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Q&A Poll, to stop spammers

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Most of them that I have seen have external links in their first post... Is there any way to disable the function to allow links for other sites, pictures, video's or polls until they hit 10 or more regular posts. I think many of them would get bored long before then.

I think there is also a 'Report' function that allows a member to report a post to the Administrators/Mods if they think that the post violates the forum rules. I'm not sure if this is switched on or not.

That is a good idea. Just like for the classifieds. Is there a way to not allow external links in posts until the poster has say 20 posts? I don't think 10 is enough. I've seen the same spammer post multiple times in one session on another forum. The post count has to be high enough to make the effort not worth his time.

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Is there a way to make membership to this forum via a friend-request type firewall like on facebook. It seems to me that most if not all lagit requests are from someone that has knowledge of someone here. Or do you all think a lot of shooters find this site on their own by accident? And if they do not, and it was directed to those that do not to find a local club,(with a link on the sign up page to say USPSA club finder page)and meet someone to friend them in. it could not only help cut out spammers but get clubs hooked up with new shooters.

Non-members would still have the ability to lurk, and get the answer to a question if they search. They simply would not be able to post until friended into the system by an upstanding current member.

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I WAS going to suggested the middle name of the greatest gun designer ever... <_<

"what goes in a primer pocket?"

"Which is a major component of a firearm? nail, hammer, screwdriver, drill, wrench, dremel"

and was that an African swallow...?

This could be tough.

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As a guy still pretty new to action pistol, I'll say that I found this forum on my own, long before I knew anyone to vouch for me. So, that strategy may be pretty limiting. The post count idea isn't bad, but be reasonable, or maybe add an "or" statement to the criteria that considers time of membership.

For example, I've been on here for 2ish years, and I'm no where near 50 posts yet. I typically don't post on a forum unless I've got something of quality to add to the discussion. To a guy like me, the 50 post count for the classifieds is a tall hurdle.

Is there any way in the board's software to set a minimum word count for a post to be counted? That might help.


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As a guy still pretty new to action pistol, I'll say that I found this forum on my own, long before I knew anyone to vouch for me. So, that strategy may be pretty limiting. The post count idea isn't bad, but be reasonable, or maybe add an "or" statement to the criteria that considers time of membership.

For example, I've been on here for 2ish years, and I'm no where near 50 posts yet. I typically don't post on a forum unless I've got something of quality to add to the discussion. To a guy like me, the 50 post count for the classifieds is a tall hurdle.

Is there any way in the board's software to set a minimum word count for a post to be counted? That might help.



Do you shoot with a club? I bet if you asked at the next match, somebody there new of this forum. with only 8 posts in two years it seems it would not be very limiting at all, as you would still be able to view just not post, until someone vouched for you. If you were serious about posting you would have found someone...

And if nobody there knows about this forum at your club, spread the word.

Edited by mpeltier
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Probably the best question for any human spammer would be: "Have you ever kissed a girl?" If they answer "no" they're spammers and you can block 'em. Guaranteed to knock-out 95% of these losers.

Edited by gohuskers
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I spend a little while thinking about this

and the answer should not be searchable... on this forum anyway...

here are a few questions I would not have had the answer when I first came here.

... maybe that makes them good questions ?

what made JMB famous?

who played Kato in the tv series the green hornet?

the questions I'd ask:

have you read Brian's book "making the grade"?

what goes down range?

name the object past the sight picture.

and I'd take 2 out of three as a pass

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The point I was trying to make is to be on the lenient side of reasonable when setting the entry criteria. It is probably better to let a few spammers in than to make the criteria so stiff as to block out new members, whom could have strong future value to this community.


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Hi windscreen,

well, that is part of why I picked the questions I asked.

I suspect you had the answers before you ever entered this forum.

I would have guessed the second two from context

and the first I would have answered honestly...

the trick to stopping smammers is to cause them to pause.

and those questions are completely Gun Related.

ask them of a non-gun person.

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I think ANY questions you ask have the potential to turn away valid new members. This is an issue for all online forums and BBs. Best answer to this problem is to return to policies that used to be the norm but have since disappeared that required users identities to be positively verified by the admins before entry is granted. I ran many BBs in the mid 80s and we used to require that a new user send in a copy of their DL to gain entry. Accountability used to be much higher and therefore the quality of online info was much better. My .02

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Most of them that I have seen have external links in their first post... Is there any way to disable the function to allow links for other sites, pictures, video's or polls until they hit 10 or more regular posts. I think many of them would get bored long before then.

I think there is also a 'Report' function that allows a member to report a post to the Administrators/Mods if they think that the post violates the forum rules. I'm not sure if this is switched on or not.

It appears that there is an option to do this with the forum. I found this on the Invision Home Page:


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Is there a way to not allow external links in posts until the poster has say 20 posts? I don't think 10 is enough. I've seen the same spammer post multiple times in one session on another forum. The post count has to be high enough to make the effort not worth his time.

Thanks to BritinUSA, I now have it so new member cannot post links. I won't post the nuimber of posts they need to post links here, but I did change the error message they get when they are not allowed to post a link to a generic message that just says something like - as a new member, you do not have enough post to post links in your post.

I think that should pretty much take care of the "spam wave" we've seen lately. And it indeed appears to have.


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