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which class?


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i have an eaa witness match in .40. i am new and have not shot a match yet. i assumed i would be in production because it is a stock gun but after doing some reading i don't think i can. looks like if i am understanding right i will have to shoot in limited. any help on what i can shoot and what i can change on the gun. i wanted a mag well but don't know how that will effect the classes. hope to shoot a match soon. not alot around me where i live.

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not alot around me where i live.

Have you gone to http://uspsa.com/ to look for local clubs/ranges?

One good thing about L10 is, your mags are much less expensive, than the high capacity mags you must have in Limited to be competitive.

Good Luck,


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Limited division is a good one to start in b/c there are significantly less reloads to worry about and you can focus on being safe and just shooting the targets. Limited 10 would also be a good option, but there will be 2-3 reloads per stage if its a med/long course instead of just 1 with limited. You could always shoot Open with it, but you would be at a silly disadavantage, but hey, its a 3rd option. I wouldnt worry about being competitive, just be safe and have fun!!

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Witness Match appears to be single action only, so Production Division is out.

Limited, and Lim10 will be your options. You can add a mag well, and make a lot of other mods that would not be allowed in Production.

Find a match, and go at your earliest opportunity. Don't wait for your gear to be set up perfectly. Go and learn. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for all the advice. i need to find some more mags only have one and then i will be off. bigbear is a good friend of mine and a real good shooter. he has been helping me alot and i have a long way to go but i am going to jump in. i don't like to stink at anything so i will work hard

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