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Classifiers going? Being replaced soon? Now?


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nterestingly  enough, I agree, the classifer should stay. But under the new rules, it simply can't be allowed to remain.  The new rules will not affect the HHF. But they do affect the lower scores.

Huh? I don't get it.

Your percentage on any given classifier is only related to the HHF and your hit-factor respective to the rules in effect at the time you shot it, nothing more, nothing less. If you shot a 5.3 HF under the 2003 rules, that score will remain 5.3 for all time. You were a 5.3 HF shooter under those rules.

If, with new rules and absent any ability changes, you now shoot a 6.0 HF, your score is better only in that the rules are now more in your favor.

Old scores are old scores. Once they're shot, they're shot.

Since the HHF doesn't need to change, your percentages will go up. No big deal. 100% will still be the same 100% and everybody will be ranked from there based on how efficiently they completed the course requirements within the current set of rules.

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The reason, in my mind that it must go is simple. I could have 6 NS hits all in the perf and beat a guy that had two! Is that a fair result? I HIT A NS! I SHOULD NOT BEAT PERSON WITH THE SAME TIME AND POINTS, BUT FEWER NS HITS!

Sorry to yell, but this has really got me bugged.

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Ok, I get that. You don't like the way scores might come out with the new rules, but there's nothing actually rules-breaking about it. Not like it has an upside down target or something on it :angry: Hey, can we hang NS upside down?

But.., Today with the "old" rules you can hit more NS than the other guy and still beat him. 4 A/NS perf-hits (-40 points) beats 2 NS / 2M (-40 points, -10 more for the missing hits). Where's the hue-and-cry about that?

(For the legal-eagles out there, would the lawsuit from the NS or it's family be more or less for 4 edge hits vs 2 in the, um, upper-A/B panel?)

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How about if the 2 hits that are on the penalty target (instead of the six) are both misses from the same scoring target?

So now we still have a hit penalty target 2 hits, 6 hits, it's still hit, and I agree with the point shred makes on this.

But what we also have is a scoring target that has been missed completely. Still standing as it were! And this is a good thing???? :wacko:

The counter argument to Jim's is that with the 6 perf hits at least all the targets have actually been hit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is my understanding that there will not be a totally new classifier book. Several now illegal stages will be taken out and replaced with 15 or so new ones. Also there will not be a printed book anymore. The classifiers will be posted to the webpage and downloaded for use. This allows us more flexibility to add new classifiers when we can.

When the new rules actually take effect the new classifiers can be released.

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Wow. This sounds like great news. The set of classifiers is getting revitalised after 5 years (?) and the USPSA is gonna save an absolute bundle on printing costs.

And there I was starting to believe that the sky was falling. What a relief :rolleyes:

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Hi Vince,

No not falling yet. I guess I must just be getting too old to appreciate all the problems we appear to be having :P Not saying that there aren't a few bumps to be ground down, but I just look forward to getting out on the range and having fun shooting with so many good people, I have had the honor to know over 25 years. Too bad we often can't see the forest for the trees :(

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