not go our way. Hunting in Mexico and Alberta for big whitetails, Alaska for carribou and moose, bonefish on Christmas Island, peacock bass in Venezuela, sea run brown trout in Patagonia...Just WAYYYY TOOOO GOOD...

We are all a bit long in the tooth now, but it still brightens my day when I either hear from one of them or see them in person.

Friends help you make life what it CAN be.

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Beating me by 39 match points isn't considered barely, bring the Benadryl dude. :wacko:


Sounds like you have the same problem as me. Throw some Benadryl in the shooting bag. Just get it into your system fast and there's no swelling.

I got some right after the match and the hand went down to normal by the time I got home. Modern medicine is good stuff, now if they just made a pill that would help my draw..... Still a day with my shooting buddies, even with a bee sting, beats the hell out of a day at work. Thanks again guys.


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Seriously, when I started shooting, way back when, I was super fortunate to tag up with three other guys who became steadfast friends through nearly 30 yrs of the good and the bad, not to mention shooting.

I cannot tell you how many great memories, both shooting related and other we made together but include going to 5 US Natls together, 3 World Shoots, winning a few team shoots in Texas and out of state as well. Congratulating each other on individual efforts, consoling each other when it did not go our way. Hunting in Mexico and Alberta for big whitetails, Alaska for carribou and moose, bonefish on Christmas Island, peacock bass in Venezuela, sea run brown trout in Patagonia...Just WAYYYY TOOOO GOOD...

We are all a bit long in the tooth now, but it still brightens my day when I either hear from one of them or see them in person.

Friends help you make life what it CAN be.

Most people only dream of having such friends. I know I have a least one but I live in Copenhagen and he's in Denver, we have made a pact to let max 5 years go between our meetings, and when we do it's like we never been apart. Modern technology is a wonder when you have a lot of far away friends.

In some ways good friends are as important (or even more) as family, and they don't grow on trees.

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