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Posts posted by 1chota

  1. I am not particularly enamored with the name "Tactical" but I can't really think of a better name for the division. We have to call it something but as soon as we call it "Patrol," "Action," "Practical," or "Wannabe Operator" division, people will be bitching about that title. In any event "Tactical" division will never match up to the real world. The real world is just too big and dynamic. The advent of micro red dots on duty pistols and as short range sights on rifles has shown that gamerland Open division has come to the real world. I remember floating the idea of some open class mods (freefloat handguards, secondary red dot sights, decent trigger)to real deal operators that jjw is so fond of back at the North American Tactical match only to be told that that gamer sh!t won't fly in the real world. Now they all have that stuff on their duty guns! I guess bumblebees and pigs can fly.

    It will always be inherently difficult to establish a set of consistent equipment rules for a competition game which is so closely aligned with a real world activity, and a deadly serious one at that but I think that our current "Tactical" division does a pretty decent job of it. It is certainly better than the old SOF rules limiting one to which scope they can use because those are the only scopes used in the "real world." But just because the real tactical community starts to adopt some open class gear (which was TOTALLY developed in the competitive shooting community), I don't think that we should instantly change the equipment rules of our sport. But I recognize at some point those rules will be affected by the give and take between the competitive community and the tactical community. Once red dots are on the majority of duty/CCW pistols, it will be hard to argue that they should not be allowed in the "Tactical" division of our sport. I just don't think that we are there yet.

    I do think that it is important that we have a division that is accessible to the mythical shooter who has an M4ish rifle with a red dot and a Glock 19.

    And let's have a little less of the "you don't know what it is like in the real world." There are plenty of other forums for that. But I'm with MarkCo when the urban riots, red dawn remake, zombie apocalypse, arrival of the Visigoths/Vandals/Vikings/Huns/Mongols/Alien Overlords hits, I would not mind being with any of the RM3G divisional winners either. Real deal operators scare me, they are ALWAYS pointing their guns at each other!

    As usual brother Kelly, well said. As a retired law enforcement officer and firearms instructor i believe any trigger time is beneficial. but..........if we are keeping score, it is a game. The experience may help in another arena, but here in 3 gunning it is a game.

    :cheers: and make it cold!

  2. Can we shoot buckshot at this match?

    Also the rules read as such on coupled mags...

    No rifle external supporting devices are allowed in this class. (i.e. bipods, vertical foregrips that are rested on ground or props, cinched mags or mag pads/additions designed to enlarge the footprint of a single mag that are rested on the ground or props)

    There are NO “beta/C” or drum mags allowed in this class. Only traditional double stack mags allowed. (Cinched mags must be offset a minimum of 2 inches to avoid being considered an external supporting device.)

    It seems they are more concerned about an extranal supporting device when pertaining to cinched mags. I'm shooting HM which means I gotta run 3 rifle mags on me and my gun and 4-6 pistol mags. I was hoping to couple some rifle mags to avoid having to carry them on my belt. There is NO way I'd go prone or even touch anything that remotely looks like a support such as a Rock or tree with a cinched mag in my rifle.

    Also can I run a 30 round mag in my rifle downloaded to 30 in Heavy Optics?

    mebbe downloaded to "20"?

  3. two things that i have seen with JP rifles: one was where the stud for the sling swivel was contacting the heat shield and caused POI shift when the barrel heated up. The other was on a barrel installed by the owner which later started to loosen up. since you state it is a JP install, i doubt the latter. you might look to see if anything in that new forearm is making contact.

  4. I don't see the 1-4X scope dying off anytime soon. Is the 1-6X or 1-8X an advantage? Maybe ever so slightly so. Of course, I still use an archaic 1.5-5X MR/T. But people will perceive the 1-6X as TOTALLY better and NECESSARY to improve their scores when they'd be way better off building up their zeroes and working on trigger control. I know that I LIKE to engage 300 yards targets more at 6X than 4X but I also KNOW my scores are the same. Taking your Burris 1-4X scope off and mounting a Leupold Mark 6 is not going to propel you from 50th place to 10th place. It probably won't propel you from 50th to 49th. But it will be good for Leupold!

    One thing I do know, the sport needs to be geared around the average shooter and his 16 inch M4 copy with an Aimpoint, particularly at the local level. The 4 MOA rule is a good one as is requiring that targets be visible so iron sight and 1X optic guys can engage them. People struggle mightily at local and even major matches on Larues at 300, I don't think we need to make it harder on them. If stages are so difficult that you need a JP CTR 02 with a Swaro 1-6X it will severly limit the sport's growth.

    Now for major matches, I'm a little more willing to accept difficult target presentations (in terms of target size NOT visibility) but I still think 4 MOA is a pretty good standard.

    Brother Kelly: as always your words ring true. Some other sage also said: "scopes don't make one shoot better, they help one to see better." i say "here, here, to the 4 MOA targets placed where they are visible to all shooters". now, let us go shoot them!


  5. this was a first for me. i shot carbine. 16" Bushmaster with a 1.1-4X IOR. i shot 69 gr. Sierras. really could have used a 6 or 8X. Landshark is right. it was a tough match. 10 stages in 120 minutes over a mile (+-) natural terrain. targets varied in size and number. rifle targets were orange (not international orange), carbine targets were white and pistol targets were black.(and small). depending on what time of day the team shot the targets were either in the shade of the thick vegetation and brush or in the sun and easily seen. one needed to know rifle, carbine, and pistol zeroes very well. the wind was tricky. it varied from all directions. one could not dawdle and team coordination was essential. partners needed to help each other locate and range targets. it was a challenging match, but doable.

    did i mention the sand? no? handgun in holster does not fare well in the sand. (ask me how i know).

    will i do it again? you betcha!


  6. I'm getting ready to shoot a match this weekend for the first time. A few questions for a few guys that have shot these before.

    -Do you have to use a duty belt? Or can it be a Blackhawk (rigger, cqb, etc) under-belt for the "plainclothes" use?

    -Is there any requirement to carry the full battery of duty gear? ie, asp holder, radio holder, cuff case, etc...?

    -How are they on power factor? I handload my pistol ammo and have no idea what PF it is. Don't want to get shunned for under-powered ammo.

    -I read in the rules there is a waiver for such things like shotgun mag tube length. My shotty (Benelli M4) only holds 7 in the tube without the extension. Anyone have or seen a waiver used? Not interested in getting a leg up but I would like to have the accepted 8 there.

    I'm really looking forward to the shoot. Everything I read says they're good stuff. Thanks for the answers.

    you do not need to wear you entire duty rig. you need the basics: holster, mag pouches, and shotgun ammo holders (caddies, side-saddle,etc.)

  7. Winn, I suppose you don't want to shoot the 410 revo again either??? :unsure:

    Thought you were a REAL HeMan...Maybe we should bring back the little pump 12?



    the governor was ok. without complaining too much, i couldn't see through the scope on the .50. i had to back way off to see the cross hairs. i have shot Ma Deuce enough. if you bring that sawed off 12 pump, something distasteful will happen. sin vaslina!


  8. Just got a new scope. It has BDC drops which should represent 300, 400, 500 and 600 yard holds for a 55gr bullet going way faster than the ammo I shoot.

    Does it make sense to "zero" using the 300 yard hold, then just learn my holds for everything closer? Or should I zero at 100 with the center dot, then test where my POI actually is when using the 300 yard holdover point?

    you are going to have to do some playing with it. sometimes the 100 yd. zero works with the stadia and sometimes it doesn't. i have one scope that i zeroed at 300 yds and it works out to 500. i have another that i have to zero the top stadia (cross-hair) at 150 to get the others to match with my ammo. have fun.

  9. i just unloaded the truck. we rolled out at 430 this AM. what a GREAT match! I thoroughly enjoyed every stage. (JJ keep this stuff going for RM3G). for all that didn't make it, kick yourselves in the shins! this was the best set up i have seen in a long time. i am so glad i was there (torn ACL and all). I shot with a great squad and the ROs were superb! i have now shot a 50 BMG. that is enough for one lifetime. (read that to mean i missed the doggone target.)

    The Good Lord willing and my knees don't totally crap out i will be there next year.


  10. I really wanted to make the class in OK but couldn't justify it financially after just paying off my summer classes. :surprise: Anyone teach a class closer to Central, TX? Benny, Kurt, etc?


    it is only money. i drove 1592.5 round trip miles to be there. it was well worth it. by december, the american dollar won't be worth much anyway. get with Trapr and Kurt.

  11. If any of you guys and gals get to take a Kurt Miller shotgun class, go for it! I just got home from his class this last week-end. Superb! He covers everything you might have questions about and a lot of stuff you never even thought about. AND.... you shoot ALOT!


  12. ....the title is just there to grab your attention....

    ISSUE #1: ABANDONMENT: ALL MATCH DIRECTORS should follow the abandonment procedures and materials of the ROCKY MOUNTAIN 3 GUN MATCH. PERIOD. I have had enough of sharp top edged barrels, sloping barrels, one barrel for 2 long guns, pistol "mail slots" lined with melty nylon carpet, pistol v-shaped wood wedge "trays" with 1" tall sides, etc.

    The RM3G materials and methods are there for ALL TO FOLLOW!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!

    ISSUE #2: INTIMACY: Aside from the rare times the CRO needs to hold A SINGLE long gun for a shooter while the shooter makes ready his pistol, I AM TIRED of stage setups where assistants feel or have been told they need to fondle EVERY SHOOTER'S FIREARMS in some way: holding a rifle while the shooter just stands there, clearing pistols and locking slides back before the shooter comes to retrieve it, puuullling long guns out of barrels, staging competitors guns, moving every gun on a pre-load table "down a space" as shooters cycle through, etc.

    MATCH DIRECTORS: THINK THIS THROUGH!!!! I don't want the chance of someone else breaking, bending, scratching or otherwise f%ing up MY firearms. LET ME DO THAT!!!

    Match directors are incurring a huge s$%%storm of accriminations and liability should anything happen to a shooters gun THAT HE DID NOT DO HIMSELF. It does not make a properly designed stage move any faster when the RO's take over the handling of shooters guns and only leads to bad feelings. Shooters have enough to worry about in a stage without feeling anxious about someone else handling their firearms.

    Those are my issues......Tell me if I need therapy or not....


    Hurrah! for you. amen, even. you do not need therapy, although i will gladly buy you a beer if you drop by the Sierra cabin at Raton. you hit the nail on the head.


  13. They make a 1.5-8 and a 1-10 for $1300 and $2300 that seem to have a lot of features. I've never seen one in person but wouldn't I rather have a 1-10 than a 1-6 from Swaro? I'm tempted to give the 1.5-8 a try since I can't really afford $2k+ for a scope. Thoughts?

    I have a 1.5-8x IOR with the horseshoe reticle. I found that if i zero the 300 yard crosshair with my load the dot works well for 200 and in and the 4,5 and 6 crosshairs match my load for downrange holdovers.

  14. Well that referenced article I found in another thread, just explained why I've been having trouble with the cases being a bit tight in the chamber. Hmmm, this is starting to feel a lot like work! Now I really can't wait to get my LRP-07. Mid July simply won't get here fast enough. Reloading for M14s is a pain. Love the rifle, but surplus Nato just became a lot more inviting.

    i only use processed brass from a reputable brass processor. even then, i use a JP case checker on the cases BEFORE i load them. after loading, i recheck the cases in the case checker again. never had any problems with the ammo. the loose nut behind the trigger is a different problem altogether.


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