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Posts posted by rvb

  1. It's the full trigger pull that can introduce bad habits.

    why do you think that?

    the goal on each shot is to pull the trigger straight to the rear w/o disturbing the sights. the reset has nothing to do with that process. If you try to ride the reset, it requires some of your attention which is better put to use elsewhere. Trying to stop your finger right at the reset point when shooting fast can also create tension, which is bad. IMO, the reset is just something that happens between shots, it's not part of the shot. thinking about It does not improve my shooting. I know the theory is that your finger doesn't have to move as far so it should be faster to ride the reset, but it's far faster to get rid of that distraction and get going on your next shot, no matter how far your finger moves.


  2. One of the busier shooting weekends of the year is over. Shot the IN Sectional on Fri/Sat. Overall, fairly happy with my performance. Ended up top 20 in Limited and something like 65th overall. Only 3 penalties all match (2 Mikes, 1 No shoot). Shot just under 90% of the points which could have been a bit better but I was trying to focus on getting points, especially on day 2. Had a lot of Charlies on day 1 and even though I'm shooting major, I'd like more Alphas. Need to work on hoser targets and shooting on the move. I felt like I was behind the curve a bit in these areas, especially after watching some other shooters and videos from the match. Frankly, I just need more time on the range doing both. Draws/reloads felt pretty good for the most part and I shot pretty good on the speed shoots (minus a M/NS on the strong hand stage). I knew Id struggle a bit going in, but I didn't run into as many problems as I thought I would so I'm pleased with the weekend.

    Sunday was the Action Rifle match at Hillside Shooting Sports. 2 stages with long range out to 400 and 3 bay stages, one of which required some odd body positioning to shooting through a car. Ended up winning Tac Ops and also finished HOA for the day. This will likely be the last rifle/3gun match until the finale/shootoff in early October.

    Weekend highlight: Beating both Cory Estill and Bob Vogel on a stage. It was only a small speed shoot stage but my name was higher than theirs none-the-less!! :):P

    sounds like you had a good weekend! congrats!

    wish I could have made the rifle match. I had been telling JF he needed to do one of those, then he goes and schedules it on the same weekend as the section match, the goof....


  3. I finished 7th Master at 77.098% of Max Michel. I honestly feel that my month of dedicated practice earned me 5 extra percent. There is no way of knowing, but I feel like I just had the best match of my year


    When I learned there might be 15 Master Open shooters I wanted to finish mid pack or higher. Well, I squeaked in at 7th Master and met that goal.


    OOOPS, ALMOST FORGOT............

    I WON A SPRINGFIELD ARMORY XDm-9. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Great job! Good seeing you again. Congrats on the XD! :)


  4. 2014 Indiana Section match is complete. I finished 1st Open M!

    Congrats man! Cool to watch that hard work paying off!

    I hit the range last night. I finally figured our why the action of my gun felt rough. I just thought there were some burrs somewhere. Turns out the slide was rubbing on the side of the ejector. I filed the side of the ejector until it cleared the slide. That gun feels smooth now!

    You mentioned ejection problems at the match... Could the ejector have gotten bent?


  5. IN Section:

    Came in 5th of 89 in Production, 2nd Master. I think top IN resident in Prod?

    With 18 stages, this was by far the biggest match I have shot. I've never shot over two days before, either. I think maybe 12 or so stages at an area match was the most I had shot previously.

    I shot 90.5% of the points. 5 penalties (2M, 2NS, 1 xtra-shot Pen). The two Ms were both in hardcover on partials, not more than 1/8" from being a hit. I called one on the line but didn't have enough rounds to finish the array if I made it up and the other I called a couple inches higher and thought it would be good. the other 3 penalties came on stage 6, the WH standard. On the freestyle string I put one in the NS and made up the corresponding mike w/ an A, but also got the extra-shot penalty. On the WH string one round just touched the perf on a NS.

    Except for the penalties, I was very happy w/ the performance.

    Some things that stood out to me....

    - I recovered from the stage 6 disaster and went on to get a 4th place finish on stage 7.

    - On some stages I did a great job of shooting on the move and was able to be always shooting (when not reloading); on other stages I could have done much better at this (shot arrays flat footed).

    - The week or two of heavy dryfire with the changes I made to my grip really paid off, I felt I had much better recoil control and sight tracking. Only once did I bobble my grip on the draw and go back to my old grip technique.

    - I was able to be consistent (except stage 6) throughout all 18 stages. I think my worst failure to follow a plan was an extra un-planned reload, but I recovered well.

    I have a lot to work on. I think one of the biggest things is setting up on hard positions (esp hard leans) and tight shots such as partials. I need to work on getting into position and getting those shots off sooner. A half second times several positions in a stages adds up to a couple seconds real quick. I also need to gain some confidence w/ this glock trigger on hard shots and eliminating the over-aiming. I did better at that this match, but still not where I want to be.

    As a bonus, I won a gift cert for a Glock. Thanks to Glock for sponsoring the match and donating the prize! I'm thinking of getting something I can use for a limited gun.

    made the local Louisville news:


    my match vid:


  6. What kind of idiot completely revamps the way they are gripping and shooting the gun a week before one of their two major matches of the year?

    I've really struggled to figure this glock out. Seems there is always something that keeps me from being happy w/ how I'm shooting it, either recoil control sucks or trigger control sucks or I get good groups but they are off target when shooting fast, or the slide just plain chews my hand up.

    I kinda started at scratch and rebuilt my grip. So far (trick of the day?) things seem going well. I had my first validation of my dryfire in livefire practice last night. The sight tracked/returned much better than previously, and even at speed the rounds were landing well centered, not pushed left/right. And my hand isn't chewed up. The only real problem is it's now naturaly pointing a little higher than before so I've got some index issues to clean up.

    I have the gun spun much farther counter-clockwise in my grip... much more parallel to the thumb; much more in-line w/ the forearm. It's now a loooong reach to the trigger (I had a couple draws I missed the trigger safety!) but I seem to be getting pretty good trigger control...

    To help burn it in and see what parts I need to better ingrain, I did some 3-yd fast draws. They were all in the .61-.65 range, 3 As, a C, and a D. The D was my first and I totally resorted to my old grip and completely pulled the gun w/ the trigger. fixed it for the rest....

    Did a modified walk-back drill w/ the group. Of 14 rounds fired at the upper A, only 3 fell out into the B (2 at 15 when I held under just a tick too far and 1 at 25. So accuracy w/ the new grip / trigger press seems ok. Didn't have time to do any real group shooting

    also did a walk-back type group drill w/ draw and 2 rounds w/ a 2 second par. Was still at ~1.7 at 25.

    reloads SUCKED. W/ the new grip, I'm doing weird things keeping the gun/mag from getting aligned. They were all in the ~1.4 +/- range.

    I have some work cut out for me in the next week to improve my index, fix my reloads, and ingrain the new trigger press.


  7. Yesterday I included a fixed-time course at a club match. It appears shooting penalties (either general -10 penalties or overtime -5) did not survive the export to EZWin. NS penalties did, however.

    Final scores were tallied and exported from iOS 1.651 (I believe the latest). The results on practiscore.com appear correct. The results on uspsa.org are not correct. I caught this when I noticed a discrepancy between the combined results on practiscore.com and combinedresults.info.

    I'll do a match export this evening and get to the practiscore folks, but I thought I would make others aware of this potential issue, esp w/ Nats coming up which usually has fixed time courses....


  8. FYI, I found a discrepancy in the scores between practiscore and what is showing up on uspsa.org. It appears the penalties on the fixed time course did not translate into EZWinscore. Out of the dozen or so people who earned penalties none translated into the official results. I noticed it because the stage winner should have had a penalty, and the combined results looked different between practiscore and combinedresults.info.

    This evening I'll do a match export from practiscore and send a fix-it ticket to the practiscore folks.

    For now, go by the results on practiscore's website:


    (I recall Truk's penalty should have been an overtime penalty (-5), not an actual penalty (-10), correct?)


  9. Won prod at the Atlanta match this weekend. It was a pure hoser "no" match (no steel or no shoots or partials, just close wide-open paper and 40-round courses).

    I've long believed the hoser targets are where you NEED to get As, despite the temptation to go faster and accept less. I actually managed to put that idea into practice at this match. I really tried for As (but was really pushing my limit to accomplish that). I ended up w/ 188As and 36Cs (93.6% of the points) and no Ds or penalties.

    Day started rough, I almost dropped my gun on a reload on my first reload of the match, and was shooting pure target focus for some reason... barely saw the sights... was just looking at the paper and watching the holes appear. I was about 3 seconds slower than I should have been (mainly from the reload fumble) and finished 4th/prod (only stage I wasn't 1 or 2).

    Got my head back in it shot pretty consistent the rest of the day. The last stage I lost a couple seconds stepping out of the shooting area (foot rocked/slipped off the fault line, had to step back in, re-find the target, etc).


    99-11 El Prez: 11A/1C in 5.96s, 9.7315 HF (Should be ~94.8%).

    99-23 Front sight: 7A/5C in 5.19s, 9.6339 HF (too many Cs. ~75%).


  10. well I've failed at getting back into a dryfire routine, and it shows.

    Shot the Ft Wayne match this weekend. 3rd in production (lost 2nd by 0.75 match points, just over 0.1%). Beat by GM and M. It was fun to have the tough competition.

    trigger pulling wasn't aweful, shot 91.65% of the points, w/ 1 M and 1 D.

    I lost a lot of time in just "choppiness." No stage really seemed to flow smoothly. Probably could have done a better job walking through and visualizing.

    Worst stage was my first (stage 2). I barely did any walkthrough as I noticed a stage setup problem in the Nooks, so I had to go around to all the squads and get that fixed. Squad was nearly done before I even got my gear on. This is the stage I had the mike on. I gave up 25 match points on this stage to the 2nd place winner, so this stage cost me. Spent the rest of the match trying to dig out of that hole.

    Classifier was 03-08 Madness. 9A/4C/1D in 8.39s for 6.9130 HF. Looks like it was bad enough to not count. Reload was pure crap, probably 2s or more and of course the D hurts (the last shot before the reload iirc)


  11. Trying to get back into a routine of dryfiring....for months I've just been doing a night or two every couple weeks...

    Last night was the first night back at it. I was awesome! :sick: haha.

    The kids got me Stoeger's new Dry-Fire Training book for father's day, so hopefully some new drills and some agressive par goals to mix up the routine will help with some motivation issues. Just did the first few drills, but did a ton of reps for about an hr total. The good: Smashed the 25yd WH index drill w/ about a 1.4s par. The Bad: the reload drill was about 1.2s vs the 1.0 goal. The ugly: the 10yd transition drill was hurt by my poor draws... 1.8-2.0 against a goal of 1.6. Considering a 2.0 10yd bill drill is pretty solid for me in live fire, a 1.6 w/ transitions is pretty salty, but I know my problem is less w/ transitions than w/ draws on this drill.

    index needs a lot of work. I keep adjusting my grip w/ this glock trying to find something that works. Lately I've been rebuilding my grip around the goal of being able to work the trigger fast and maintain a good clean break on 15 yd partials or 25yd plates. I was happy to see this was Ben's 2nd drill in his book (w/o a target).

    will I keep at it this time?? Need to sign up for another major or something so I have some motivation....


  12. Hey Russell!

    You guys sure have come up w/ some funny ways to score your section match since I left!

  13. Lots of time at the range this weekend... actually feeling a little burned out on the place.

    Friday spent about 3 hrs after work building my stage for the match.

    Sat built some props and hauled some equipment to help setup time on sunday.

    Sat I also got some practice in. Shot my best rifle groups yet. New contacts, adjusted scope position on rifle, and different grip to help where my finger sits on the trigger. best 5-shot group was .65" @ 100. A couple other groups were close to that size, except I had trouble avoiding a flyer (called) in each group. Ammo was the Fed Gold Medal Match 69s. Now to work up some handloads to match it...

    I put an adjustable gas block on the AR, made a world of difference... it was so over-gassed...

    Sat I also did some pistol practice. Worked on 1) shooting faster at mid-range targets (15 yds) and big transitions. Even some big transitions into partials. I'm starting to get my technique down better where I can work this glock trigger faster to get both the speed and accuracy. I was so over-aiming the farther and mid-range targets, even at the last thurs practice night. Suddenly it seems my control of the gun and trigger have leaped.

    That carried over into the Ft Wayne match Sunday...

    Won HOA w/ the production gun. No penalties, 3 Ds. 91.3% of the points. I really pushed myself on the far targets to keep my speed up and trust the technique changes I made would get the bullet to go where I wanted, and for the most part it worked out ok.

    Stage 1 I had 2 Ds. One was on a 20yd array, the other was on a ~10 yd array through a barrel. I don't know why I didn't make them up, as I called them as D's or near the C/D line... I had one make-up on a ~15yd popper, but cleaned the plates that were ~15 yds. Won this stage over-all.

    Stage 2 I should have been a couple seconds faster. I bobbled a slide-lock reload. had one make-up on a mini popper. had a hestitation shooting the last array as I had kicked my dropped mag during the reload and watched it sail downrange.... It was coming up right in line w/ my target and for a second I was afraid I was going to shoot it! haha. dropped to 5th over-all on this one.

    Stage 3 was nothing great or bad. Was slow on some far, hard-lean partials. Stage plan may have bit me here some.

    I shot Stage 4 (that I built) well... spectacularly, if I may say so myself. I couldn't have done it any faster, I pushed my foot speed and shooting speed as much as possible, and ended up with ALL As.

    Classifier was 03-12, Ironsides. 7As, 5Cs, 9.62. Too many Cs, especially with the non-spectacular time. should come in at ~83%, which is no help....

    Stage 5 was nothing great or bad. A "D" hit on this short course hurt a bit, but I was moving too fast to try to make it up.. it quickly disappeared behind a no-shoot...


  14. Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday. We had a pretty good turnout considering Area 5 was this weekend, and I know we lost some folks due to father's day activites. I thought the stages were great; a big thanks to the setup crew who comes out during the week to get everything set up. Also thanks to the folks who stuck around to help tear down and put away. Many hands makes light work!

    I didn't get video or still photos this time around... the wife took the cameras to my niece's b-day. hopefully some other shooters got some vids to post up here.

    official scores:

    practiscore scores (w/ combined results):


    See you next month!


  15. Fort Wayne, IN is shooting on the 3rd Sundays, April - Oct. We typically run 3 long field courses, 2 short/medium courses, and a classifier. Our next match is this Sunday.... Father's Day!

    Registration Begins: 9:00 A.M.
    Shooters Meeting: 9:45 A.M.
    Match Begins: 10:00 A.M.
    Registration Fee:
    $20 (non-FWRR member)
    $15 (FWRR member)
    $5 (setup crew)
    Juniors shoot free with paid adult

    The Fort Wayne Rifle and Revolver (FWRR) gun club is located north of Harlan, IN, just off 37.
    15715 Rupert Rd
    Grabill, IN 46741

    Maps and directions can be found at www.fwrr.us

    "Like" us on facebook, at www.facebook.com/fwuspsa
    Questions? Email me at ftw_uspsa@yahoo.com or PM me here.

    We're using Practiscore, too!

    Here are some videos from a couple of competitors showing previous matches.

    We look forward to seeing you on the range!

  16. The problem with general advise is... it's too general.

    I can think of examples of people who are always too smooth/slow but get great hits just as I can think of examples of people who are always as fast as the fastest guys but don't always connect and drop a lot of points. The latter types are the guys that when they connect, they really connect, but sprinkle in a few mikes and you have look down in the results for their names.

    When folks improve their weakness and either learn to MOVE or learn to make their hits at speed, look out! It takes both in the end. DVC....

    I do think that agressiveness and explosiveness are more personality driven, and are harder for folks to "learn." It seems easier for an explosive/agressive person to add trigger control and shot calling to their skill set than for a skilled trigger puller to add agressiveness/explosiveness...

    As far as outrunning mikes... sometimes it's true you can outrun your competition enough to nullify a mike, but if you ballpark 2.5s per mike, just think how much your score could have improved had you connected... no one says, meh, it was just 2.5s to clear that malfunction, but we will say meh, a mike is ok cause i was pretty fast anyway? Both hurt the HF the same...


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