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People Who Write Anykind Of

B.J. Norris

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What drives people into writing a virus with the sole intent of harming other peoples computers?!?!?!? I got a Instant Message from a guy who I know and trust this afternoon with a link, of course I clicked on it. When I responded he asked "What?". Of course now I have a Trojan Horse that I'm not sure if I'm rid of or not. Norton (updated today) told me that access to the file was denied, so I went and deleted it myself, but I have a strong feeling it wasn't enough. :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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Exactly what I've been thinking Trig.

There's definate job security programming new viruses from a secure location.

When we ask the question "who benefits from creating a virus", there seem to be only 2 answers:

1) Sense of accomplishment for a hacker. :ph34r:

2) Anti-virus companies selling product.

One of the above have more a stake than the other.

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I've got a better question. What kind of mindless dipshits sell an operating system where ANYBODY and I mean ANYBODY can re-write ANY piece of the OS and replace the original OS at their whim and fancy? Sweet Jesus, I'm Idiot King of programming and *I* can replace the entire Windows front end!!!!

As long is there is Windows, there will never be security. It will never never never never never never happen. Ever.

That is the crux of the problem my friends.

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spook, if that's an insult against early Microsoft operating systems, I'm lovin' it!

If viruses, worms, and trojan horses make you unproductive, get a Mac. Think of all the time and money spent inoculating against viruses and curing infected systems. Suddenly Macs don't seem so expensive.

I imagine virus authors are psychopaths who are "enabled" by the anonymity. Were it not for computers, they'd be harming small animals or flashing young girls or something along those lines.

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've got a better question. What kind of mindless dipshits sell an operating system where ANYBODY and I mean ANYBODY can re-write ANY piece of the OS and replace the original OS at their whim and fancy? Sweet Jesus, I'm Idiot King of programming and *I* can replace the entire Windows front end!!!!

As long is there is Windows, there will never be security. It will never never never never never never happen. Ever.

Truth! I like that the Mac system doesn't have the same problem. I will be the first to admit that it is not because it's better stuff, but because it is not the most popular (read, familiar here) environment for hackers. It's changing a little with OSX where the UNIX base requires port blocking or you are a wide open door on the internet with a flashing red light over it, thankfully OSX comes with it. The Mac OS isn't better, it's just safer due to a lack of interest on the part of the hacker community (OS9 and earlier anyway).

Just spent a couple hours the other day running NAV and a piece of freeware called "a² free" http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/free/ on the WINTEL workhorses at our office. I tell the folks using these machines that I would rather see them waste their time playing locally installed games than to surf the high speed wave all day, because then it wastes my time too fixing crap like the latest wave of spybots and trojans out there waiting for them to swim by. We will always be one step behind the clever feller's as long as we all use the same swiss cheese code en'masse.

Windows is fine for the everyday office and database driven environments, but I don't want to worry about downtime and condom like measures on my big graphics and video machines at home so I run a Mac environment there as much for the number crunching of the G4/AltiVec processing engine as for the impunity to viruses and hacking.



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Guest Larry Cazes

Actually, the truth is that the vast majority of these programs are written by teenagers. Sorry to dissapoint you guys but this is fact.

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Teenagers who should be out working, but their parents are not invoved enough to get them off the butts. My dad woke me on my 16th bithday by telling me he wanted me to have a part time job by the end of the week. I was already mowing something like a dozen lawns in the neighborhood as it was. How does the saying go, "Idle hands do the Devils work?"

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