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Everything posted by 00bullitt

  1. I won a Timney when they first came out. It had alot of creep and broke at 3.5# I called Timney and they told me to send it to them. I got what I believe to be the same trigger back with no creep but it doubled about every thrid pull of the trigger. I sent it back again and got a new one in the package. It worked pretty good for about 800 rounds and started to double. I sent it back and they sent me one with a more straighter trigger that was not skeletonized. Right after that they started selling a 4# version that looked just like the one I had. But the one they sent me measured just shy of 3.5# and had a better feel and reset to it. I sold it not long after and replaced it with another JP. I've always gone back to the JP until the AR Gold came out. And again...I was lucky enough to pull an AR Gold off the prize table at last years MG Nats. I find the AR Gold to be the cream of the crop at the moment. And I'm into it 6500 rounds without any issue. After winning one....I can say I would buy another. But if I had not won the first one....I probably would not have bought one to try.
  2. Winchester still has a full line parts department for replacement parts and they are extremely easy to deal with. And $525 is a good price assuming its in at least good condition.
  3. Raymond.....SWFA is a great optics distibutor/dealer to deal with. Buy with confidence that they as well as Swarovski will take care of you if you have a problem. SWFA posts descriptions of their sample list optics and they are as described or better. The one I got was new but the box was opened. If Swarovski ever started making tactical optics......there is no doubt in my mind they would be the best. But they choose to cater to the hunting crowd. When I went to Africa a few years ago.....every PH out there had Swaros on their rifles as well as spotting scopes and binos. There were a few Zeiss,Leica and Kahles but 95% of the optics on rifles out there were Swaros. They will simply tell you they are the best glass and most rugged optic they have found. They stand up to the abuse from the terrain and recoil of those heavy hitting rifles without issue. And they will tell you....if.....they have an issue......Swarovski bends over backwards to get them up and running. Many times sending out a new scope before receiving the one with an issue. They bend over backwards to keep their customers hunting. Of all the scopes I have owned in the past 5 years.....the only one I have had issues with were IOR and their CS rated pretty low on my scale but they did finally fix or replace the scopes. The problems were just to repetitive. But as Bobby said.....there glass was first rate. Their mechanics were a little weak though. As for sand....I don't care where the sand comes from that makes the lenses. I care about the finished product and how it works for me in the role I plan to use it in. I have tried pretty much all of the low power scopes out there while competing in 3 gun. I have certain criteria I want in a scope and relay my findings when asked. I don't recommend them becasue I am loyal to a certain brand but becasue they work exceptionally well and meet the criteria I find necessary for the game in which I play. I have not yet used a scope that even remotely compares to the Swarovski. I don't doubt that someone will eventually release a comparable optic.....but from what I have found.....its not out yet. Is the Z6i perfect?......no but its the best and closest thing right now. On a final moderator note.....lets keep the arguments and thread drifts down to the utmost minimum. If you feel discussion is warranted that is not pertinent to the discussion at hand....please start a new thread and keep the discussion civil. Lets just try and be respectful and realize that opinions differ and its very possible that more than one person can be right or I will delete and lock posts if needed. Your cooperation is required and appreciated
  4. Good job Kevin .........nice to see you climb the ranks after only shooting for 6 months. Keep it up dude......you'll be rockin GM before you know it.
  5. Raymond......I'll give it one last shot as I think you are making a mistake on choosing the NF for the reasons you mention. If its your eyesight you are worrying about.....get the Swarovski Z6i. If you are willing to spend what the NF costs.....the Z6i is not far off if you purchase off of SWFA Samplelist. Thats where one of mine came from and I saved about $800. But also.....the quality and clarity with the addition of the daytime visible illuminated reticle of the Meopta at half the price of the NF is extremely hard to beat. NF makes great optics as KGunz11 pointed out and they cost so much because they are made in the USA and carry an awesome warranty and their quality control is superb. And yes.....I find their precision riflescopes to be what I consider the best and tough as nails to boot. But....in my humble opinion......there are better options available for high quality low power glass that we use for 3 gun. Seriously consider the Z6 off Samplelist as Cold suggested. For just a little more money and 2x more magnification......you will be getting the absolute cream of the crop that totally meets and exceeds all your needs.
  6. -----I'm gonna go ahead and close this since it got off on the wrong foot and never really had the proper direction-----
  7. Raymond.....you are short changing yourself if you think the Meopta's glass does not compare to NF. Its very clear and crisp and every bit as comparable. The biggest downside to the Meopta is its weight and lackof zeroing turret knobs. The NF is very light and compact compared to the Meopta. I hope you enjoy your NF for the game. It is a nice piece of glass. I know one of your criteria is not a sunlight visible reticle,so don't be surprised when its not. I have not seen a NF yet that is sunlight visible.
  8. ------I have moved this to the proper subforum but I also urge you guys to keep it on track with the original intention of the thread to prevent it from being closed------
  9. This is Dakota....my 8 year old Weimeraner. My bestest friend ever. When everyone else is mad at me......he still loves me.
  10. GOOD JOB JOHN .....bout time you quit yer sandbaggin.
  11. Somebody convinced me in '03 that they were better than the Bomar. So right before I went to the '04 Nats I pulled off my perfectly good Bomar and stuck a Wilson on my Limited gun. Didn't want that Bomar to break at the Nats, right? Fourth stage, the Wilson breaks in half right where the elevation screw is and the whole rear half of the sight hit me in the face. Thats my Wilson sight experience. Well.....thats nothing new......you're always breaking something on your guns. Makes me wonder....is it the part or the operating nut?
  12. I sometimes hate to open these threads cuz I know how bad it hurts to lose a pet of so long that was loved so greatly. I'm sorry for your loss. He was a stout and beautiful dog. I dread the day I have to deal with losing mine but its not far off.
  13. Anyone have experience with the Wilson? It looks like it has interchangable rear blades. And it looks like a well built sight.
  14. Yeah....I've got a .140" on it now. I just like a little bit more blade on the end of the slide. I tend to pick it up a little faster.
  15. WOW.....73 shooters. I figured 55-60. That is awesome that it was such a large turn out. Alan.....you better hurry up and expand that range....its gonna outgrow itself pretty dern quick if y'all keep turnin out all those world class matches. I missed y'all. I really hated not being there. But...I can't say I was unhappy spending time with my new daughter either. She is awesome. Can't wait til she can pull the trigger. I'm sure there are gonna be plenty of Lanzos come around to torment me. Glad to hear EAGC pulled off a big success of an anniversary match.
  16. Does anyone know of someone that makes taller blades for Bomar or Bomar style sights or a complete sight with a taller rear blade? The standard blade height is .430" I'd like a blade about .050" taller so I can use a front sight a bit taller. I don't like jacking my rear sight up more than about 12 clicks.
  17. You must have gotten one of those special ones then.
  18. I will put in a vote for Erik Lund at USSA. Daniel is a phenomenal shooter....no doubt about it. He performs impossible acts of shooting that just leave you standing there going WHOA. But I dont know how he is as a teacher. I do know Erik is one of the best teachers I have ever taken a class from. I've taken some 33 different classes on self defense with firearms and shooting. The class I have taken with Erik is by far the best and most memorable of them all. Him and I have become pretty close friends since I have taken that class from him and he is the one responsible for getting me into this sport. He has been a great mentor along the way. I highly recommend looking into his 3 gun class out at the academy or scheduling him to come to you which USSA will do as well.
  19. Yes....M1 and M2 are the same. M4 is different. That is the old Progressive Machine Ti Bolt handle in Brownells. Looks like Steve is having them made or sold off the design.
  20. I gots me a purty wife...uhhhhhmmm I guess she just had more to do with it than me.
  21. You guys all have fun.......I won't be able to attend this awesome anniversary match I have been so looking forward to.....but I have a little something needing some of my attention. Go TSCR!!!! Y'all make sure to jam out with your clam out. Shes awesome isn't she? I've got to start training the next womens champion.
  22. Yep......when I first got into 3 gun......this is the zero I was taught by this very same fellow. It has worked great so far on a variety of scopes. I will usually dial dope for targets over 300. Luckily for me my 55's impact dead on at 100 and I will use them out to 300 in very mild wind. My 69's are dead on at 200 with the exact same zero. It just couldn't work out any better for me.
  23. I have the same exact thoughts as Smokshwn.
  24. What's his name? Jason Koon
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