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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

new shooter from new mexico


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Hello everyone, I'm a noob to action shooting. Just trying to find some people in the state that can show me the ropes. Right now I'm shooting a glock 17 as I would guess production class , and as soon as my para gets back that will be my limited gun. I hope I can get some guidance here for I have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to action shooting.

By the way I'm from Gallup.

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Joeorr, Welcome !

Check out www.rgpsc.com we shoot 1st and 3rd saturday. Set up at 8:00 shoot at 10:00.

Hope to meet ya this saturday April 16th.

Damon Stanforth

Edited by nm3gnr
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welcome aboard to a fellow New Mexican. This Stae has a great bunch of shooter and always willing to help a noob. BTW I also shoot a Para in Limited when not shooting Single Stack (Primary Division)

Edited by Jammer1911
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Jammer thanks for the info.. the para is actually going on the chopping block, well as soon as it gets back its going to the first person that gets me the money for it. I'm seriously thinking of shooting glocks only, I shoot the 17 I have very well. Now for the shooting limited and production or limited and open or open and production. Hell I might try all 3... but money will be the final say that's for sure.

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