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WeedWhacker's Range Diary


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36 years old single no kids and loving the freedom.

Current gun: S&W M&P 9MM Pro, fully wrapped in "grip tape", Sevigny rear and serrated front sight, APEX drop in trigger kit. Comp-Tac holsters/mag pouch.

Loads: MGB 9MM 124G 4.3G Win 231 1.13OAL

IDPA 8 months SSP SS 142.37

USPSA not classified. 1 match and more coming.

Started shooting about 10 years ago on special occasions or rainy days at a pubic range in NH. I was born/raised in Massachusetts with the general thought guns were "banned in massachusetts", never objected to them just was not informed.

About 2+ years ago for many reasons I took steps to become properly licensed to own firearms in mAssachusetts. After that PITA process, I joined one of the nicer clubs in mass IMO. Harvard Sportsmen Club, talking and listening to others its funny how such a great range is in mass, many from free states are surprised on how great HSC yet how rough mass guns laws are.

First gun I purchased was a S&W 1911PD. I went to the range attempted to put "50 rounds" in some pie plates or shoot-n-see targets on a semi-weekly basis. It was fun and exciting but the cost of factory .45 at the time was rather expensive. Which quickly got me into reloading .45ACP to save cost and my range time increased. My skills were not really improving @7yards I sometimes shot 50 rounds and never hit the paper... A friend of mine loaned me a S&W M&P 9MM, I saw instant changes it just was "easier" for me to shoot, so I went and picked one up.

Over time I became bored of shooting 12" targets. I heard about this thing called IDPA, I met with the IDPA chair at my local club one night and after him talking my ear off I decided to give this IDPA thing a try and showed up at one of the bi-monthly practice sessions held at the club. Have not missed a practice or match since that night, one could say I am hooked.

Many of the folks that I have met during practices and match's are great people also amazing shooters,some are very much helping me in suggestions and training sessions, you guys know who you are and thank you very much!!!!

Goals for 2010

IDPA classify EX in SSP

Continue to attend all IDPA practices and match's at the "local clubs".

Volunteer for SO/ASO/AMD/Setup/Stage Design/ etc etc for every match.

Attend USPSA local match's and get classified (I did one stage "tight squeeze" Production 10.97 All A's at the last match)


Solo practice sessions 2-5 times a week, once on a weekend.

Keep this diary updated after each practice being as honest with myself as possible with my practice's and progression.

Edited by weedwhacker
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Cool, good to see you over here. SSP EX is my goal for this season as well. I'm also hoping to make B in USPSA, but I've really gotta get back on the dry fire horse for that one. Are you planning to do live fire 2-5 times a week? That sounds expensive. I've found that dry fire helps a ton, and best of all it's free. I highly recommend Steve Anderson's dry fire book.

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Thanks for the advice. Books are something I still have to follow through on my path to EX. I have heard the same advice from others but not listened to it. Seems like I should get off my butt and do some reading, it cant hurt..

Yup live fire, I'm a single guy no kids, and 20min from the range 100 or so rounds over the course of the year does add up. I consider these range trips lots of "mini vacations", rather than take a "cruise or going to disneyland"... The biggest problem with shooting as much as I have been trying to is reloading LOL I need to find a way to make that as enjoyable as shooting:)

Looking over the score's and etc of recent match results you clearly are on the way to making EX this year.

Are you planning to do live fire 2-5 times a week? I've found that dry fire helps a ton, and best of all it's free. I highly recommend Steve Anderson's dry fire book.

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What are your strengths/weaknesses now? Work on your weaknesses and make them your strength. Go to every practice with a goal... You will get there real soon I'm sure.

Having a trackable goal and a practice that drives to it is very important. Also make sure your technique is correct, 2-5 sessions a week will quickly imprint technique, both the good and the bad.

Oh and you might as well just order that open gun

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What are your strengths/weaknesses now? Work on your weaknesses and make them your strength. Go to every practice with a goal... You will get there real soon I'm sure.

Having a trackable goal and a practice that drives to it is very important. Also make sure your technique is correct, 2-5 sessions a week will quickly imprint technique, both the good and the bad.

Oh and you might as well just order that open gun

I 2nd the motion....

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Supermoto gives good advice on your practice regimen. Practice with a better shooter than yourself if possible.

Choose the division you want to shoot, if you want to continue the "other" game, shoot something that will cross over. Ignore the 2 "crackheads" concerning Open division :roflol:

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Wow thanks for all the replies guys.

I do get a opportunity to shoot with some of the better shooters occasionally, thanks again if you are reading this;) Typically I walk away from those sessions learning something. Best advice that I have worked into some practices is "shoot till the wheels fall off the bus".... Essentially pushing myself to the extreme limits of what I can do, if I do not push myself I will never get to the next level. I was on cruise control for many of my practices, and never pushed the limits every once and a while I do this. Tonight's practice was a perfect example.

Weakness's that I feel I have at this moment

  • Shots greater than 25-35yards. I know 35 yards shots are rare however during recent club IDPA practice sessions also a local match we have been practicing them, and I think for a reason.
  • Mental screw ups at match's.. I start shooting then I forget oh ya I should be slicing the pie.... Or Oh ya I should be moving....
  • Shooting while on the move
  • Shooting weak handed

Practice notes for 7/15/10

Got an email from a fellow IDPA buddy saying he wanted to goto the range... OK I'm SOLD... Got there around 6:30PM good shooting weather IMO. He had some basic goals that he wanted to practice, since he has not shot in awhile lets go with what he wants to practice. Draws and Sight transitions. We Setup 3 targets at the IDPA classifier arrangement 6ft,4ft,5ft slightly further apart than regulation.

Draw fire one. Currently my draw is averaging 1.5seconds -0 7-10yards. Tonight the wheels were coming off the bus, but to my surprise they did not really come off......Starting at my average pace then picking up steam my draws were in the 1.10-1.20 range -0 at 7 yards, they were not "pretty down zeros" but they were -0.

2,2,2, Head shots at 5 yards ran this 3 times 4.5-5.4 seconds -0. The 4ft target all head shots were almost misses they were centered but very high on the head barely breaking the line in some case. I am obviously seeing the target but transitioning from a 6ft head to a 4ft head I am not seeing the full head in my sights.

Walk back and grab some ammo.... Fire 2 shots at 35yards 3.7seconds.... I think I was working on saving tape as i missed the target completely. I felt as though I had good trigger control and I felt I had the irons on the target... Something somewhere went terribly wrong.

We mixed up combination of many variations of head/body and T# sequences. Overall great practice, estimated 95% of my shots were -0 and I did not miss a single head shot from 5-10 yards. Maybe 150+ rounds

We ended the practice with 3 drills..

Bill drill 6rounds 2.57 -1 with a reasonably tight group....

El Prez 8.59 down 0 I have video this time

Plate rack 12 or so yards 4-6seconds but my light loads must not have enough speed to knock them ALL down:)

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5pm start,unknown round count weather "hot" Had the opportunity to shoot with one of the Master's tonight, who also let me borrow one of those books I have not gotten around to purchasing thank you.

Tonight I got some great advice which I will be working on.

Transitions. I am not moving the gun right after the shot I am waiting for it to "settle" then I move it. I have shot so many rounds like this it felt unnatural but its obvious in the times which is the faster way to move the gun from target to target.

My ready position. I am going to adjust my overall position to gain a few tenths of a second on my draw, also give me a more positive initial grip..

Tonight was also the 1st time I used 100% black irons VS my previous fiber optic front/black rear setup. I pretty much instantly loved it, I shot maybe 20 rounds on setups like it and thought I might like it... After tonight's practice I think this will be the way to go for me, I really am able to focus on that front sight quickly and it seems to track better for me against the background.. Also installed the sights myself :) and well I did not break anything!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I also bought a Glock 34. I am going to retire the M&P Pro 9MM shortly. I have been shooting a few glocks here/there... Long term I think it will be the way to go. The trigger is much nicer, that M&P has so much take up. The point of aim seems like it will allow me to index my follow up shot faster as in my hands I am forced to angle it different I can actually feel this in my wrist and will give me another reference point while aiming. We will see how it goes...

Overall it was a good practice, the master totally out shot me but I gave him a run for his $ on a few drills.

Tomorrow is the NH State Championships that means a 6:30AM leave time.... Grrrr

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Back from the NH State Championships. Placed 3rd in SSP SS, 5ish seconds away from a match bump. Glad for not getting the bump as I'm not ready for it, need more improvements for the next level.

Learned some things I need to work on... 35yard shots... Stage 10 was 2-2-2 at 35 yards, 2-2-2 Prone 35 yards,2-2-2 RWR 2-2-2 25 yards, 2-2-2 Strong Hand 7yards, 2-2-2 Weak hand 7 Yards. I was down 54 pts one stage...

Stage 5 was a seated in a canoe stage shots fired while seated in the canoe... I just had an overall issues down allot of points and took to long to shoot it. The other 8 stages it was a mix from great to middle of the pack.

Stage 1 I came in 2nd overall out of 98 shooters, 100% ok with being the 1st looser:)

Went to the Dr today.. I have same issues with my arm at this moment... Shooting is not going to happen the rest of this week.

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What do you mean you are not ready?? If you perform well and get a bump, you are ready. Getting a bump doesn't make you a better or worse shooter- it's a bump for your performance on that day. Your videos looked good but it seemed like you had a couple of mistakes- like not loading to 10 +1. You are doing well.... I know it's hard sometimes, but stay positive- sometimes that's easier said than done, trust me I know. Hope your arm gets better soon.

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By "ready" to me means is being able to classify at least near my ranking, I would say I could not classify at or near EX level. I am not being negative just realistic. As I really have work to do:)

The not loading to 10+1 not exactly sure how that happened I think I pulled my barney mag from the previous stage as my 2nd mag, just rather glad it did not mentally slow me down, I realized the problem as it happened and just kept going. I got "lucky" on not getting PE...

Unlike stage 4 where my plan did not go into action and realized it as soon as I did it and "slowed" down as in my head I was thinking how could I have dropped a mag with one in the gun......... And slowed down on the left side of the car as I was mentally "shaking my head"...

Oh ya the arm.... took me 20 minutes to write this damn post LOL left handed...

What do you mean you are not ready?? I

couple of mistakes- like not loading to 10 +1.

but stay positive

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Went to the range tonight only shot 12 rounds.

The Dr told me I could continue shooting providing I slowed my motions down and did not fully extend my arm... It was feeling pretty decent today kept it in a sling all day at work but as soon as that timer went off......... Hence only 2 strings and I called it a night LOL.

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Its Saturday kinda crappy weather out.. Looks like I will be heading to the range at some point, first need to make some rounds. A friend of mine for many years is finally saying I should give this IDPA thing a try and is asking for a "crash course" he seems to be up for it even with the less than desirable weather.

My arm is feeling "better" today its been in a sling for about 4days now, I have had 2 MRI's man they suck, I'm scheduled to see a specialist Wednesday the 28th. My PCP has said as long as a draw slow he feels no issue with me shooting proving I can deal with the pain. Side note its awesome to have a Dr that enjoys guns as much as I do..

Looks like I will be changing my competition gun, currently it is a M&P Pro 9MM. Last night I picked up a Glock 34.

Not for one moment do I feel the gun will make me a better shooter, usually its the "Indian not the arrow", however some of the features of the Glock are appealing to me at this moment.

  • Trigger, having compared many M&P VS Glock triggers, the Glock reset is very pronounced the trigger itself is smooth and breaks clean from the modified ones I have played with.
  • Extended slide stop and mag release. I have large hands and while I typically have no issue with the M&P controls, having more accessible controls can only be beneficial long term I beleive .
  • Mods such as recoil springs, I am not a gunsmith by any means. It appears the amount of internet data on glocks for comp setups far out weighs the data I have found on M&P. I do understand "inet data" sucks, comparing this data with other guns at the range I feel its worth giving it a try.
  • As a Massachusetts resident having the ability to purchase pre-ban high cap magazines is appealing. I do understand 10+1 in IDPA but no longer will I need to carry a barney mag... Those that have shot with me know I hate "extra" things in my pockets
  • Aiming the glock grip angle is different right now I feel that I have a "bone on bone??" reference point in my wrist when indexing. I've been told I index quite well and I do think the glock angle will improve my performance.

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Shot a local club match today.

Very pleased with my mental performance today. I had a plan for each stage I stuck with and I think I did well, granted the stages today were not "tricky".

On the low-light indoor stage it was an 18 round count. I did something that normally would have just defocused me. Starting at P1 moving to the 1st shooting position while removing the flashlight I dislodged a mag and it landed "somewhere". Normally I might have said oh crap I need that, or just become rattled as it was something that was not planned. However instantly I thought my plan did not include a 3rd mag and just went on. I would say that was a slight break through for me..

But another thing to work on I have a tendency to pull either 2 mags at once or dislodge one. Odd that it only happens at match's and not practice's LOL...

Video of of the skill drills. Its obvious I still am having major issues with longer range shots in todays case 25yards I think I was down 5-4-8 on the 3 25yard targets on the limited vickers skill drill... I feel as though I am seeing a clear sight picture and squeezing the trigger at least on the first shot, watching the vid its possible that I might not actually be squeezing rather pulling and slapping it....

Also got to debate a fancy new shirt today:)

Arm is feeling like crap tonight, I think moving those stupid poppers/stands at setup/terdown was not in my best interest.

Edited by weedwhacker
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  • 2 weeks later...

Have not been able to keep up with my desired practice schedule but still getting out there!!!

I have been focusing my time on practicing mainly on what I do poorly at. One area of focus is shots past past 20yards...

Might have made a breakthrough, my grip. Typically I grab hold of the gun with a mild to loose grip. I have large hands and its very secure just not "a tight grip".

I am a right hand shooter, and starting gripping with some force with my left hand for 20-35yard shots. I am maintaining very nice groups utilizing all of the down zero and some of the down 1. Its an improvement as I'm not getting -5 !!!!!! AND FTN!!!! Also my close range shots seem to have tighter groupings.. Its something I will continue to play with.

This last weekend was a Memorial shoot for a shooter who recently passed and shot multiple sports. In memory of him a event was scheduled that included 2 IDPA, 1 Walls of Steel, 1 Steel Challenge, 1 USPSA stage a big mix of sports. It was a great day, it was FUN!!!! Also I came in 7th out of 44 shooters in the "production" division.. Personally very proud with that as I am told many great shooters were present, being able to "hang" around that crowd is surely encouraging to me.

At the recent practice there was a stage with 5 targets at 25+ yards and required 2 body 1 head.... again was able to hang with a master level shooter, 1.5second slower in raw time down 20 vs his 18, when the pressure was on. 1st shooter and no warmup felt I did reasonable for the COF at hand...

I do use other shooters as a gauge, while I understand everyone has a "bad" day I feel its a reasonable way to judge my progress... I missed out on an open spot on a midweek classifier.. My last "off the record time" I was about 8 seconds off I think with the improved grip my longer range classifier score will drop to get me in the EX level... Sights are SS MA for late 2011...... I did not want o type it that but well practice and hard work will get me there!!!

Arm is 95% back to normal.... Still some random "locking up" but overall good.. I am starting PT next week to help get it back to 100%...

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  • 2 weeks later...

This last week has been getting ready for THe North East Regional which I helped with all setup/breakdown etc etc. Some pretty long days of fun and work. I learned more about what it takes to get a match going than I ever thought.

My personal goal was to get a match bump at this match. Results are 100% unofficial at this moment but it appears I took 2nd place in SSP/SS less than 1second behind another local shooter who puts allot of effort into his shooting and was my pick to win the class from the beginning. 31 shooters it seems with some strong competition in the field

With those stats SSP/EX should be my current classification. Pretty gosh darn pleased with my performance. I did have some issues.

14 stages of some pretty technical and tough stages. I did some "dumb things"

  • earned 1 PE dropped a mag from pouch while on the move and did not know it.. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Lesson learned tighten up those mag pouch's an take the armoral off them!!!
  • Had a problem with steel behind paper this weekend, I heard the DING moved, on and forgot the 2nd shot DOWN 5 grrrrr..
  • I did have a FTE on a stage that taking out the "leg" of a target activated 2 very fast disappearing targets. Tap/Rack/Bang down 10 down and down 0 grrrr
  • There was a stage with an electrical mover that the stage required more skill on how to work a knob then work a gun..... Down 32 on 3 targets 3 shots each.... GRRRRRRR Much discussion was had on this stage..
  • Those that know me, YES its true.... Membership Has Its Privileges......

Good things I learned.. :)

  • Consistency is key. Shoot to the best of my level and do not try to push it to the extreme. There is a balance of challenging yourself and "balls to the wall failure"
  • play each stage over and over and over... Talking with your buddies before the shoot is a distraction sometimes.
  • My flashlight practice is really paying off. So much so I am looking forward to indoor stages.. Ugmmm ya maybe not:)
  • Need to bump up my reloads. I did make PF but cutting it way to close 125,600 average...

Thanks to all of you who have helped me get to where I am, range buddies who are 100% focused on getting to the next level really are awesome!!!! I'm looking forward to working on getting to the next level....

SSP/MA for 2011 here I come!!!

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Great shooting Aaron. Your hard work on your shooting is paying off. Also, thanks for all the hard work you put in to this match.

I was hoping for a match bump this match too, but I made some serious mental errors. You're absolutely right on sometimes shooting with your friends is a distraction. I need to focus on taking enough time to visualize the stage and get my plan down. I also need to fix my high primer issue. I'm hoping that I can take my poor performance in this match as motivation to get back in to regular practice. I can't let you and JN have all the fun in EX without me.

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Took a 2hr road trip to shoot a USPSA match that is typically well attended, this was my 2nd go at USPSA.

Things I learned today. Shooting weak hand in a classifier stage ,it is much faster to clear a light strike by keeping the gun in weak hand and tap-rack with the strong hand.. Today I transferred the gun to strong hand and cleared the round then transferred the gun to weak hand and continued to shoot LOL .. Add one more thing to my practice list!!!!

Still having trouble mentally preparing with my game plan with vast amounts of targets, on 2 of the 5 stages that had many targets one I easily could divide up the targets, the 2nd the box was huge and LOOKED like it required allot of movement, watching the masters I learned it did not.... However I missed a target completely and ran by 2 targets that I engaged at a less than desirable location..

BTW Did I mention I had fun even with horrible rain!!!

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Been a solid 3 days with no shooting... Do not think I will be back to the range till this weekend:(

Just practice the clearing while shooting weak hand. You'll have a chance to dry out after Sunday's match.

You must have been watching other squads if you were watching masters shoot the stages. :lol:

Edited by Dan Sierpina
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