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Posts posted by rvb

  1. I'm really excited for my 4th shooting season and my first USPSA nationals!

    Im excited to see what you'll accomplish this year, too! You're off to a great start w/ your matches and your new G card!

    Your hard work is paying off.



    ps. 100% on 5 out of 6 stages at that classifier match?!? holy smokes! :)


  2. Or just stop shooting production til Nats are over, lol. Shoot Lim-10 minor if you want "real world" practice for it, lol

    I see more Limited in my immediate future! Either using my production gun, or my limited gun (once I get new sights for it, they'll be identical except for caliber)...

    L10 is stupid. I refuse to acknoledge it and tarnish my classifier database by having entries in that division. :)


  3. should bring my average up to a new personal best of ~93.3%.

    hmm.. been a while since I paid attention to such things, so I forget... if you have multiple classifiers on the same day, do they drop the lowest first when rolling to the latest 8? I figured out the reason I got different results when figuring my % was because the system showed those scores in different orders when I reloaded the page. If the lowest is dropped first, I'll be at ~94.8! egads that was too close for comfort! guess I'll have to start throwing misses on classifiers between now and prod nats. :) haha! At least my next to drop off will be a 100, so i'll at least drop down some...


  4. Using Practiscore makes it a pain to upload results to USPSA. I don't believe it is required.

    I prefer it as well since I can go see what I shot instead of searching for random club entries.

    in newer versions it's very easy. it used to be a pain, but now PS exports the same scores webfile that EZwin made. Export the classifier activity report and the scores webfile from PS, email to self. go to a PC, and upload the files to uspsa. just takes a minute.


  5. re-learning some things about my reloads. through lack of practice, I've gotten lazy in my gun position on reloads, causing the magwell and mag to not really line up. These glocks suck in the mags pretty easy, unless you are out of alignment w/ the bottom of the mag angled back relative to the gun, then they'll bind up pretty hard. Worked on getting the gun more sideways so I could better see the hole and pointed a little more left to align w/ the mag better. Suddenly I was beating a 2s par on 2R2. (A couple yrs ago I could do that, but lately I was lucky to break under 2.6 or so). And consistency was way up... I only fumbled if I reverted back to the bad habit. I've been fumbling waaay too many reloads lately, which is why I started looking at them closer... I see lots of work in my future to get things re-ingrained...


  6. clasifier match at FWRR.

    Shot Limited for score and Production as a reshoot.

    On my limited gun I just made a lot of stupid mistakes. I was either too conservative or too agressive. Factory glock adjustable sights just have to go, they are hell on the tight stuff.

    13-03. Got solid hits. Lost a second or more so as I almost forgot the SHO portion. I was taking out the slack on the trigger when I realized it and had to shift to SHO. Ruined what would have been a solid run.

    09-11. zero'd. Saw I just edged a NS and decided to make it up. Turned out it also got the A behind it, so not only did I get the extra shot I got the extra hit. That fraction of an inch turned a good run into a zero.

    99-41. needed a make-up on steel. kind of a 'meh' run.

    09-03. first string I threw a round into the NS. Second string I just went for it as fast as I could I think I shot it in 2.36, and got all the hits! was pretty fun and riled up the squad. even w/ the M/NS and sloppy second run hits it'll be a 52%.

    06-03. got just an aweful grab on the mag on the reload, like by the fingertips. didn't seat it all the way, had to tap-rack it....

    99-56. On the left steel I called an edge hit, heard the ding and kept going. got about half-way up to the wall and realized it was still standing. FML. truly an edge hit that split the bullet and kept standing.

    So only 2 scores will count.

    Then I decided to shoot production just for the trigger time. was much more relaxed, esp since we were down to one squad of hooligans and I knew I wouldn't be called away for scoring/calibration duty, etc.

    I put up a couple 100's and a couple upper 80's, which should bring my average up to a new personal best of ~93.3%.

    13-03. Just too many Cs and a D hurt me here. pushed too hard.

    09-11. 100%. All As.

    99-41. A mike on a paper (tried to transition off before the shot was done. I called it somewhere near the edge and just hoped it would be there). turned a solid run into trash...

    09-03. 100%. 11As, 1C.

    06-03. I decided to focus on reloads vs trigger speed, although I still had some trigger freeze. New personal best for production at ~85.9%. This is a tension classifier. I feel there's no reason I can't put up 100% on this, but I never have. I think this is going to get some live fire practice put to it. It's all about not F'ing up, twice.

    99-56. cost myself a little time making up a D on the close targets through the port. I was a little gun-shy on the steel after my first run so I probably followed-through a little more than necessary. otherwise I was pretty happy w/ this run, which should be about 88%.

    now if only I could get work to quit sending me around the country so I could get some consistent dryfire in! frustrating and killing my motivation!


  7. Fort Wayne's April USPSA match is this Sunday, April 19

    This is a classifier match, with 6 classifier stages.

    Registration Begins: 9:00 A.M.

    *New-shooters meeting: 9:30 A.M.

    Shooters Meeting: 9:45 A.M.

    Match Begins: 10:00 A.M.

    *New-shooters meeting prior to the match: If you are new to uspsa, we'll give you a quick introduction into the basics of the game (safety, range commands, scoring).

    Registration Fee:

    $20 (General entry)

    $15 (FWRR member)

    $0 (setup crew)

    Juniors shoot free with paid adult

    If you wish to shoot two guns, you can. We'll run everyone through with their first gun, then folks wanting to shoot a second division can do so. The cost for the second division is $15 ($10 for FWRR members and setup crew).

    The Fort Wayne Rifle and Revolver (FWRR) gun club is located north of Harlan, IN, just off 37.

    15715 Rupert Rd

    Grabill, IN 46741


    Maps and directions can be found at Fort Wayne Rifle & Revolver Gun Club... www.fwrr.us

    "Like" us on facebook, at www.facebook.com/fwuspsa

    Questions? Email me at ftw_uspsa@yahoo.com or PM me here.

    Hope to see you there!


  8. A little live fire today....

    Dot torture, down 3 in ~96s @ 5yd. SH/WH need some work. Pretty good for me.

    Ran Garcia dot drill a couple times @ 5yds. Down 8 and down 6. Kept pushing the gun a little low. Nice groups, just really working the bottom edge of the dots.... Trying too hard, maybe a little push happening. Have to let the gun recoil.

    Bill drills in 1.80 and 1.95 clean. Draw is still my weakness @ ~ 1.1, 1.2 (relaxed). Need to shave a couple tenths there.

    2R2s were just awful. In the 2.5-2.8 range, when I actually hit the hole. Lack of dryfire showing, as is the fact I've been making some minor changes that aren't burnt in yet.

    Got a few rounds through the 308. Gas adjusted, new scope sighted in. 6 3-shot groups ranging from 3/4" to 2". Wasn't expecting much considering I was just shooting some Eastern European surplus stuff and the gun still has a Gi trigger. By the next time I should have a pretty AR gold trigger in it and I'll try some fed gold match or black hills... Then to start loading for it....

    Put a couple rounds through the 45. Maybe shoot it as a 2nd gun at the upcoming classifier?


  9. yea, the wind kept changing. I looked @ the flag before the buzzer and it was almost dead at us. when I stood up it was sideways.

    The idea that 55s can be good in about any condition is ok if you have them screaming, like 3200+. at 2800 I didn't have that advantage.... should have brought the 308 w/ 12x scope since it was all long-range stuff! ha!

    Once I figured to hold on the left side of the target I was making good hits.

    I've got some 69s loaded up w/ varying charges of RL15 to try out, just waiting on a good chance to test...

    Pretty much all I've put through this gun is the cheap Horn 55s. I've also got some 55gr v-maxs to see if that helps my groups...


  10. 3-gun @ hillside.

    stage 1: 100 yd slugs and rifle from 50 to 200. came in 2nd, would have won the stage if not for forgetting to stage my mag to load the AR. had to go fishing in pockets.

    stage 2: 50 yd pistol and rifle to 300. bad draw so I missed my first pistol shot. forgot to rack the bolt on the AR (started mag in on empty chamber). when shooting rifle the wind changed on me from coming in about 11:00 to pretty much straight 9:00. once I figured I needed to hold off more I got good hits but spent way too much time figuring that out at the 200 yd target. I keep saying I need to work up a good 69 gr load and this proves it. My 55s weren't even moving all that fast (just over 2800), as chronod Sat in this cold air)

    stage 3: tossed, which was fine... it was kind of a luck of the draw stage, w/ a star completely hidden except for the bottom plate. I sucked up the shotgun here and got a bad/crazy spin on the star.

    Stage 4: all shotgun. I suck at [reloading] shotgun. There were two popper/clay-thrower targets. I decided to have fun cause I knew I was going to suck on the stage anyway so I put both birds in the air before engaging them... and failed miserably. the wind just tossed them and moved them completely away from where I expected them to be, so I racked up a crap load of penalties. But my give-a-f* was about gone by then after about timing out on the star. did I mention I suck at shotgun reloads.

    Stage 5: All pistol, steel. Didn't shoot this as agressively or fast as I should have. a couple of makeups hurt, too. Forgot the reload was off the table and tried to find it on my belt so that cost me a couple seconds.

    Thanks to Corey for the tips along the way on the shotgun stuff, and to Craig for loaning me the extra caddy.

    Thanks to the crew for puttin the match on!

    Fun day over all.

    shotguns are stupid.


  11. Still working on load testing for the new AR,

    I'll be going to fwrr sometime sat to verify zero on my rifle & figure out where slugs hit at 100. Might shoot some @ 300 just to make sure my tables line up w/ reality...


  12. Interesting the pro ops guys are already fearing the 1911. The #1 selling pistol in America, and it cant be in a stock type class, because why?

    That's how I would do it. ... Buy an RO or a Trojan, buy mags, go shoot. Or whatever. It's more about shooting than equipment imho.

    I do. If it's an off the shelf 1911 with little to no mods (no magwell, extended mag release/slide stop etc). Why not, it's a Production gun?

    i'm not seriously proposing to merge prod and ss, but it doesn't seem like an unreasonable idea.

    Combining SS and Pro would be fine with me. Leave the divisions exactly as they are now with the exception of allowing 8 major in pro guns.

    I've been promoting this idea for years. I usually get laughed at.

    SS+Prod = some kind of 'factory' division.

    SS+Prod+Dot = some kind of 'factory optics' division.

    high cap (140s) and lots of mods - optics/comp = Limited (what we have now)

    high cap (170s) and lots of mods + optics/comp = open (what we have now)

    ditch L10.

    4 divisions. oh, and revo.

    merging SS and prod would be easy, basically the two rulesets as they are could still apply to each type of pistol. 8maj/10min for everyone. pick a holster location.

    I know that's not where the BoD is going, but if they do adopt this new optics division and don't want to water the divisions down to much, it's an idea....


  13. the gun may be defective. I'd be willing to trade you, an even swap, limited gun for limited gun. holsters/mags, etc incl.

    work backwards. start w/ a good grip and sightpicture, then slowly work backwards through the draw steps, w/ as little movement as possible. observe where you hands/arms/etc need to be to get the gun back into the holster, then reverse it (go forward).

    sometimes we have to go slow before we can go fast. find a spot on the wall, set up on it, close your eyes, and draw to it slowly. see what needs adjusted. this can help your grip, draw, and NPA development.

    agree w/ teh comments above about a little bit of a press out vs a swoop up. does not to be all tac timmy w/ the gun under your chin and a straight press, but a little extra time to align before full extension is good.

    set an easy par, 1.5s or whatever you CAN meet w/ ease, do some reps, cut a tenth, do some more, cut a tenth, do some more, etc until you get out of control. do a few reps at teh out of control pace then back off and finish w/ a few reps at a pace you can accomplish. do it nightly or a couple times a night for, well, forever.. haha...

    you're developing an index, one of the most critical aspects of shooting at high speed. it'll take a while, esp w/ gear change. Id wager your expectations and your ability to see the imperfections have also increased from before...


  14. Yea, I noticed that too :) That's rust trying to be knocked off. I was moving faster than you but you hit more points at speed. I noticed a few more C & Ds than normal from you but I figured it was because you weren't accustomed to the recoil of a major load :roflol:

    F*ing factory crap glock adjustable sights are crap.

    ... and lack of practice.

    the major PF is why I was saying 'ouch!' after ever shot and weeping softly while reloading my mags.


  15. total time for the whole match you were 0.43 faster than me.

    4 mikes and 87.7% of the points compared to my penalty free 92.3% of the points is what hurt you. :)

    I was actually disapointed in the 92%.... that's about what I usually do w/ the prod gun.


  16. DQs will happen to everyone sooner or later. Just make sure you learn from it so it doesn't happen again. You handled it well and sticking around to score, etc was a big help!

    ditto !

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