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The funeral probably begins with a welcome. This can be short, or may involve longer explanations. Generally it will include:

* Greeting and thanks to people attending

* Brief mention of the person who has died and tribute to them (the main tribute will come later)Introduction to the ceremony.

* A brief explanation of what will happen and maybe to any Buddhist content that may be unfamiliar to people, together with an explanation of why it was included, can be helpful.


The central part of the funeral can be a time for creativity in which the family's wishes and those of the deceased if these are known can be included. Elements may include:

* Offerings and invocations. These are often made at the start of the ceremony and may be traditional or personalised. They may be carried out by the celebrant or by the whole congregation.

* Readings of texts, poetry, music, extracts from literature

* Collective chanting, recitation or hymn singing

* Silent meditation, possible with some guidance

* A short talk giving a religious perspective on death

* Personal rituals. eg writing cards to deceased, laying flowers, lighting candles, taking momentos

* Input from other faiths. Where a family or the deceased has connection with other faiths, elements of their traditions may be included.

It can be good to include as many people as possible doing readings etc. Ceremony can also involve the congregation in active ways.


Part of the funeral generally involves making tributes to the deceased. This can include

* The funeral oration – a longer commentary on the deceased person's life and achievements given either by the celebrant or a close relative or friend of the deceased.

* A series of shorter sharings from different people prepared in advanced

* Spontaneous sharing

It is usually appreciated if this sharing gives a picture of the person that is alive and will evoke memories. Amusing and quirky stories can be helpful. It does not usually work to over-glamorise the deceased or paint them as too saintly or brilliant to be believable. People want to remember the real person.


Towards the end of the funeral there needs to be some element of letting go or sending the deceased person on. This may accompany the actual cremation or burial. The words here may be traditional. They may refer to a particular metaphysic specifically, to the Pureland, pure abodes, bardos, rebirth or whatever tradition the deceased adhered to or they may allude more generally to a good rebirth or simply to going forth in peace.


At the end of the funeral it is common also to include an element that sends the congregation forth into life. This may be expressed in images such as those drawn from the natural world – leaves growing again in spring, the continuing cycles of night and day and so on. They may be more specifically religious, referring to a text such as the Buddha's message to his disciples at his parinirvana. Alternatively it may be implied by something such as a poetry reading or piece of music that brings closure


A final dedication of the funeral ceremony itself may follow. It can be good to choose a particularly dramatic or powerful reading at this point. The last item needs to offer closure. It may also leave departing mourners with a feeling of a greater power. Alternatively an item that coveys peace and calm may also be appropriate and will also give closure.

As with the entrance, the ending of the funeral is with a series of departures. The coffin is either carried out or cremated. The celebrant leaves with due ceremony and the congregation also depart. There may be some ritual element such as offering incense, chanting mantras, leaving token offerings etc.

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So, out of all of those sentences, none hit the target?

Not exactly. But still, I'd like to see the one sentence in a speciffic, one sentence post.

It should be easy at this point.


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So, out of all of those sentences, none hit the target?

Not exactly. But still, I'd like to see the one sentence in a speciffic, one sentence post.

It should be easy at this point.


You remind me of my Kung Fu instructor, I'm as flexible as an I-Beam. He couldn't understand why I couldn't stretch as deep as he could. It appears easy from the perspective of one that knows, and difficult to the one that does not yet know.

I do plan on banging my head on the table when I do get the answer.

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So, out of all of those sentences, none hit the target?


Don't laugh, I'm getting desperate... :cheers:

I just thought it was funny, not laughing at you really... I'll bang my head with you :cheers:

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So, out of all of those sentences, none hit the target?


Don't laugh, I'm getting desperate... :cheers:

I just thought it was funny, not laughing at you really... I'll bang my head with you :cheers:

It's all good, I knew you weren't being mean spirited.


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Listening to the story of your life?

Ya, the song/ story of his life at his funeral... remembering, that's what I was thinking.

The song itself is about the loss of control or the acceptance that control is an illusion.


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We are listening to your favorite song, "Riding on a Railroad" by James Taylor.

Thank you!

Now wasn't that simple?


PM me your mailing address.

And DWFAN, if that's what you meant, PM me your mailing address too.

I bet you all can't wait till May's!


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We are listening to your favorite song, "Riding on a Railroad" by James Taylor.

Thank you!

Now wasn't that simple?


PM me your mailing address.

And DWFAN, if that's what you meant, PM me your mailing address too.

I bet you all can't wait till May's!


Woohoo, I'm still gonna bang my head on something hard!!!

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Still banging my head, I can't get over how simple it was.

Could you explain what you meant when you said, "It's the spaces between the words that give the song its meaning"?

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