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Posts posted by rvb

  1. I'm currently feeling motivated to practice...

    I'm going to be shooting Production Nationals in August !

    Except for the last two weeks where I was traveling for work, I have been dryfiring 5-6 nights/week, about an hr per night.

    I'm ready for the season to get going!


  2. First club match of 2015 and my first match ever shooting Limited is in the books...

    My first couple stages were pretty shakey. I just felt out of sync w/ everthing... the gun, the movement and settting up in positions, the trigger... I partly blame that on having spent the previous two weeks on the road w/ work so it had been 2 weeks since touching the gun. The rest I guess was just winter cob webs. I was slow, but ballanced it out w/ poor hits.

    Finally on my 3rd stage (stage 2) I dialed in a little better, really shot agressive and had solid hits. I botched the reload on this stage, however... I basically missed the gun and sent the new mag flying and had to grab the spare off the belt. Not being used to shooting fully-loaded mags I didn't seat that one hard enough and got the bang/click on the next target. So I cost myself a good 3 seconds.

    Classifier was 08-02 Steeler Standards. I shot this w/ 15A, 5C in 15.92s for 5.9673HF. Should be good for about 83%. I cost myself a little time, maybe 1 second as I forot the second half of string 1.... I finished the first 4 shots and stood there looking at the targets, then realized I had to reload and shoot some more!!

    I REALLY need new sights on the gun. The factory adjustable glock sights are horrible. The FS is huge, there's almost no daylight around it, and the rear isn't smooth along the top... I felt like I was shooting the white FS dot like a red dot... like I was just covering most of the target w/ the wall of black sights and trying to get the dot on the A... my calling was off a bit and I broke a few I wasn't exactly sure I was lined up where I wanted to be.

    Felt great to be shooting in a match again!


  3. I am going to drive RVB crazy when it gets warm........I am going to make him teach me to have that full auto trigger finger that he has! Gimmie all your secrets!!!



  4. congrats on kid #2!! :)

    I still got to shoot a fair amount when it was one kid. when #2 came along it went from zone D to man-on-man, and shooting/practicing mostly stopped!

    dryfire time gets eaten up by kid's activities, helping with baths, homework, etc etc.

    but it's worth it.

    I'm hoping to get my oldest on the range for the first time this spring, so that will be a whole different kind of range fun! :)


  5. the time involved in being match staff only costs you money if your job is the type where not being there = not getting pd (usually self employed). Otherwise, that's what vacation is for...

    And so it would seem, even being a school bus driver! I thought I found the perfect post retirement job. NOT! Sure I'm off all summer but generally the Nationals as well as a lot of other great matches are in the fall. I would have to be docked all the pay for those trips and run the risk of losing my route! Probably the only instance where it would be cheaper to NOT work a match. lol Is it a dream job? in most cases yes. But not a perfect fit for shooting major uspsa events.

    certainly there are a lot of folks in similar positions, and I hope I didn't sound like I was downplaying it... there are a LOT of professions/jobs where taking time off to shoot = lost income and/or risk to their job. And I didn't work a lot of matches the first couple yrs at my job when I was new and didn't have much vacation.


  6. Why does going to a major match have to cost $1k? Volunteer to RO, which usually = free match + hotel. Now you are to the cost of gas and ammo and dinners, maybe a couple hundred bucks. Spend the rest (the majority) on practice ammo.

    the time involved in being match staff only costs you money if your job is the type where not being there = not getting pd (usually self employed). Otherwise, that's what vacation is for...

    For $1k you could probably work one match, shoot another w/o working it, and still buy a couple cases of ammo.

    Keep the matches regional so you don't have to pay for airfair/rental cars or drive thousands of miles.


  7. freakin outstanding job! looks like a tough, fun match.

    that upside-down rope pull deal looked like it took a while to get set up... would switching to WH maybe have been beneficial there?


    Maybe, I jacked up the execution of that stage hard. I was first shooter, on first stage of the match. I was just happy to hit everything.

    I watched some people do the WHO transfer, looked slow. I just messed up the execution. I should have grapped the rope and shot the two targets SHO, but I forgot to grap the rope as I went to the left. Ah well. big lesson learned.

    Stages were really nice. Big stages with a lot of shooting positions. I liked it!

    messed up the execution of a great plan? I've NEVER done that!! Esp first stage of the match. haha. seriously, great job. I was looking forward to your video.


  8. Yea, we might want to have our bases covered for next month. Yikes, the season starts next month!! :surprise:

    Went through the Pro-Am registration process. Wasn't sure I was going to shoot this match again this year but when push came to shove, I was ready to sign up last night.

    yea, it seemed like a long ways away, then all of a sudden it's almost here!

    pro-am sounds fun.

    I'm considering that carbine match at acc in march... maybe not take my 3-gun rifle but my shorty....


  9. Thanks for the advice RVB. I really struggled with hand position during my practice because my index finger was fully extended when I had the pad of my finger on the trigger. So basically if the trigger was any longer, I wouldn't be able to even reach it. I was instructed earlier that there should be some bend in my trigger finger when the pad of that finger was properly on the trigger. Well......thanks to my little girly hands, I am at full extension with on gap between my finger and the frame of the gun. I am really struggling with pulling the trigger strait back......and it gets worse when I am trying to compensate for recoil and bring the sights back on target after that shot.

    The trigger is only $32 bucks and I can take it back if I want.

    What do ya think?

    If you think it'll help, go for it.

    just dont plan on taking it back... most triggers need some fitting to even get them in the gun. and do some reading on how to install them and what to watch out for.

    I'd like to see your grip first... it sounded like you were concerned more about where the beavertail landed than the trigger finger...


  10. Nobody waned to brave the cold with me yesterday, but I went and shot at the indoor range anyway.

    (RVB if you are reading this, expect a call from me about coaching me on my trigger pull).

    I had a church thing.... besides, is shooting indoors really "braving the cold?" ;)

    Sure, I'd be happy to try to help. I will throw out a couple quick thoughts after reading your thread... if you are putting the round in the middle of a paster @ 10 yds slowfire, but having trouble with your hits when speeding up, don't go changing hardware just yet. You're doing something different.

    - be sure you are seeing a good sight picture on each shot when shooting multiple rounds. it may be an alignment / visual patience / timing problem vs a trigger control problem.

    - watch the tension, esp in your strong hand. get too tense / grip too hard and you can start 'milking' the gun. as you speed up it's natural to want to grip harder, and can cause problems. trying to 'ride the reset' can also cause extra tension in the trigger finger.

    - make sure you are working your trigger the same as you speed up. you can practice starting slow and gradually speeding up in dryfire.

    if we can't find time to get on the range soon, the FtW practice nights will be starting up in ~6 wks and I can help you out there.


  11. I don't have one anywhere. Thought EZwin was dead this year anyway?

    It "looks like" playing around w/ the latest Practiscore version you can get activity/classifier reports out of it now, which is what we used to need to use EZwin for... but no one I've talked to can verify it works. Considering our first match is a classifier match, I want to make sure I have a path to get scores to HQ.... belts and suspenders maybe, but I haven't found anyone who can verify both end of the suspenders (practiscore) are actually attached...


  12. ok, i didn't remember seeing a rifle one available yet, but I guess since I had just read your post about your rifle I was thinking the two were related. Thought maybe something new and wonderful had come out!

    I would like one for .223, more so than a pistol even, but the reamer thing seemed like a big challenge... if they couldn't show consistent headspace in all the holes I'm not sure what the point would be... I figure when they come out I'm going to wait a bit and see what other folks have to say about them.... I'll let you be the guinea pig! :D


  13. Weekend off work finally! :goof: I'm game if you'd like a tag-a-long on Sunday? I've got a Pro chrono I can bring too, but I wouldn't mind comparing my readings to someone else's chrono(RVB).

    Weekend off work finally! :goof: I'm game if you'd like a tag-a-long on Sunday? I've got a Pro chrono I can bring too, but I wouldn't mind comparing my readings to someone else's chrono(RVB).

    Itl's on!

    gimmie a shout on saturday and we will set a time up!

    RVB if you are in let me know!!!! I have ammo to burn!!!

    hmm. Sun would be my better day but they're calling for a high of 6... not sure how much validity we could put on chrono data at that point. I might be able to carve out some time Sat....

    I do want to give my Limited glock a test run since I've put a couple new parts in it....

    I'll discuss w/ the Boss and see what's up.


  14. But make sure your primer depth is bottoming out the primers. A good way to check is set the round on a flat surface like glass, or a good laminate type table top. If any wiggle, your primers are too high.

    primers sitting flush doesn't necessarily mean they are bottomed out. a couple thou under is usually bottomed out. if there is wiggle on a flat surface I would consider those unsafe. But they can be flush and still be "high" and not ignite. you'll get a dimple in the primer, but it'll shove the whole primer in farther and/or not really compress the compound against the anvil...

    some primers need more "pre compression" (eg crushed into the pocket pressing the anvil into the compound/cup) than others. I don't think I've ever seen real manufacturer published info, but I know I've seen where Federal for instance used to recommend a "light pre-compression" for reliable ignition... so just seating them such that they touch the bottom of the pocket may still not be "fully" seated.

    and the "feel" is different for different primers in different brass... If I seat a Fed primer w/ the exact amount of pressure I put on a Win primer, it won't be fully seated. It just takes experience. When in doubt, smash that $#&%'er. I've heard you can over-crush them, but it's not something I've experienced or seen or know anyone who has....


  15. Do hollow points do better than other bullets on steel?

    I don't really know if they do or not, but (especially w/ minor loads) they "seemed" to be slightly more likely to knock down poppers that were set heavy than ball loads. I tested it one day many years ago w/ just a couple rounds of each on a heavy set popper. I figure maybe since they deform more they transfer their momentum better, less elastic.... who knows, if I tried it again today maybe I'd see different results.

    I may be nuts, but I shared my theory w/ Matt... so if it sounds looney, blame me (heck, if it sounds brilliant, blame me, too!)

    I don't think for major PF it much matters....


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