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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Calling my shot... right into the chrono

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Argh! I shot my chrono while trying out a new load. What I hated most was calling my shot right into it. I saw the front sight moving, the slide cycling, and everything. After realizing what happened, visual focus changed from the front site to down range just in time to see pieces of plastic flying. All of it as if in slow motion.

Time to order new sensors. On the bright side, at least I can call my shots.

Precision and accuracy... Well, looks like the precision part is starting to work, now need to work on the accuracy part again.

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You should put an image of a chronograph under the "POW!" in your avatar.



What distance did you have the chrono at? I took out a support rod for the front screen once at 25 yards, but at least that was a cheap fix. Since then, I haven't bothered with getting a 25 yd velocity reading ;)

Edited by Xfactor
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I second the bad feeling of shoot your friends chrono sky screens. I think I'm still apologizing for it in my head. As our friend said at the time, "it shouldn't have been downrange if it didn't want to get shot." HA :surprise:

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Years ago 'the first time' my chrono got shot. I called BE to try and get some more sky screens. I told him that someone had shot my chrono and could he get me some replacements. He laughed and said something like, ' Yea, I keep hearing about 'someone' shooting guys chronos. That 'someone' really sucks!'. I tried to tell him that a guy really did shoot it and not me. As you can imagine that only made him laugh harder...

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I had a friend kill one of my skyscreens when it caught an arrow... Pact skyscreens kind of snap off their bases when impacted by a target arrow.. might have been a little more spectacular if we were using a broadhead.. :D

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First teim ever using a chrono, few weeks ago. 2 mag thru the gun.. BLAMO! There go the CED skycreens all over the damn range bay, haha. I felt horrible, then my shooting buddy (and boss) says he has about 10 extra pair so i didnt feel that bad the rest of the day.

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