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Proving myself wrong


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I've progressively added weight every year since high school. I don't drink much, and never smoke. My addiction has been food. I'm not a glutton, but salad tends to get in the way of my steak. Fast food has been convienient for lunch. Grabbing a couple of bagels and a coffee on the way to work was easier than making breakfast at home.

Every year, my doctor would politely bitch at me.

Every year, she'd send me for tests.

Every year, my blood pressure, ECG, blood sugar, and cholesteral would be near perfect.

Every year I'd smile and nod, and do nothing different.

A few years ago, my outlook changed. I gradually shifted from thinking of myself as a guy carrying a few extra pound, to accepting that I'd become morbidly obese. Somewhere between denial and acceptance, those little roadsigns became impossible to ignore. Little details, like having to avoid chairs with arm rests. Like having to be sure to hit my favourite clothes store at the beginning of the season, before the oversizes had been picked over. Like finishing an IPSC stage in the prone position, and having two friends at your ankles to see if you need a hand up.

This year, I got the slap I seemed to need. My blood pressure spiked to 150/92 in the doctors office. While not horribly out of range, my liver function tests came back abnormal, most likely due to excess fat.

I took a drive on the way home, and said enough is enough. I hit the grocery store on the way home, and bought a stash of fruit and cereal. I left it at work.

I took a look on line, and figured out how many calories I was consuming between waking up and sitting down for dinner. I was surprised. Most days I was above 2300 before dinner.

I had a realistic look at what I really needed, and what I could give up. I made sure I had fruit on hand to make sure hunger didn't drive me to cheating.

I busted 1500 calories on average out of my diet before eating dinner. Dinner is with the family, but moderation is the rule, and seconds are out of the question.

I'm now on day 15, and each day it seems to get easier.

I frankly predicted that 41 years of indifference would get the better of me, and noble intentions aside, I would probably fail early on. I've been very pleasantly surprised by my willpower.

Now my curiousity leads me to wonder, this time next year, will Canuck223 mean something more???

Edited by Canuck223
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Congrats on the progress, the first couple weeks are definitely the hardest. But once your stomach starts to shrink down the "hungries" will subside. I had to drop about 20-25 in 4 months for a school a couple about 15 years or so ago and the nutrietionist (sp?) told me it wasn't how much but what I ate. Once I found out what I could and couldn't get away with I learned that I could eat pretty good on 1500 calories a day. I at the point now that I should lose about 40-45, but can't seem to find the motivation for it. Good for you and your continued success!!!

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FWIW, I started trying to get in shape about a 8 weeks ago. I've been working out for about 30-45 minutes lifting weights three days a week, and run/walking 2-3 miles about 4 days a week. I've cut down on (but not eliminated) red meat and fried stuff, increased veggies, and try to eat more smaller meals instead of just a big lunch and big dinner. So far, I'm down about 15 pounds (still got about 35-40 to go).

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I made a concious decision to skip the scale at this point. While weight lose is one of my goals, right now I have to focus on making permanent changes. Getting into the good routine, and letting go of the destructive routine has to take priority. Hopping on the scale at this point could be counter productive.

Far more important to me right now are two sets of numbers that don't include my total weight. First off, I want to see my blood pressure drop down into a safer range. After that, I'm looking forward to fitting into my current work pants properly, then the smaller waist size relegated to the back of the closet.

I know this will take time. Ultimately, I'd like to see myself around 190-210 lbs. At 6' 2", I left highschool weighing 185 lbs. Time will tell.

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  • 4 months later...

Nice work Canuck223. Stick with it. You'll feel better and it will get easier every day that you stay tough. Make eating for optimum health a way of life.

I don't know if you are into this sort of thing... I book on "diet" that is way "out there"! - and blew mind is Jack Schwarz's It's not what you eat but what eats you.

There's little info in it that will relate to anything you will find in any other "diet" book.

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congrats dude

way to go

I made a similar decision 4 years ago, got tired of being fat and out of breath, I lost 50 lbs, went from a snug 40" to 34"

the hard part for me was to stay focused on my eating and exercise to keep from going back to my former fat and lazy self

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Way to go!!

Now we just need to work on your spelling of the word "favorite" ;-)

I'd joke about Americans preaching about the proper use of the Queens English when in reality they should be more worried about the proper use of the Spanish punctuation.

However the realist in my accepts that the Queens English is slowly morphing into Urdu in the UK.

In the mean time, Canada will remain your favourite colourful friend to the north.

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I would have said touché, but under the circumstances that's probably not the best word. Lol

Besides, I'm a Texan, we don't speak the Queen's English ;-)

Keep up the good work. Keep us posted on your progress, it helps motivate some of us.

Way to go!!

Now we just need to work on your spelling of the word "favorite" ;-)

I'd joke about Americans preaching about the proper use of the Queens English when in reality they should be more worried about the proper use of the Spanish punctuation.

However the realist in my accepts that the Queens English is slowly morphing into Urdu in the UK.

In the mean time, Canada will remain your favourite colourful friend to the north.

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At least you made the change before your HEART made it for you,start with food,I never had time to go to a gym so I started walking,just around the house,my street,next a little more,and a little more,don't let up,YOU CAN DO IT,when you get your mind set,tell us in say 6--six--weeks how much you have lost,you are the only one who yopu can cheet on,,don't be a cheater---good luck

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One thing that helped me is that your not on a diet your are simply on a lifestyle change, diets dont work forever but lifestyle changes are for as long as you want to keep it up. One book that i would highly recommend is call Primal blueprint by mark sisson, it has a ton of usefull information in there i wont go into great detail but its all about lifestyle change. Here is a link

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  • 1 month later...

Well, it's been an interesting month.

After 6+ months of consistantly losing 12 lbs a month, I hit the wall. From March 15 until May 01, I'd hovered around 295 lbs +/- 5 lbs.

I revisited my eating habits, and really didn't find a lot to criticize. I may have had more carbs than ideal, but on the whole my diet has been on track and realistic. Even during our family vacation, I was being fairly restrained. I'd hit a plateau.

Seems like I must have needed a break, or somehow my body needed to readjust to the new regime.

Anyway, that seems to be over. I doubt I'll see 12 pound monthly losses, but I seem to be on a slow decline again.

The best part of my week was this morning. I needed to buy new shorts, as mine from last summer are all size 54 waist.

I hit my favourite clothing store today trying to find 46 inch waist shorts. Not a damned one to be found anywhere.

In frustration, I grabbed a pair of size 44 just to see how close I was...

Holy heck, they fit fine.

Only downside for me right now is I've not been shooting this season. I need a new belt. I tried on my old one, and when adjusted, the velcro patch goes past all the velcro on the other side.

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  • 2 months later...

Looks like slow and steady wins the race. Unfortunately it's the snails race.

Now I bounce a few pounds either side of 280.

Oh well. It took me 20 years of gaining 8 pounds a year to hit my high water mark. I guess I can cope with shedding a pound a week or so for the next while.

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