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Weak Hand Draw Times.


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7 Yard open Target, Draw to weak Hand fire 1 shot. What is a good time? I practiced this today for the first time in a looooooooong time. I was averaging about 1.70. I get the draw to week hand done in about 1.30 and it takes me about .40 to get a good sight picture.

What is a good time for this drill?

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Not that he is even HUMAN but TJ was doing consistently sub 1 second weak hand draws during our recent class.

After watching him do a few you cannot figure out why you can't do it too ... since they look so simple. He is incredible to watch.


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I am sad to say that it includes drawing from a concealment type holster, transferring to the weak hand, and firing the shot. He did it several times in a row to show that it was not a fluke. His freestyle draws were as quick as .6. He is so smooth that it does not look fast or rushed.


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no on e will believe my times but my weak hand draw used to be my fastest...

HUH?? Yup when I was a struggling "B" shooter, the weak hand was the only draw I could really "go for", I was sweeping the gun out. Of course eventually it occurred to me to sweep on all draws, and then later still I grew up and quit sweeping altogether.

Disclaimers out of the way; I hit a 1.35 in the 00 FL State match, my first. Jim Tice asked me if it was an AD. I was a middle to low "B" with a new high cap.

In Middle 02, the last time I was sweeping, I hit a .92 to a plate at 10y. It's like a hole in one though, no good without a witness. Ron Batista was right there calling me names, most of which can't be repeated here. I hit a whole series of weak handers around 1.00 but .92 was as fast as I ever got.

I still look back on those times at OCSD range as strange; I didn't do much right, but I was shooting enough that sweeping was almost safe and was way faster than the rest of my game.

Now a days, anything sub 1.2 seems pretty quick.

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I went out and timed them yesterday, only got one out, a 1.44 A at 7 before my safety broke!

The main problem I have with the weak hand transfer, especially from the draw is the grip being tied up by the skateboard tape. If I don't get that perfect grip instantly its very hard adjusting so my weak hand draw is quite variable.


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  • 9 months later...

P.D., I don't use skateboard tape mostly because of the sort of difficulty you mentioned-- it makes grip adjustment a lot more difficult if you don't nail a perfect grip initially. I think this applies to freestyle as well as weak hand, just more subtly.

My best weak hand draw was an A at 10 yards in 1.2x. I can do 1.4's fairly consistently. This is with my Production gear, a Ruger P89 out of a Bladetech holster.

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