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EZWin 4.0 and Palm Scoring


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  • 1 month later...

Post any positive or negative experience with EzWin 4.0

and the Palm Scoring.

We just got it working good with 3.06 so I am hoping 4.0

is good to go.

Anyone run 4.0 (4.03) with Palm Stagescore yet?

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I liked Gene-scoring-version-one-point-oh better myself. :roflol:

if we are for sure doing palm scoring at the next match, could you give me enough of a head's up so I can get a caterer in there to serve breakfast for the thirty plus shooters who are waiting for all the squad info to get punched in by hand into the palms?

or just throwing this out there...forego setting up on Saturday mornings....set up on Sunday mornings while the stuff is getting entered into the palms???

it would make it more conveinient for some of us to get workday credit for club membership too....instead of driving to the range back to back...once to set up and then the next day to shoot.

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OK, I heard my name being mentioned.

Palm Scoring, We use Stage Score

We have a form on our website, we collect the registration data there and load EZ the night before the match. We allow for usually 30 Walk-on shooters although I generally only use about 10. We load the stages to the Palm and upload them to EZ, we download the registration.

At sign in, you complete the waiver and verify your info. After the match it takes only a few minutes to collect the data and run the program. We have scores in well under an hour from last shot. If we had power and a comfy place to work on our range, I'd post scores before going home.

It is so simple I can do it!

The whole trick is in the preparation. For pre-registration we use a company called FormStack. It costs about $10 a month and we embed the form in our website.

Feel free to holler if you think I can be of any help. Now if I could only get the data I collect to fill in automatically to Ez.....


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I liked Gene-scoring-version-one-point-oh better myself. :roflol:

if we are for sure doing palm scoring at the next match, could you give me enough of a head's up so I can get a caterer in there to serve breakfast for the thirty plus shooters who are waiting for all the squad info to get punched in by hand into the palms?

or just throwing this out there...forego setting up on Saturday mornings....set up on Sunday mornings while the stuff is getting entered into the palms???

it would make it more conveinient for some of us to get workday credit for club membership too....instead of driving to the range back to back...once to set up and then the next day to shoot.

First off this thread is about how Ezwin 4.0 and stagescore are working together.

I think there are other threads about paper versus palm scoring or you can start one

about your likes and dis-likes on the implementation of it.

A few things and then we should prob. move this somewhere else.

You could come every weekend and bring the scoresheets home and enter

everything and then post them to the web and do the uspsa reports.

Hope you got all the hits and times and can read all the writing.

That would be one solution. Save all your buddy's the wait time in the morning.

Our club has the option of doing the set-up on Saturday and not having to do it

on Sunday morning and then being almost burned out before you start shooting, (ESP. in SUMMER)

The majority of the guys that come and help set-up prefer Sat. Thats usually who I listen to the most.

I drive over 60 miles one way and manage to make two trips, most are much closer.

We are tweaking with things to try to speed up getting going (might try some type of on-line registration

the night before. Hopefully most people who sign up will show up or will have to deal with that as well.

We have only ran it for 3 match's and hope to get better.

For now I would come and register and then go back out and take orders for juice and Egg McMuffins and run

down to the McDonalds for the guys.

I think the last two match's we had sign-up at 8:30 and shooting by 9:30 and 9:45

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I'd be there on saturday's to set up if I didn't have to work Saturday night...after having worked Friday night and gotten home at 3:30 AM .

soooo.... yeah, sure , you give me a copy of EZwinscore, have Gene show me the quirks and/or tips with it, let me shoot the match for free, and give me work day credit, I'll gladly take the scoresheets and scoring off your hands. I'll worry about setting up internet access on my end to email Chito or Bruce the results so they can get them posted to the ARPC-IPSC website.

be forewarned though....first time I can't read gets a 999.9 seconds.

any scoresheets where the hits don't add up to the MRC for the stage I will just assume are mikes.


if paper scoresheets and hand written errors were too much of a burden for Gene...well...it is the first I have heard that there were any problems. I wish you or Gene had spoken up earlier and maybe somebody else could have stepped up before jumping to Palms.

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I'd be there on saturday's to set up if I didn't have to work Saturday night...after having worked Friday night and gotten home at 3:30 AM .

soooo.... yeah, sure , you give me a copy of EZwinscore, have Gene show me the quirks and/or tips with it, let me shoot the match for free, and give me work day credit, I'll gladly take the scoresheets and scoring off your hands. I'll worry about setting up internet access on my end to email Chito or Bruce the results so they can get them posted to the ARPC-IPSC website.

be forewarned though....first time I can't read gets a 999.9 seconds.

any scoresheets where the hits don't add up to the MRC for the stage I will just assume are mikes.


if paper scoresheets and hand written errors were too much of a burden for Gene...well...it is the first I have heard that there were any problems. I wish you or Gene had spoken up earlier and maybe somebody else could have stepped up before jumping to Palms.

So, your perfect IPSC match is you work till 3:30am on Saturday night then come to the range at 7:00am on sunday and set-up the match and maybe

get shooting at 9:30 or 10:00. Finish the match at 1 or 2 pm and tear down and then you want to come home and spend 2 to 4 hours entering the scoresheets

and posting the results so everyone can have them Sunday. I can see how long that will last.

Now, you get there at 8:30 start shooting at 9:30 over by noon to 1 and results are already done on the palms. I don't see a marked improvement your way.

We are trying the palm stagescore so stage times & hit counts are more accurate and no one has to double enter the scoresheets and spend a bunch more time after the match on Sunday. We know how to give out 999.9 and mikes but this maybe a better way.

Our match fee is low and no one has been getting any discounts and we have a pretty good group of volunteers.

Also, Gene doesn't gripe about anything and wish I had 10 more just like him.

I've been doing this for 11 years and didn't jump into anything.

We looking into it and discussed the pro's and con's.

Some like it, some don't and it comes down to the match director making some decisions.

At this time, as we've been working out some bugs, I kinda like it and like it more all the time.

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Since many of our shooters are they same every month would there be a way to maintain a list of shooters that all you would need to do is check them on the list and load that into the Palm. Then you only need to type in new shooters on the morning of the match. I don't know what interfaces with and can feed the Palm. Kinda like an electronic version of the paper sign in sheet.

Ken Rihanek

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Since many of our shooters are they same every month would there be a way to maintain a list of shooters that all you would need to do is check them on the list and load that into the Palm. Then you only need to type in new shooters on the morning of the match. I don't know what interfaces with and can feed the Palm. Kinda like an electronic version of the paper sign in sheet.

Ken Rihanek

This is the way it is done. The hard part is making sure that each squad has RO's plus people that can run the palms. The more people that get trained on the palms the better. What we do not want on the squads is one RO and he/she be the only one that knows how to run the palm. It will get better. I personally like the palms it may be a little longer on the front end but saves a lot of time at the end of the match! So step up and learn how to score using the palms!

Edited by bkeeler
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Yeah-that's the we are doing at the two clubs I shoot regular at-they kind of overlap. Try to train everybody and let some people do the scoring as you stand-by and watch. It gets a little old when 4 or 5 guys shoot, sit around and watch, while the same 2 or three run the squad and run the Palm. I not talking about pasting- that usually gets done-I just stand there until it gets done-I'll do 2 things but not three.

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load in the people you are sure of the night before, add in a sufficient number of walk-ons and give them a number. rename the walk-ons after the match.

Thanks Jim may give that a try.

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well...hey...man at least I stepped up and offered ...

i'd be more than happy to discuss this further with you at lunch after the next match.

Right now we're interested in getting stagescore working the best we can,

not going back to the old way. Maybe that will change later, don't know yet.

I'm pretty much always around.

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Since many of our shooters are they same every month would there be a way to maintain a list of shooters that all you would need to do is check them on the list and load that into the Palm. Then you only need to type in new shooters on the morning of the match. I don't know what interfaces with and can feed the Palm. Kinda like an electronic version of the paper sign in sheet.

Ken Rihanek

To give you guys an idea of what has to happen to setup a match with stagescore and EZ Win Score.

The day before the match, the stages are set-up on a palm with the stagescore scoring program on it. Lets call this the master palm. Then a new match is started in EZWin Score (EZ)(the official uspsa scoring program running on a laptop computer)that we take to the range.

The stage set-ups are uploaded from the master palm to EZ the day before as well.

The morning of the match as shooters come in and register we sign them up and have them fill a half sheet of paper

out to use as a registration form for EZ, a way to help set-up squads, and for now to write the Palm Stagescore Summary results onto (As a paper backup)

I have the form by the laptop and start selecting shooters names into the EZ match registration.

EZ has a masternames database that keeps all shooters names on file that have shot at our club before.

You select a last name tab, find the shooter and confirm the division and class and PF.

Any new shooters are typed in and entered into the match as well.

When everyone is entered or you reach whatever cut off time for entering, you download the names from EZ into the master palm (along with some spare walkin slots)thru a USB interface cradle.

You now have all your shooters in the master palm but it puts them all in a single squad called 99.

As the half sheets start to come in and are put in EZ we start laying them out on a table.

We know we have 5 stages and want 5 squads.

We know we would like to have 2 RO's and at least 1 or 2 people that can run the palm stagescore.

We know we want to divide the total numbers of shooters into 5 equal sized squads.

We know we will have a few really new shooters that will need extra attention plus squad reqests to shoot together.

So now we have 5 squads layed out together and want to squad them in the palm. (they all start out on 99)

What seems to work the best is one guy reads out the names for squad 1 and using the master palm I move them from 99 to squad 1, then same for squad 2, and so on. Plus put a few walkin slots in each squad for a late arrival.

You can do the squading in EZ before you download the names to the master palm but that seems to take longer.

You could also let each squad pick the names and move people from 99 to 1,2,3 etc. but with limited palm experience it seemed like it would cause more problems.

Anyway, once we have done the squading in the master palm then you can beam the stages, and shooter names with squad set up to the 5 palms you will be sending out with the squads.

This is done with an IR beam as you put the master palm alongside each stage palm one at a time.

Most of this goes pretty quick put it still is a series of events that need to take place.

We have been starting signup at 8:30 and been ready to shoot once at 9:30 and once at 9:45 I think.

Before it might have been 9:00 to 9:15 just registering and handing out paper scoresheets.

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To give you guys an idea of what has to happen to setup a match with stagescore and EZ Win Score.

The day before the match, the stages are set-up on a palm with the stagescore scoring program on it. Lets call this the master palm. Then a new match is started in EZWin Score (EZ)(the official uspsa scoring program running on a laptop computer)that we take to the range.

The stage set-ups are uploaded from the master palm to EZ the day before as well.

So far, I agree. build the stages in the Palm the day before the match. Here we start to differ some

The morning of the match as shooters come in and register we sign them up and have them fill a half sheet of paper

out to use as a registration form for EZ, a way to help set-up squads, and for now to write the Palm Stagescore Summary results onto (As a paper backup)

We have an online form that people fill out for the week preceding the match. The day before the match we enter all the known shooters into EzWinScore and we add a sufficient number of walk-ons 'just in case'. this is then added to the Palm. We then proceed to load all the stage palms for the match.

We had sheets for people to take a copy of their hits and times, but no one availed themselves so we stopped (Level 1)

We attempted to allow people to squad a the time of registration, did not work so we removed that option.

Match Day, shooters, pre-registered or not have to fill out a release form and confirm their information. At this time we take squadding requests. We don't bother squadding in the Palms. We just have a sheet for each squad with the name and shooter number on it. The squads just scroll through the list to find the shooter that is up. This has worked with over 70 shooters so far.

I have the form by the laptop and start selecting shooters names into the EZ match registration.

EZ has a masternames database that keeps all shooters names on file that have shot at our club before.

You select a last name tab, find the shooter and confirm the division and class and PF.

Any new shooters are typed in and entered into the match as well.

When everyone is entered or you reach whatever cut off time for entering, you download the names from EZ into the master palm (along with some spare walkin slots)thru a USB interface cradle.

You now have all your shooters in the master palm but it puts them all in a single squad called 99.

As the half sheets start to come in and are put in EZ we start laying them out on a table.

We know we have 5 stages and want 5 squads.

We know we would like to have 2 RO's and at least 1 or 2 people that can run the palm stagescore.

We know we want to divide the total numbers of shooters into 5 equal sized squads.

We know we will have a few really new shooters that will need extra attention plus squad reqests to shoot together.

So now we have 5 squads layed out together and want to squad them in the palm. (they all start out on 99)

What seems to work the best is one guy reads out the names for squad 1 and using the master palm I move them from 99 to squad 1, then same for squad 2, and so on. Plus put a few walkin slots in each squad for a late arrival.

You can do the squading in EZ before you download the names to the master palm but that seems to take longer.

You could also let each squad pick the names and move people from 99 to 1,2,3 etc. but with limited palm experience it seemed like it would cause more problems.

Anyway, once we have done the squading in the master palm then you can beam the stages, and shooter names with squad set up to the 5 palms you will be sending out with the squads.

This is done with an IR beam as you put the master palm alongside each stage palm one at a time.

Most of this goes pretty quick put it still is a series of events that need to take place.

We have been starting signup at 8:30 and been ready to shoot once at 9:30 and once at 9:45 I think.

Before it might have been 9:00 to 9:15 just registering and handing out paper scoresheets.

Last item EACH stage gets its OWN palm, not each squad. This way if a palm is trashed, then only the one stage is lost. not a whole match for a single squad.

We start set-up the morning of the match between 7:30 and 8:00 for 7 stages we usually are shooting before 10:30 Not due to the Palms that has made no difference. It is the late arrivals as well as the complexity of some stages. For the record we are usually put away b 4:30 and on the way to the dinner. If I had a connection at the range, I'd have the results posted about the same time.


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To directly answer the OP's question, 4.03 and Palms, no. Been using Palms and 3.06 for about a year and half, and it's the only way to fly. We have both a 3 gun and a regular pistol match within the next 30 days, so I'll get back to you. Everyone running Palms should be able to chime in shortly, as the Aug. 1 cutoff is fast approaching. In case everyone is not aware, any reports submitted to USPSA after that date MUST be done out of 4.0. We're all going to find out soon if there are any issues.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ran a local match using updated EzWin v4.04 and StageScore v1.36. Updates to both systems went fine. Match scoring was smoothly as usual (knock on wood). I know one match is a small sample, but we didn't have any problems.

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  • 5 months later...

Last item EACH stage gets its OWN palm, not each squad. This way if a palm is trashed, then only the one stage is lost. not a whole match for a single squad.

+ 1000 I can't agree more!

We found that this way is the absolute easiest way to run the matches. Don't even try to fool around with squad based, it just isn't worth the risk.

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