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NRA Action Pistol: 2004 Results & Progress


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I shot my second match ever today!

04-April-2004 - Wildcat Valley Rifle & Pistol Club - Brookston, IN

Firearm: Auto, Metallic Sight Firearm (my trusty Kimber .45ACP)


Practical: 363 points, 9X

Moving Target: 288 points; 4X

Barricade: 377 points; 8X

Falling Plates: 330 points; 33X

TOTAL: 1358 points; 54X

I improved more than 100 points from my first match (last year, which I think was a 1210 or so).

I did much better on the plates, although I made some unexplainable errors. On some strings I didn't even fire all six shots, but I have no idea why. I did get all six plates on two strings, one at 10 yards and one at 20 yards. I got five on my last run at 25 yards, yet I got a measly 1 plate on my second run at 15 yards! Inconsistency was my problem there.

I improved noticeably on the Barricade event as well, although I lost an X and ten points because of an overtime shot. On my first string, I fired two shots and just stopped, perhaps to admire my two hits in the 10 ring. Then I noticed that BigDave was still shooting and I remembered just a little too late that I need to shoot four more shots! We started on Barricade, so overall it was a good result for me.

I did better on the practical than I did last year, but I dropped too many points at the close targets and had three complete misses on the longer strings. I definitely didn't use my time wisely, but I usually shoot better when I go at a fairly rapid pace than if I used all the time allotted at 50 yards.

The mover was my downfall today. I did much better on the mover my first time, and I don't know exactly what happened today. I had a lot of misses and bad hits on one 25-50 target ... only 33 points! I guess I just didn't have very good trigger control or something ... I had poor, but slightly better results on the other 25-50 and one 10-15, and a respectable 106 points on the remaining 10-15 target.

I wish I had broken 1400, but that's definitely within my reach next time. I had a lot of fun too!

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Rhino - 1400 is only 4 more plates - you can do that, easy. BTW - we need to work on your lead points for the Mover. Key there is not to look for your hits, look for your lead point, aim at it and keep the gun moving.

As usual, the Barricade sucks for me, but I did find my ideal foot position for the two farthest positions, so that made me happy. I struggled there all last year. By the way, 155 gr bullets at 900 fps suck in my pistol.

After the Barricade, I switched to my major pf IPSC loads for the rest of the match. I was never comfortable at the plates until, oddly enough, the 25 yd line. Thats when I finally relaxed. The mover was a bit below average for me, but it was okay. I redeemed myself at the Practical with my highest score ever in a match (I think) and a decent amount of X's. It just proved that my IPSC load, even though they are seconds from Star and FMJ's at that, fly pretty decent. I just don't know what I'll do if I find a load that works well for this game. Have I mentioned that 155's in my gun suck? <_<

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Load? LOAD?

230gr FMJ at 825 fps works for everything! ;)

You would have done really well today had it not been for the ammo situation.

The Barricade was my second worst event last time, but this time it was my best, even after losing the 10 points from the overtime shot.

I still don't understand why I seem to be able to shoot plates at 20-25 yards better than I can at 10 or 15.

We need to get access to a plate rack so we can pract ... er ... "plink with more deliberation." It would be good for all of the other shooting challenges as well.

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The New Zealand NRA AP Nationals last week end, shot on the same range used for the 1999 World NRA AP Shoot. This was the third match fired here in NZ under the new rules and the first big one.

My latest attempt at Metallic Sights, also shot Open at the same two day match. Shot 3 events, each gun Sat and the remaining on the Sun. This was the first match in two years with my "Metallic Sights" pistol.

Plates 380. Forgot what my sight settings were. :o

Barricade 390. Oh shit???????

Practical 394. As above.

Mover 439. One shot not fired, boo boo on my part.

1603 Total 81X. TGO is safe for another year. :P

Metallic won with an 1806 using a 8" STOCK S&W 686 with a factory Adjustable from sight.

"Open" was really crappy.

Plates 450, been shooting 460 or 470 for the last month then the brain goes fart.

Barricade 478-42X. Just out but I fired it with the dot there.

Practical 464-36X. 2 huge 5's low at 25?? Everything else as expected.

Mover 463-25. Bad day in the office, another low 5.

My total for "Open" 1855-130X. 13 points down from my 2003 Bianchi score but the X count was better.

Event won by an Aussie with 1904. Second was a Kiwi on 1903. No names under pain of death.

NO ONE CLEANED PLATES, the nearest was 4 shooters on 470 including one of the stock shooters :angry:

We have renamed the event Moving Plates. :D

Seven of the shooters at this event were at the 2003 Bianchi. 5 finished in the top 25.

BTW shooting six stages in one day was hard work. BUT FUN. :)

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We did it late last year at another club, and shot all eight stages in one day.

There were about 25 shooters there and two of us shot both stock and open. You need lots of help from those around you when you try this at a fair sized shoot. You spend more time sprinting between ranges and filling magazines than actually shooting. But you are expected to help RO and clean up when not actually on the line, so a few people did double duty on that for us.

Stock first then the Open gun. Under the old Open rules, so the Open scores were somewhat better, I actually shot a 1908 with the Open gun but about 1550 with the stock gun. I had aiming issues, it appears I was not doing enough of it.

Nearly killed us, started at 9.00am and we were all done by 2.00pm.

But I was awesome fun.

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What a difference a week makes. Last Sat. I shot the MS. regional. It got real bad.

Plates- 460 DAMN rule change! :angry:

Mover 468- 27X

Prac 469- 25X

And the kicker

Barricade 418-35X shot someone elses target. :wacko:

Total 1815- 133X

Haven't shot that kind of score in 5 years. They gave me the Monkey award and tied it around my neck riding on my back. Now I have to look at this thing everyday until some lucky shooter gets it next year.

Today, monthly match in Hinton, WV.

Mover 475- 29X trigger- dot

Plates 480! dot- trigger. first time this year. :D

Barricade 478- 44X trigger- dot again

Practical 473-31X Where'd that 5 come from. Must have been trigger dot.

Total 1906-152X

I was beginning to think that I was going to be able to get moved back down to Master class. I had already shot 2 scores out of High Master before today and all it takes is 7. I figured I was well on my way.

I switched from a Gilmore tombstone sight to an Aimpoint 4 min dot. Made a big difference, especially on the plates. It's mounted on top of a Gilmore action gun that barely keeps all the shots in the X ring at 50 yards. If my gunsmith doesn't soon get my new gun finished I will have to shoot this one at the Cup. :angry:

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A P.

Glad you got everything pointing in the same place.

E Hoover had a gun doing similar things before the 2003 Bianchi and he still shot a 1918.

But the trigger control is far more important now than ever. My pistol will keep everything inside a 1.5" circle if I do everything, from a rest. In a match anything outsie the X ring is my problem. I did some more practice on the plates this week and I found that when I just shoot when it looks right, it usually is. :wacko:

I shot three consecutive 480's and had plenty of time left over after each run, a few were heading for the edge, and they usually found it, which was handy. Everything else fine. Then, when I tried too hard and hurried it got messy. Missing them at anytime without warning. Usually at 20y or 25y. I evebn missed one at 10y when I just blazed away without thinking.

So it can be done. I expect All the top ten at the Cup to be shooting a 1920 with a high X count or be very close to it.


I bet the five in the practical was at 25y. I seem to have picked up a 5 or two there from time to time. Can't figure it as they are never in the same place twice.

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I shot a couple last year and I dont have I clue what my score was other than "poor" I would have shot with you Joseph but I was going to work and didnt look close enough at the club calender. If I had your $$ I would do nothing but be a match tramp too, every weekend a different match, different town, different sport. :o

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Okay, Mr. Smartypants!

The next match is ... 02-May-04. You shall attend and you shall shoot with Mr. BigDave and myself. Do not attempt to argue, whine, or make excuses, as I will brook no insolence on your part.

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You're right about the trigger control. That's what was nice about having a tack driver. I could be sloppy and still come out okay.

When the snow cleared and I could start practicing again I noticed that I would fire 6 rounds at the plates in the times that I did when I was going prone. It's amazing how the training takes over because if I subtracted 2 seconds from my prone times I would get my standing times. In other words I was spending the same time shooting standing as I was prone. Now the trick is too re-train ourselves to shoot slower and concentrate more on the dot and trigger control. The whole time I was shooting the plates I felt like I was daring myself to take the dot off of the plate and then fire. It was a weird feeling!

That 5 was at the 25 yard line. It goes back to the prone thing. I used to have to get it done when I went prone and now I can just sink the shots into the X ring.

I don't think the top ten is going to change much either exept for a few that are not going to shoot. I don't think there will be that many 1920's. Maybe 3 or 4. I'd like to see 11-20 change a bit with me in there somewhere. I was 21st in 2002 and I want another taste of that. I think it's going to take 48 plates, a 480 barricade and a 476 mover and practical. Come to think of it, that's the kind of score needed to do it for the past few years. I think the plates will be a big factor though. It's all going to boil down to who can handle the pressure.

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Trigger control ... I've heard this term, but I'm not sure I understand it yet. :rolleyes:

I think I might get my trigger pull lowered to about one pound ... that should be a bit more forgiving of the trigger pressing crimes I tend to commit on a regular basis. :lol:

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Action Pistolero,

The plates are going to take a 480, or your done.

The mover score in theory will be a 480 or your not in the top 5.

But with the way the match works now, if you shoot 480 mover that is everything in the ten or X standing. Soooooooo, everything else is at the same size target and not moving around. Therefore a 1920 is a piss of cake. <_<

So in the real world anything over 1910 will be bloody marvelous. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
04-April-2004 - Wildcat Valley Rifle & Pistol Club - Brookston, IN

Firearm: Auto, Metallic Sight Firearm (my trusty Kimber .45ACP)


Practical: 363 points, 9X

Moving Target: 288 points; 4X

Barricade: 377 points; 8X

Falling Plates: 330 points; 33X

TOTAL: 1358 points; 54X

Today's results:

02 May, 2004 - Wildcat Valley R&P Club - Brookston, IN

Firearm: Auto, Metallic Sights (my trust Kimber .45ACP)


Practical: 363 points, 8X

Moving Target: 353 points; 10X

Barricade: 404 points; 12X

Falling Plates: 290 points; 29X

TOTAL: 1410 points; 59X

That's creepy ... I had the exact same score on the Practical two times in a row, with just on X difference. I did much better on the Mover and even better than that on the Barricades.

The plates were a problem again today. On my first two strings, I got 6 and 5 plates, respectively. In the past, I did the worst at the 10 yard line, so I was a little excited by starting so well. Unfortunately I think I was a little too excited by it, because I crapped out on the rest of the distances. I was going across and shooting low, hitting the plate rack in front of the hinges on almost every shot. Well, I'll just do better next time.

The Practical went okay, but I made a dumb mistake that cost me some points. My left shoulder is still sore and weak, but I forgot to put my strong side forward for the weak hand only string like I did last time. The last time, that netted me six Xs for six shots! Today, failing to position my body to help accomodate my shoulder, I had an 8 and two 5s on the left, then two 5s and a complete miss on the right. So that's about 32 points I lost for no good reason. :angry:

Still, I am very pleased with breaking 1400 points. Next month we break the 1500 barrier!

And I finally outscored BigDave on an event ... he had a rough day with the Barricades ... but of course he smoked me on the other three and beat me by well over 200 points total. :lol:

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Have I mentioned how much I hate the The Barricade event. I'm using the term hate with a shooting event. Ugh!!! :wacko:

Well, despite another horrid performance on the Barricade, I managed to put together my best overall match to date with a 1628. Now, if I can only find another 100pts in my game before the Cup. :blink:

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Have I mentioned how much I hate the The Barricade event. I'm using the term hate with a shooting event. Ugh!!! :wacko:

Well, despite another horrid performance on the Barricade, I managed to put together my best overall match to date with a 1628. Now, if I can only find another 100pts in my game before the Cup. :blink:


Anything we can try to help with? Any idea where the problem lies for ya?

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Nik - thanks for the offer man, I appreciate it. What happened today was really operator error. I've had a nasty tendency lately to ride the slide with one or both of my thumbs. This isn't good with 130 pf ammo, a heavy slide, and a light spring. This little snafu cost me 6 shots today; 3 on my first target at 10 yards from the right side and I can't tell you what a confidence booster that is. :whacko: I finally have found the right foot position and good, accurate, consistant ammo. I'm confident I'll get this sucka figured out right within the next couple of weeks.

I've made the decision not to shoot any other type of ammo or game with my SV until after the Cup. The other 3 events went okay, especially the Mover and the Practical. It is just that the Barricade has always been my weak spot (and I'm told it typically is for Stock/Metallic Sight shooters) and I'm ready to take that dog out to pasture and, well...

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I've been shooting it better and better every match. Usually it's plates for me, though the Anderson dryfire rack seems to be helping a bit there. If you don't have access to a proper barricade, it would be pretty easy and affordable to build a frame out of plumbers tubing, with the added advantage that it could break down for storage. A piece of fabric and a few of those big paper clamps from the office supply store, and voila, a Barricade appears. Then just practice it...

I'm rooting for ya!

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Unfortuanately, this isn't my score. But, there was some discussion about prone and scores going down a bit. Anyway, it doesn't seem to be much of a factor for this person, but I'm posting the scores just to show the effect the new prone rule has on a local Unlimited shooter:

Mover: 478/34

Plates: 480/48x

Barricade: 480/47x

Practical: 480/35x

1918/164x total - the 2pts dropped on the mover were due to a jam at 10 or 15 (the gun just got back from the smith). That total would have taken 6th overall at last years Bianchi Cup.


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