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Loading the Benelli M1


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I have seen people do this but I can not figure out how to load 7 in the tube, 1 in the chamber, and one on the loading ramp for a total of 9. When ever I put 7 in the mag I can not figure out how to get one the feed ramp.. Also can this be done fast when you slide lock the gun in the middle of a stage or are you just stuck with 8 in the gun.


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It can't be done fast and it isn't all that easy until you practice it a bit, and then it still isn't easy :)

You have to fill the tube, rack the bolt forward (about 1/4 of the way) and push the carrier down, then tuck a shell under the bolt (make sure the bolt is over the rear of the shell, and then load one in the chamber and release the bolt.

I I wanted to be a serious 3 gunner with my Benelli M1 I would buy a longer tube, much easier and you can reload as many as you shoot.

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Benelli removed the ghost loading capability on postban guns. You'll have to find a preban gun if you wanna try it. It is not something that can be done fast from slide lock. If you really wanna get 9 rounds, buy an 8+1 tube and you'll always have 9 available, but the tube will stick out past your 18.5" bbl.

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if you have a postban unit......just modify the bolt and it works like a champ.......i am sure if you do a search on this site you will have the detailed instructions......not hard..

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I had a nice long post typed up and somehow it has found it's way into the cyber-Bermuda triangle before I could post it.

Without getting too long winded this can be done quickly but other methods of adding one round are faster. I've done quite a bit of experimenting and timing different loading sequences for the hell of it. The biggest problem with loading the "ghost round" isn't the actual loading but the time it takes to pull the gun down, position it, load it, and shoulder it again.

From what I remember it only takes 3-4 seconds to load the chamber and ghost round but the entire process takes 12-15 seconds. Compare that with adding one round from the waist band area into the magazine tube in 3-4 seconds. Or adding one round to a dry gun by reaching over the top in 4-5 seconds pulling one round from the waist band area.

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i only "ghost " load a shell at begining , its not that easy to do it on the fly

1st you need to check your Benelli if it is able to be 'ghost' loaded or not

with your gun unloaded and bolt forward, pull bolt back about 3/4 ways,

with your finger see if you can push down the shell carrier down or not

if it pushes back down with just spring pressure its a pre ban and can be ghost loaded

if not its post ban and you will need to modify bolt a little

try a search on the subject its an easy mod.

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With the 8+1 (9) rule with USPSA Limited/Tactical, is there any real advantage to have one on the shell carrier vs. just having a longer tube to get the 8+1?

Once you get to shooting and need to top off the shottie to full capacity, wouldn't the benelli shooter with the longer tube be better off?

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With the 8+1 (9) rule with USPSA Limited/Tactical, is there any real advantage to have one on the shell carrier vs. just having a longer tube to get the 8+1?

Once you get to shooting and need to top off the shottie to full capacity, wouldn't the benelli shooter with the longer tube be better off?

Given the choice I would rather have a longer tube. :P It's always available, faster than loading the "ghost round", and you can always use the "ghost round" to increase capacity where allowed.

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Compare that with adding one round from the waist band area into the magazine tube in 3-4 seconds. Or adding one round to a dry gun by reaching over the top in 4-5 seconds pulling one round from the waist band area.

In 3-4 seconds, with enough practice, you can get 4 rounds, not one, in the tube from the belt caddy - See kurtm for classes on how to do it. Same goes for "Oh $hit" port loading, a 5 seconds time is reasonable to pop one in the port, close the bolt, and load another 3 into the tube (of course, you'd need to grab 4 from the caddy to do this.) For the last round, bolt locked back condition, a 2 seconds or less is very do-able. But then again, this is all in good condition practice sessions :lol: .

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Forget the ghost load, there is no point trying to do it in a comp after the beep cos you will come last and get no prizes!

Buy a longer mag tube and practice, practice, practice loading !!! ;)

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In 3-4 seconds, with enough practice, you can get 4 rounds, not one, in the tube from the belt caddy - See kurtm for classes on how to do it.  Same goes for "Oh $hit" port loading, a 5 seconds time is reasonable to pop one in the port, close the bolt, and load another 3 into the tube (of course, you'd need to grab 4 from the caddy to do this.)  For the last round, bolt locked back condition, a 2 seconds or less is very do-able.  But then again, this is all in good condition practice sessions :lol: .

I would love to see some stuff like that. Around here I'm not sure if or where any of the shotgun events take place. I've never participated in any of the action shooting events but would love to try it. Maybe I better start practicing reloads. :unsure:

Can anyone point me to some sites with videos featuring shotgun events? Even some small clips on a web site would be cool to see. I've watched a lot of pistol videos found on this site and some others, the speed and accuracy is so impressive. When you see it for the first time it's like wow, you wouldn't think that was possible if you weren't seeing it.

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Double down,

I dont know of any sites that have any, there used to be a clip of Kurt doing his thing on the RM3Gun site but it has gone into cyberspace. If you want a series of clips on a DVD sent over I have some of me copying Kurts method and it almost stands up to his skills :D and I will take some of Kurt and the UK guys shooting in the UK champs on the 16th June and he can post it when he gets back in the US. If you PM me with your address I will get it posted.

Kurts best time of shooting a plate, loading 4 and shooting another plate is in the low 3 sec mark, mine is high 3's, but it still looks good when it goes right.

Re the top up with an empty chamber, nothing beats the Gold system and it takes about 1 sec to chamber a round into an empty gun in the shoulder, (it actually never leaves the shoulder), striping a shell from the belt. (that is anticpitating the top up, in training mode). In reality (competition) it is longer. The last shot you miss and the gun runs dry, it takes about .3 of a sec for your brain to register you missed and that the gun is empty, .2 to take your left hand off the fore end and start moving to the belt and about 1 sec to stick it straight into the mag loading port, the gun does the rest in about .1 sec and as you are on target you pull the trigger. In total, in an unexpected senario it takes about 2 - 2.5 secs to do, but that is still around 2 secs faster than a normal 11/87, Benelli, chamber through the ejection port type gun. It is way fast. I will try and get a clip of that as well.

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In all reallity I have a Browning Gold and everyone who has a Benelli thinks the Benelli is the best, but after playing with the Benelli, the Gold is a whole lot faster when you run dry. The benelli has a lot of good features that I like. 1-It does not get dirty after a day of shooting. When it get right down to it, They both have their own quirks, both are fast, both run the same ammo without mods. So I ordered a longer mag from brownells and I will switch off when ever I feel like shooting the other one. I will just have to fugure out which one I can load the fastest, the Benelli weak hand or the Gold strong hand?


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I just wanted to mention that AFAIK the change in design that prevents the ghost loading is not strictly a pre/post-ban issue. I have a significantly postban shotgun that can do it without the mod. The change took place somewhat later than 1994, maybe as late as 98 or 99?

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