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Splits and Transistions

Steve Anderson

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I gotta admit, I don't follow you on this one. Shooting my open blaster at 7 yards wide open on timing drills (timing the dot to 6 o'clock) I get tons of splits in the .09-.12 range. I suppose we could think of the sight picture as a continous sight picture. No way in Hades can I drive the gun to a new target and get a sight picture then break the shot in .10 seconds.

OTOH, if you are saying it can be as fast or faster to drive the gun to another target and establish a new sight picture as it is to establish two seperate sight pictures on a single target then I would agree.

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That is unfreakin' believable! I bet TGO would have a hard time doing that....

That brings me to a point I was trying to make to another shooter at my home club the other day. We as shooters underestimate ourselves a lot. A lot of times we will do a drill and look at the timer, look at our perfect A hits and say, "wow, I was on, but I wonder what the top dogs can shoot that in?" Thinking the whole time that on our good run, the top dogs ought to run it .XX faster. And we don't realize that was a top dog run, and any top dog that looks at the run is probably thinking, I hope I never have to shoot against him and get smoked on a stage like that. At FGN 2003, after I shot Steely Speed 1 & 2 (3 sucked for me) I walked off the line knowing I had two solid runs in Production. My next thought was, man I bet Dave and Robbie take a full second off of my times on 1 and 2. After the smoke cleared, I won those 2 stages in Production. Stage 1 there wasn't anybody even close. Robbie got close on stage 2, but not close enough! If we practice enough, and apply what we learned at major matches, we can turn in some top dog times and not even know it until we tangle with them at a big match. Then they look over their shoulder and wonder who the new guy is, which is my favorite part. :P

Bottom line: If Steve shot that stage in a major, I don't think anybody would catch him. I would even lay money that 20 or 30 people would crash and burn on the way trying to catch him.

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Bottom line:  If Steve shot that stage in a major, I don't think anybody would catch him.  I would even lay money that 20 or 30 people would crash and burn on the way trying to catch him.

Matthew: I think you are right.

Steve: way to go ! You prove your own methods again !

Interesting thoughts though, I will let it sink in some more.

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We can find out next month. (My money is on Steve doing just fine.)

There is a 3 stage deal that Jeff Maass has on his website, call: This, That & The Other.

It would make a great monthly match stage. (online here..and locally)

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I retract my other two posts. I spent the day on the range and I tried it out. I am not nearly as fast as you are but it is indeed as fast to make a transition on your setup as it is to let the dot stabilize. Man, that's so counter intuitive. BTW, my draw was about the same as your total time. :o

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I post these videos for one reason...to inspire excellence. If I can do it, everybody can do it.

I truly believe there are no limits to excellence. We may do an el prez in 3.5, but SOMEONE can do a 3.49...and if that's possible, a 3.489 is possible...and so on.

I was very fortunate to shoot with Max, Chris, Blake, Travis and many other great shooters today on an area 6 "super squad." On almost every stage I heard someone remark how "I can never be as fast as these guys" etc.

It's not true. There's limitless excellence out there...just go get some.

My wife gets a chuckle out of the fact that I can't eat a meal without getting mustard on my shirt...she says, "They let you run with a gun?" :)

Now get to work.


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I'll tag onto this - if I may.

Steve - great run.

Matt - great point. I remember at the 94' nationals Tawn Argeris and I were shooting on the secondary super squad, and we second guessed damn near every stage we shot. We were one stage ahead of the big dogs, so we would go shoot, and then say "damn - that stage cost us points" Well, after the first couple of days we were both pretty clean. I had a miss/no shoot - and I can't remember what Tawn had. We were shooting good though. So the match is nearing an end, and Tawn and I are looking at results saying damn - we're sitting ok. Tawn won one stage - I think I won two. Both stages that we were like "that was ok - but not great" We spend so much time second guessing ourselves versus trusting what we know. Ironic me typing this huh? <_<

You know, things go different in a match. Could Steve duplicate the run in a match - clearly yes. Would he? Who knows. Who cares? Say he shoots half a second slower - he's still in the hunt.

Its so interesting the match dynamic. I remember so many times people I shot with at club matches that would be close, or beat me regularly. We get to an area match and I almost always beat them. They changed their gameplan - I never did. I get nervous at club matches - same as I do at big matches. It all matters. Being able to duplicate a practice run is irrelevant. Knowing what to see and do at a match - that's what matters. By being able to do what Steve did - it demonstrates he knows what to do in a match so one can assume he would shoot similarly.

I've never (that I can recall) did anything like what Steve did on that video. Its simply inspirational. If I saw that and I was shooting open I'd be slightly concerned that I wasn't competitive - but that wouldn't cause me to change what I know I need to do to get the job done.

Ugg - long post. Probably a lot of BS too.

Oh well :P


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Good points as usual Jack.

May I dare to venture that Steve probably wouldn't push himself THAT hard in a match that mattered. I don't think anyone should think that they need to perform consistently at THAT level to win matches. If you shoot 85% of what Steve demonstrated in EVERY stage in nationals you'd be in the top 10 easy!

If you shoot 100% of what Steve demonstrated in every stage, you'd put Robbie at 89% of your score! :)

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