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Everything posted by R1_Demon

  1. If it is that soft, I'd be friggin' paranoid that I'd have a squib load go off because I wouldn't feel the "correct" recoil that I'm used to. LOL I'd be afraid to shoot more than one round of something that soft and would be checking the barrel after every shot to make sure nothing was lodged in there.
  2. Well there ya go. LOL! I'll bet 90% of the time that is the issue.
  3. I was considering getting those ESS Crossbows because of the thinner frames that are supposed to go under the ear muffs, but I agree, I don't know if I really want to use a strap or not. Then again, 90% of the time I will probably have the muffs on when using them anyway, so I guess it is a moot point anyway and the muffs will hold them on, so I don't need the strap. I think I saw them on Optics Planet for like $40 or something. I also saw a pair of Wiley-X's on there with multiple lenses, but they were sold out. The Crossbows had the HD-Copper lenses which are supposed to help block out the blue light and help with focus. I normally wear yellow glasses now, but the ones I have are ancient, so I was looking to change and have been following this post for suggestions.
  4. Wow, really? Bud's even took out the reactive steel? I wonder why. It seemed like a lot of people liked that side of the range. Weird. I appreciate the heads up on everything though.
  5. Mr. Jack...that's true too. I did think about that. When I go out and try shooting rounds in my XDm with the 5.25" barrel (even though it is still "plastic"), I have a feeling it will be a bit easier to shoot 100 rounds (even of factory ammo) than with a 40 compact. I don't have very big hands, but even though it is a compact, it is still kind of small in my hands, so I still have to do a decent grip on the 40 compact to keep it under control with factory ammo. Like I said, it may actually be better when I roll my own and try it in the compact for fun shooting. But I'm sure the full sized 40's will be easier to shoot, not to mention my 1911 in .45 due to it being all steel.
  6. Holy crap that is bad azz!!!!! If I had an ounce of art talent anywhere in my body, that is what I would do with the gun powder if I made that mistake and mixed it up like the OP did. However, since I don't and if that happens to me, I'll just spread it on the lawn and water it. LOL!!!!
  7. I swear your hands must be like blocks of steel to shoot at least 600 rounds a week. I'm guessing that isn't all in one outing a week, right? I swear sometimes I shoot my M&P .40c and put 100 rounds of factory ammo through it and my frickin' hands are almost sore and shaking. So, I couldn't even imagine doing 600 rounds through it in one sitting!!! LOL Then again, I guess if I did it constantly, that I would build up a tolerance, so maybe I could do it. Who knows. However, I'm about to start my own loads of 40 with TiteGroup, so I'm wondering if it will shoot softer than the Federal Champion factory loads I normally use. Anyway, sorry, getting off track of the OP's original post.
  8. Just "shoot" and "don't shoot at that!" right? LOL! (I'm TOTALLY kidding!)
  9. Yes, it is. I just moved here almost three years ago after never even visiting the state. Lots to do here (especially if you like history and the Civil War) and it really is gorgeous. Especially if you like green grass and horse farms. LOL! But seriously, it really is nice. Especially after spending the last 9 years in a desert! LOL!
  10. You didn't buy it to be a safe queen, now did you?
  11. Yup, BGSL (Blue Grass Sportsman's League in Wilmore) has outdoor USPSA matches every first Sunday, they have outdoor IDPA matches every third Sun (I think) and other outdoor matches (Steel, I think) during other parts of the month. Best to check out their calendar on their website to confirm. http://www.bgslinc.com I also know that Bud's did some kind of indoor competitions during the week, but I haven't been able to find anything on that lately, so I don't know if they are still doing that or not or what type they were/are doing. You would have to call them. And S&D Indoor Range (next to/behind Semper Fi Firearms in Nicholasville) holds indoor IDPA matches every Thursday night. That's all I'm aware of currently from doing my research upon getting into USPSA and doing a search. I do know that the BGSL USPSA is a good one. I haven't been to any of the IDPA ones as of yet, nor to Bud's or S&D Indoor. I hope this helps ya a bit.
  12. LOL...exactly. How do these guys ever get off the range to even reload shooting 40k a year. LOL!!!
  13. To me it's because you don't have a primer in the one on the left. LOL! Just my thoughts anyway. LOL
  14. I'm brand new to reloading and even I would dump it. I honestly didn't know about the fertilizer trick though, so that is something new I learned from this post. But I would, in no way, use it. Honestly, I don't care what ratio it would be in. I wouldn't take that chance, but that is just me. Again, I'm new to reloading too, but I'd rather waste my money, than waste my hand, face, gun, innocent bystanders, etc... just my two cents on the subject from a newbie. LOL
  15. Oh, I see how it is. LOL!
  16. Booooo! I'm petitioning for instant replay to be allowed. LOL! Good point on the searching of the rule book. I have read it twice already (the physical book they sent me when I signed up) I also appreciate the info about the periodic NROI rulings as well. I shall bookmark that page for future and current reference. Just in case.
  17. Glad to hear it. I'm taking the Level 1 RO course at the end of July. Your post inspired me to look into it. (thumbs up) Plus, I figured it wouldn't hurt because I have seen my local club ask for RO help at some of my USPSA events. ;-)
  18. I also use electronic muffs. They are the higher end ones that were about $100 (of course I don't recall which ones off the top of my head, but I think they are the Peltor's since that seems to be familiar). I used to wear the non electronic ones and it got to be a pain in the arse after a while having to ask everyone to repeat themselves over and over. LOL! Plus, then you are yelling yourself because you can't hear yourself. Anyway, I really like them much better than normal muffs. I also keep a pair of plugs handy as well just in case I ever need them under the muffs for extra protection, but I have yet to need them. Plus, if you know it is going to be a long string of shooting, you can always turn off the electronics, so then they just turn into a normal pair of muffs (or turn them way down). It isn't like once you turn them on that you have to keep them all the way up or on.
  19. Trial by error, my friend, trial by error. I'm sure most everyone has done it or almost done it at some point. Unless they read it here first and got lucky and avoided it by someone else's experience.
  20. Welcome from Kentucky and welcome back! Glad to have ya back!
  21. Welcome from Kentucky, Pat. I don't know how often I would get out to Louisville to shoot, but if I see ya, I'll say hi.
  22. Welcome from Kentucky and enjoy the ride!
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