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Adjustable Magwell/Base Pads


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I am wondering if there is a ruling against the use of an Adjustable Magwell(AUTO)/Base Pad(REVO) that can be adjusted on the line in open class. I have a couple of shooters that have these and are using them at every shoot they go to, If it is against the rules I need to know which rule number so we then can give it to them, and stop them using the adjsutment feature.

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There is no specific rule, but the following is provided to assist:

9.1 Changing Equipment - The same equipment, including firearm, optical or electrical sights, holster and

ammunition will be used to fire all matches in the same tournament. Magazines used must be the same capacity,

dimension and design in all stages of all matches in the same tournament. Should a handgun become

unserviceable, it may be exchanged for another of similar make, model, barrel length, and caliber. and with similar

make and model of optical or electronic sights as on the original, with the approval of the Match Director. The

same restrictions on exchanges will apply to holsters and ammunition. If the substitution is approved, the

competitor will accept the score fired up to the point of breakage; no refires will be made.

5.2 Artificial Support - Artificial support is defined as follows:

(a) Any supporting surfaces, except the ground, not specifically authorized for use in the rules for the position


(B) Any garment, including gloves, which can be interpreted as providing artificial support.

© Other devices which can be interpreted as artificial support. (See Rule 3.18).

Use of artificial support is prohibited except as individually authorized for a physically handicapped shooter.

3.18 General - All devices or equipment which may facilitate shooting and which are not mentioned in these

Rules, or which are contrary to the spirit of these Rules and Regulations, are forbidden. The Match Director,

Official Referee, Jury Chairman or Supervisor shall have the right to examine a shooter's equipment or apparel.

The responsibility shall be upon the competitor to submit questionable equipment and apparel for official

inspection and approval in sufficient time prior to the beginning of a match so that it will not inconvenience either

the competitor or the official.

From the above - magazines must be the same, therefore no angled bases. I have seen people with angled bases removed from matches.

The adjustible base plate is in the grey area, and could be considered artificial support. Rule 3.18 would allow the Ref etc to rule their use out.

I will make it easy for you - they will not be permitted in the world shoot - people have been stopped from using them before in Australai, so we will follow the trend of the past 10 years.

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There is no specific rule, but the following is provided to assist:

9.1 Changing Equipment - The same equipment, including firearm, optical or electrical sights, holster and

ammunition will be used to fire all matches in the same tournament. Magazines used must be the same capacity,

dimension and design in all stages of all matches in the same tournament. Should a handgun become

unserviceable, it may be exchanged for another of similar make, model, barrel length, and caliber. and with similar

make and model of optical or electronic sights as on the original, with the approval of the Match Director. The

same restrictions on exchanges will apply to holsters and ammunition. If the substitution is approved, the

competitor will accept the score fired up to the point of breakage; no refires will be made.

5.2 Artificial Support - Artificial support is defined as follows:

(a) Any supporting surfaces, except the ground, not specifically authorized for use in the rules for the position


(B) Any garment, including gloves, which can be interpreted as providing artificial support.

© Other devices which can be interpreted as artificial support. (See Rule 3.18).

Use of artificial support is prohibited except as individually authorized for a physically handicapped shooter.

3.18 General - All devices or equipment which may facilitate shooting and which are not mentioned in these

Rules, or which are contrary to the spirit of these Rules and Regulations, are forbidden. The Match Director,

Official Referee, Jury Chairman or Supervisor shall have the right to examine a shooter's equipment or apparel.

The responsibility shall be upon the competitor to submit questionable equipment and apparel for official

inspection and approval in sufficient time prior to the beginning of a match so that it will not inconvenience either

the competitor or the official.

From the above - magazines must be the same, therefore no angled bases. I have seen people with angled bases removed from matches.

The adjustible base plate is in the grey area, and could be considered artificial support. Rule 3.18 would allow the Ref etc to rule their use out.

I will make it easy for you - they will not be permitted in the world shoot - people have been stopped from using them before in Australai, so we will follow the trend of the past 10 years.

Thanks Al

I may try and get into contact with Tom and see if we can get a rule admened to state that these are not allowed. I do how ever know that the shooters in concern had to tape them up when they shot at the Cup a number of years ago, But they are adament in using these all the time.

I am not sure if they are attending the worlds.

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I didn't think there was any of these things left. We went through this about ten years ago and I can't for the life of me remember the outcome. I have shot a match with one and they are too finicky for my liking. No advantage, unless you are shooting off level concrete, as you can always find a piece of ground that will put your gun at the angle you want.If you are using one of Mr Dillons thin mattresses that passes for a mat at Bianchi they are of no use at all. The only advantage I can see is that they have played mind games and got you wound up about it and not concentrating on your game.By all means get a ruling if possible and get it cleared up but in my mind it is just an expensive gimick.If an official ruling has been made against them in the past then that ruling still applies.

My 2c worth


Edited by goldfieldshooter
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I didn't think there was any of these things left. We went through this about ten years ago and I can't for the life of me remember the outcome. I have shot a match with one and they are too finicky for my liking. No advantage, unless you are shooting off level concrete, as you can always find a piece of ground that will put your gun at the angle you want.If you are using one of Mr Dillons thin mattresses that passes for a mat at Bianchi they are of no use at all. The only advantage I can see is that they have played mind games and got you wound up about it and not concentrating on your game.By all means get a ruling if possible and get it cleared up but in my mind it is just an expensive gimick.If an official ruling has been made against them in the past then that ruling still applies.

My 2c worth


Yeah it was about 10 Years ago that they used them, will have to see what rule was used against them.

They are not playing mind games with me (But maybe with others), I have been approached by fellow shooters to find out why they are using them and which rules, As they had been told that these were not allowed at the Cup.

I have been shooting agaist these guys for over 10 years and I have not even worried about it, I am only concerned about my shooting and not what anyone else is doing or using while I am competiting.


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My prone pad broke before I travelled to the Bianchi Cup this year and I made sure it was fixed in such a way that any wobble that is now in the damnable thing could not be construed as adjustable. This is teh problem of STI grips and big hunks of alloy hanging off them. I will be redesigning it before the next Cup.

And by the way, anything that is adjustable WILL almost certainly one day self adjust, and not in a good way.

Triggers expecially.

Surely that is what happened to a certain Italian! :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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You mean between when the RO weighed his trigger at thst stage and it was light and when the RO caught up to him after he ran away? Or before that?

hey dont forget italian guns run like italian cars, run one minute, not the next, it just needed to go in for its 48 round tune up

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