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Reshaping a kydex holster?


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I have a great kydex holster for a long dustcover Edge. I recently had Benny Hill shorten the dustcover and put stirrup cuts in my Edge. Now the holster does not hold the Edge as firmly as I’d like.

Is there a way to reform the holster to the new shape of my Edge?


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Heat is what makes Kydex bend.

A heat-gun (super-dooper hair dryer) and oven mitts or heavy gloves are about the best home-tweaking combo I've found. You can use a hair-dryer, but that may take a long time to get the plastic hot enough to bend nicely.

Another heat option is boiling water.

FYI, I believe IDPA frowns on either of these.

In any case, you probably won't get the nice clean lines of the original pattern, but you can move significant plastic with enough effort. Only heat the part you want to re-bend, stick the pistol back in place and push the plastic around to fit.

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The heat gun works really well but if you get it too hot your holster may become amorphous pretty quick. It isn't a big deal to do it right. Just go slow and don't get it too hot. Once the material heats up it will be pretty easy to move around and you will probably want some oven mitts or a towel to protect your hands. I have also found that a couple of small flat pieces of material come in handy to hold the Kydex in place while it cools. Just about anything will work.


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I prefer to use a crack torch, you know one of those small butane torches that can do 2000 degrees F. Heat guns will heat up too larger of an area. It's much easier to form the holster in small sections.

When the plastic goes from dull to shiny, your at the point of over heating. It should start getting soft and bend right before it gets shiny.

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I prefer to use a crack torch, you know one of those small butane torches that can do 2000 degrees F.

Scooter - are these just the same as the torch-like lighters you can buy at most gas stations?


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I thought a Crack Torch was either lighting a fart or something a druggie would use.

Anyway, a mate of mine left his holster in the car with the sun shining on it and it didnt take long to wilt out of shape.


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