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Since the recent forum upgrade I note I can now attach imagery from my personal photo gallery. This is cool - previously the system wouldn't accept my images because it said they were too large. Problem: now the images attach but, when I click on the thumbnal to blow them up they're way too large. How can I change things so that when the thumbnails blow up they only fill the page, not overfill it?

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open the photos in some sort of image editor -- Photoshop, Photoshop elements, there are others including free or low-cost options, which hopefully some of the other photographers will chime in on --- and then use either crop or image size to reduce them to ten inches in the longer dimension at 72 dpi of resolution. Then save the file with a different name -- so you'll have the original high resolution file to fall back on if you need it for a publication later -- and upload it....

I used to just add "ed" for edited to the end of the filename -- so I could correlate a small published "print" with it's original "negative."

There's another reason to keep the originals around in case of future use. As you get better at digitally manipulating files (printing) you may want to "reprint" an original for a later article or book, because you now have the skills to do it better...

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If you are running a computer with Windows, then you already have Microsoft Paint on your computer.

- Open the picture in Paint.

- On the top header options, choose "Image".

- Then, choose "Stretch/Skew".

- Stretch (shrink) it as you see fit. Just punch in a percentage.

- Once you like it, resave it (File > Save As) ...I suggest saving it as a .jpg (instead of a .gif, as a .jpg file takes less space and is great for internet viewing)

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I'm running a Toshiba Satellite. My photos imagery is in the Pentax Photo Browser program that came with my camera. It has the capability to extract a jpeg from the raw file, but the jpeg file size is still too large. I don't see any way in the program to make it smaller.

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BTW, bear in mind that I know very little about computers. Directions like "Open the picture in Paint" aren't going to do me a whole lot of good. How do I get the image from Pentax Photo Browser to Paint to start with? Directions need to be of the "When you have the photo open in Pentax Photo Browser, look to the upper left of the screen, then click on X, when the next menu comes up, click on Y" etc. type. In other words, assume you're talking to a guy who has a level of computer literacy just above complete illiteracy and you won't be far off.

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Paint is in the Accessories folder under programs on the Start Menu....

Path: Start Button -- Programs (perhaps All Programs) -- Accessories -- Paint

Once you have Paint open, it'll depend on your Operating System....

There's an unlabeled dropdown menu in the top left corner of mine, that reveals options including: New, Open, Save, Save as, Print, etc.

Click on Open, then surf to where your images are stored on your computer. Find the image you want and doubleclick it....

Then find the resize button on the taskbar at the top of paint. That'll open a dialogue box. Enter a percentage less than 100 to reduce size; more than 100 to increase size in one of the boxes (Horizontal or vertical); the other should autofill with the identical value. Click O.K. at the bottom and look at the image....

Then look at the bottom border where you'll find file dimensions in pixels -- you're shooting for ~ 600-800 pixels in the long dimension. (Even easier, looking at that, I now notice a size slider on the right side of the bottom edge of the window -- moving the slider changes the size in increments that either halve or double the image size. The menu way is better if you need an odd number like 17% or 37%...)

Now go back to the dropdown menu and select Save As. When the dialog box opens, change the file name, look at where it is being saved (so you can find it afterwards), change the location if necessary, and from the dropdown menu under the filename select .jpg as the format. Finally click on the "Save" button....

You'll see the file size change from the original size (displayed in the bottom border info bar) to the new reduced size....

Now post the image....

Be aware that you can undo a resize prior to saving the file, by holding down the control key on the keyboard and depressing the letter Z. (Ctrl. + Z = undo) Once you save it, you're stuck --- you can open the original and start over, or you could upsize the now reduced file, but that's generally always a bad idea....

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Next time you're at the bookstore, spend a little time in the computer section and browse through the "for Dummies" books for your operating system. By reading the detailed index and flipping a few pages, you can probably learn a lot....

Lest you think I'm making fun of you, the "For Dummies" books got me through College Algebra after a 20 year stint of not thinking about math in that way, and provided the foundation for my self-study of Anatomy & Physiology prior to Nursing School. (That first pass of A&P for dummies made getting through the 1,000 page college text in eight weeks much easier....)

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Thanks. The photographer who took that shot said to me, "No one will believe that's real, everyone will think we Photoshopped it." But the truth is the photographer just happened to hit the remote shutter release at the right millisecond to catch that fireball.

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What OS are you using? If you are using XP download the free picture resizer from Microsoft. Once installed all you have to do is right click on the selected picture or group of pictures, select the size you want then click OK.

XP Photo Resizer:

Info/how to

Download Link

In Vista and Windows7 you can use Windows Photo Gallery. just open the picture, right click and choose resize.

Windows Photo Gallery Instructions

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Additional note for anyone reading this.

Currently (a fix is in the works), if you don't reduce your image to a reasonable size before attaching it, there is no way for the forum software to automatically downsize the image when it's opened.

So please review this thread if you are unclear on how to reduce the size of your images. And if you still have questions, please ask.


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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are running a computer with Windows, then you already have Microsoft Paint on your computer.

- Open the picture in Paint.

- On the top header options, choose "Image".

- Then, choose "Stretch/Skew".

- Stretch (shrink) it as you see fit. Just punch in a percentage.

- Once you like it, resave it (File > Save As) ...I suggest saving it as a .jpg (instead of a .gif, as a .jpg file takes less space and is great for internet viewing)

Good advice Amigo,

I highlight the file and get its dimentions before going into paint.

I then decide what size I want the edited picture to be.

I divide that number by the original size number and get the % I need to enter in the Stretch/Skew boxes.

Example Original is 2248 Pixils wide and I want it say, 800 Pixels wide I divide 800 by 2248 = .3558.... or 35%/36% Final picture will be around the desired 800 pixil size.

Hope this was helpful.


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