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E-mailing companies who don't respond

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If companies are going to offer e-mail as a contact in todays internet driven society why can't they respond and do so in a timely manner?

My advice to vendors is if you don't have time to respond to customer e-mail then pull the link from your web site. :angry: I don't always have time to play phone tag for an answer to a straight forward question.

Remember there's only so many hours in they day. Sometimes your busy, sometimes we're busy, and before you know it the days over and telephone contact isn't possible.

I know you get those e-mails asking questions that require a ten paragraph response but a simple "this question requires a detailed answer, please call me to discuss this" response looks much better than not responding.

Keep in mind you may be busy now but the future may not be so busy with lousy customer service.

While this is directed at the industry in general I hope two business owners who frequent this site take note and realize they both lost my business from either not responding or giving piss poor answers.

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I think we all have this problem at times. I've experienced it from a personal standpoint as a customer and consumer, but also as a small business owner trying to get distributor and dealer pricing from wholesalers, suppliers, and manufacturers. While some have been an absolute joy to work with; others aren't worth the time of day, and as you said, some just don't respond at all.

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I think that many companies feel that they need to have an e-mail address in this day and age or they are losing business, and I agree. The television is constantly pushing this message so how can it be wrong?? However, I think that you lose even more business by advertising an e-mail address that you do not check or answer. If I want your product, and you don't have an e-mail address, I will probably continue to call you until I finally reach you. If I send you e-mail and you do not respond, I will assume you don't want/need my business and will go elsewhere.

This pertains to individuals too ... don't offer an e-mail address that you don't check!


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I have been waiting six weeks for a reply (actually gave up about 4 weeks ago) from a company (dot sight) that I won't mention. They are on the East coast so it is difficult for me to contact them before they close. I finally had to make time at work to call. IF YOU CAN'T ANSWER YOUR EMAILS, DON'T PUT UP THE LINK AS A CONTACT! I do much of my shopping on the internet and emailing questions is a big part of it. Can't handle and play with it first, sure want all the answers I can get prior to plunking down my $$$. TXAG

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I picked up a gift certificate off a prize table in early February. I wrote a very cordial thank you for the certificate and followed up regarding some shipping instructions to claim the services I won.

I have offerred to pay for shipping both ways,,,,I've even offerred to buy additional services beyond what was on the certificate. I got a couple,,,,,I'm checking on XXXX responses,,,,now I get nothing.

We're closing in on 4 months and several follow-ups,,,,now I don't even get the "blow off" email response.

I was truly appreciative of the individual that contributed the certificate and his company was named directly before the prize table drawing,,,,,but he seems to be refusing to honor the certificate......

I won't name any names. I don't know if he came forward and offerred to honor the certificate if I'd take him up on it because, honestly at this point, I'm concerned that it may lead to a hassle in getting a pistol back in my safe.


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This bugs me too.. I do a ton of my business over e-mail and often at odd hours when phone people aren't answering.

But.. everybody should make at least a couple efforts at e-mail before assuming they're ignoring you-- many times spam filters (you wouldn't believe the amount of spam a publicly-advertised e-mail address gets) or tired eyes can miss a mail titled 'hello' or 'thanks' or something else non-noteworthy.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I agree. That really cheeses my goat. :angry:

I have run across some companies that reply really fast. Like I ordered a Viking pool cue from Five Star Billiards and they've been emailing me almost every day (via ups) w/ the progess of my packages. I emailed them not 15 minutes ago w/ a question and I got a reply 2 minutes later from a real live person. Pretty cool.

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I do have to agree with the earlier comment about email spam filters. Our goal is to answer every comprehensible email query within 24 hours. We have found over the last 6 months that around 5% of the emails are not delivered due to "spam" issues. AOL, RR and Earthlink seem to be the worst from our experiences.

Don't always assume the person or company you are trying to contact is ignoring you, the spam filters are playing a larger part in this as more are implemented.

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