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Which Timer


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I read the mother of all timer threads and got nothing out of it really. So I thought I'd post my own specific questions.

I have shot under most every timer out there at matches. Even though I do have a high frequency hearing loss I am still able to hear the 7000 fine. My concern is with the small buttons and screen. Lets face it I'm old and old fashioned. I need a good sized display to be able to see it easier and I like big simple buttons. I do like the charging feature etc of the 7000 though.

Would you still recommend the 7000 based on my thoughts? If not what would be the recommendation out of the Pact club timer, pocket pro or the pocket pro 2? Keeping in mind I want to have ease of use with a good blend of features for training and use at matches.


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Lets face it I'm old and old fashioned.

Jeez. You retire from the Army and turn 50 and all the sudden you sound like a Hee-Haw song. laugh.gif

I think the Pact Club Timer has the nicest interface of controls and display. I've used the Club Timer II bunches. The III version has a specific upgrade to the buzzer (loud and low frequency.) I haven't used the CTIII a bunch, but it is the CTII with a better buzzer...which sure sounds like exactly what you are asking for. It is easy to review, and easy to set the PAR time on. I think the display is the best of anything out there.

You probably can't go wrong with the Pocket Pro II either.

All that said, I really like the CED 7000. It's got two big buttons on the top, if you are just running shooters. You only need to get into the little buttons if you are changing settings. Unless the display is totally prohibitive for you, it really a super handy timer. The rechargeable battery is the best thing since M&M in an MRE. Not only is it convenient, it just sucks so little juice that it seems to hardly ever die. And, if it does finally die and you aren't at home to charge it...or in the car with the cig. lighter adapter., just plug in the AAA external battery pak...which is the size of an old match box...can keep on truckin'.

Bum a 7000 off somebody for a week or two to see if you can get used to it and if the display will work out for you. (borrow mine if somebody local doesn't step up).

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I have a Pact Club III. I like the simple interface and ease of use. But it doesn't work all that well in cold weather. It will pick up the sound of the beep as a fired shot. Others at my club have reported similar problems. And the clip doesn't really clip it's more like a hook. It doesn't stay put well when you run around during practice.

If I bought one now it would be the Pocket Pro.

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Like Kyle said I bought a AAA Battery Backup adapter for my CED7000 when it was new 2 years ago and I have yet to find a reason to try it!!! I've never seen a rechargeable portable device like the CED7000 that sipped battery juice so slowly that you could go a month or two between charges. Thats nice, considering how little I make it to the range this time of year, that when I finally do & I pull out my timer that it is still more than 50% charged. I remember when I used to use a "regular" timer I would always keep a spare 9 volt battery in my range bag just in case it died on me while at the range practicing. But I have to say I've honestly never had my CED7000 go dead ........ ever. Certainly not while at the range. I just cant say enough good things about them.

And as far as cost, it's just hard to pay the extra $$$ that the Pocket Pro & Pact Club timers cost versus the $119 low price tag of the CED 7000.

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I went thru this process last summer, and ended up getting the PACT Club III. Of all the ones I tried out, it fit my hand the best, had easy buttons to push, and I could wear it on my belt for training and just look down to see the screen. Easy to program for par time, delay, instant... Best thing I ever bought for training IMO.

The Pocket Pros are nice, and simple to operate, but blocky and sometimes hard to see the screen. I really liked the CED 7000 for it's compact size and button arrangement, but felt it was not so user friendly for training due to the display being on the front and not the top. Yeah, I know you can get the belt adapter, but the final knock against the CED was the rechargeable battery -which is nice until it dies mid-match and you can't replace with a fresh alkaline. FWIW, I prefer cameras with regular batts for that reason. YMMV

I haven't noticed any problems with the PACT in cold weather, but will keep an eye on mine. How cold is cold? If it's less than 20*, there are much better things to do INDOORS!

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the final knock against the CED was the rechargeable battery -which is nice until it dies mid-match and you can't replace with a fresh alkaline. FWIW, I prefer cameras with regular batts for that reason. YMMV

I don't remember the last time I charged my CED7000 and it still shows 100% :surprise: I have literally left it in the bag for a couple of months and had it work just fine all day long running shooters at a match. The batter is just flipping amazing...seriously. R,

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I went with the Pocket Pro 2 just a few months ago. It also has a battery life display so when it gets low I can change it.

I have an old Competition Electronics Timer, I forget the model # but it is huge, and have had the same battery in there for the past 3 years. It is now just relegated to being a dryfire timer.

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the final knock against the CED was the rechargeable battery -which is nice until it dies mid-match and you can't replace with a fresh alkaline. FWIW, I prefer cameras with regular batts for that reason. YMMV

I don't remember the last time I charged my CED7000 and it still shows 100% :surprise: I have literally left it in the bag for a couple of months and had it work just fine all day long running shooters at a match. The batter is just flipping amazing...seriously. R,

Yeah, I probably need to get with the times. But we ran one out last summer at the Idaho Sectional. Had to switch to another timer. For all I know it was half or low-charged when we started. But it was not tragic since there's usually an extra timer or two somewhere in the squad.

Does CED use lithium ion or nicad rechargeables? At work we recently switched over to Bendix-King lithium ion rechargeable batteries, and once I got over the shock of the price tag, I started to appreciate the 4-5 days of use I could get out of a single charge. With the old nicads, they needed to be recharged every night, or more depending on how much yakking or scanning you did that day.

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[Mod note: threads merged]

New guy here. Just started trying to shoot IDPA. I have been thinking that I need to buy a timer to practice with. After reading around here some I realize it would be nice if it had a par time function. Which timer would you recommend for a newbie and where would I acquire said timer?

Edited by Flexmoney
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For practice I really really like the CED 7000. Small, easy to operate, and has everything you will need.

Only cons to the 7000 are club/match use related. The high pitched beep that can be difficult for some shooters to hear and the rechargeable battery. I love the rechargeable battery for personal use but on a club timer I think it's an issue. Ours stay at the range so someone would have to go down and plug them in to charge the night before the match, etc.

For club/match use, you just can't beat a Competition Electronics Pocket Pro (the original, not the Pro II). We have several of the old grey Pocket Pro's and they are still running like a champ. The new blue ones are ok too. We've just had bad luck w/ the Pro II's reliability wise.

Edited by John Heiter
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CED7000. We use them at our club. They have car chargers for them now and a add on 2AA battery pack for the emergencies. We plug them into somebody's car when we begin setup. Seems to work pretty good.

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Well, after much deliberation and some help from folks with much better eyes than me I ordered a Pocket Pro II from Shooters Connection. If I wanted it specifically for practice I would have gotten a 7000 but I want to RO more this year and the larger display suits that use better for me. Thanks for all the help.

And a huge thank you to Chris for letting me evaluate his CED. :cheers:

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I'll eventually get the 7000. I have borrowed Flex's while RO'ing matches and they are nice. Has anyone used the wristband that you can attach it to??

I've got the wrist band too. I like it. I can use it to run the timer and the clip board at the same time (without having to juggle). I don't do that much, because I believe in a two RO system, but it is handy.

I'm not one for wearing a watch while I shoot, but it's not much of a distraction in that regard. I recall one GM wearing it on his upper arm while shooting at a major.

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