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Draw fire mag change practice

Mat Price

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I agree that it looks good. What about not dropping the weak hand as low as you do? From a surrender start keep the WH high and push straight out from there. What is the par time of this?

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yeah coach I noticed that. I think I am going to start slapping my upper chest to index something else. that is an old concealed draw habit. The par time is 1.20 I want to get the shot and be pressing the button before the beep. I wish I could set 3 times on it. Goal is draw fire reload 1.95-2.05

Tomorrow is box drills. I am really pushing it hard to get ready for the Mississippi classic


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When doing the same kind of drill, I sometimes catch myself extending out further than I normally do with the gun when getting back on target, almost to the point of locking my elbows and being off balance. I didn't realize I was doing that until I video taped myself. The video also showed the strain and tension in my body. In other words, I was trying to be so fast, I wasn't being smooth, and that unsmoothness (is that a word?)was definitely showing up in live fire drills at the range with lousy points on target, and slower reload times.

It kind of looks like you're doing the same thing I was doing, but I'm not sure. What do you think?


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  • 2 months later...

Looking good... You might want to think about keeping your muzzle pointed towards your next target (or at least downrange) during your reloads. When you point the muzzle upwards during your reloads, you just have to move it back down again when you're done, which is wasted movement. Keeping the muzzle pointed downrange will also help you avoid violations of the 180 rule - it applies up and down too, not just side to side. Good work and keep at it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

awlazs, I am trying that,but Its difficult to move my hands at two different speeds. Just so I am understanding should i be receiving my gun in my weak hand up in the "face box" area and pushing out? or more mid chest meeting and rising up? I watched you vids on youtube you have a really smooth draw I need to try and get 5 tenths off my draw. This is what it looks like since this video.


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Draw faster. The shooting is good, but the draw looks like it is in slow motion.

I took a class with max and Blake an the weirdest thing happened when Blake was working with me. He just leaned in and told me to go faster. Simply move your arms faster.

If you practice moving really fast, with an airsoft even if you are worried about throwing the gun, you can back it down a bit in a match and it will still be faster than you are now.

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This isn't what you were asking about but I would suggest that you try to stay "in" the last shot a little longer.

When people develop a habit of relaxing too quickly after an action, they will tend to do that later on when they are stringing together several actions.

One other thing you might try.

Think about dropping your ELBOWS more than pushing your hands down.

I do a million reps of just indexing my weak hand to my chest (inside of my Wrist resting on my chest with thumb pointing forward fingers bent wrist cammed forward ready to receive the gun).

Then a bunch of reps of just Strong hand acquiring the Grip.

Then a bunch of both together.

Then reps starting from the index position and just draw.

Then reps of starting from both hands together to the push out.

Then push out to acquiring sight picture

THEN putting two elements together, then three, then all together,

Edited by KungFuNerd
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LAtach. You are right. Gene Jackson tells me all the time, "you have the trigger finger of a Tasmanian Devil and the draw of a pregnant yak" he also said he could time my draw with with a sun dial lol, dont know if you know Gene he is one of the old Guys from the St. benard indoor range when max had the plate match. Really good dude he has helped push my time across the plates alot. I just need to get over this one hurdle to make the master class.

Kungfu that is a great idea. I noticed when I change my focus for example from my hands to my elbows at the gym while doing lat pull downs it complete changes the way I pull the bar.

I am going to try that.. you are also right about loosing my focus thanks for pointing that out.

The other thing I have never really thought about till now is that once your grip is correct in the chest face box area your draw is now complete. the next part is another skill all together and that presentation and dot/ sight acquisition.

the first video i posted back in march. I have been working on this since and have not gotten very far with it. I am going to post some videos break it down to each movement and see what you guys can tell me i am missing something.

Edited by Mat Price
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