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Field course blunder


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I had a royal screwup this past weekend which probably dropped me out of the top 2 to 6th.

Apparently I felt the need to reshoot targets that already had holes in them not once, not twice but THREE times. On ONE stage!!! Doh. I need a better system of keeping track of the stages. That was embarrassing. Total waste of time, total blunder. After that stage I had a mic as I was so wrapped up in making up for them I tried to rush a reload I jerked a shot off to perform a mandatory reload.

Needless to say, felt pretty dumb about it the whole ride home..

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It's all in the planning phase - looking at the COF

before you shoot, and deciding what to shoot from where.

Pick your 3 or 4 shooting positions and decide which

targets to shoot from each position so you don't shoot

the same target twice (or thrice?).

Sometimes it takes longer than 5 minutes to figure them

out - hate that. And, as I get older, it seems to take

longer and longer. There's one COF in Frostproof that

I never did figure out how to shoot properly, even though

I was looking at it for a half hour the day before the shoot:(

Talking it through with a buddy is helpful, too.

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Talking it through with a buddy is helpful, too.

I have found that since moving back to KY and going to matches with my cousin that this really helps. We can game it together, and figure out the best way to attach a stage. Also, several times one or the other of us has shot a stage and then looked at the other and said that didn't work try this. This led us to figuring out the best way to run a shotgun/pistol stage a few weeks back and shaving about 3 secs off the rest of the fields time. Two heads are always better than one, besides I like to bounce my crazy ideas off someone else.

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stagesthat have always given me fits are the multiple aspect stages where you see targets you already engaged from another port, yeah, and as you follow the RO you realize they have 4 andsomtimes 6 holes in em....hate those stages...

... and some with 0 hits! :surprise:

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

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stagesthat have always given me fits are the multiple aspect stages where you see targets you already engaged from another port, yeah, and as you follow the RO you realize they have 4 andsomtimes 6 holes in em....hate those stages...

... and some with 0 hits! :surprise:

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.


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  • 1 month later...

stagesthat have always given me fits are the multiple aspect stages where you see targets you already engaged from another port, yeah, and as you follow the RO you realize they have 4 andsomtimes 6 holes in em....hate those stages...

... and some with 0 hits! :surprise:

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

had a stage like that 2 weeks ago in uspsa... then I had to shoot it again last week in 3 gun and they had added a few targets.... id did badly both times multiple engagements on some targets and no engagement on others...

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