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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Posts posted by 1chota

  1. i use IMR 4985 for .308. i have a friend who uses Varget. he says it is not temperature sensitive. my question is: how sensitive to tempterature changes is IMR 4895? is there enough difference to warrant the change?

  2. Just got a Nordic Comp NC22 and my JP-15 upper is looking to get another lower to play with. Want to know what people are using and why? It would really be helpful if you indicate if you own or have owned more than one of the above triggers and why you selected the one you use for 3-gun. I've got an AR Gold right now and just want to feel for what else might be out there. The JP for $499 as a complete lower is a fantastic bargain but the Geissele S3G's rolling trigger sounds interesting.

    Thanks for the help. Please don't just say JP, they support our sport. I'm already giving them bonus points for that as well as their hard to beat price.

    i use a JP EZ. fantastic trigger. :cheers:

  3. i spent 8 years teaching at the federal law enforcement training center. the border patrol uses shotguns alot in training. we had chamber brushes mounted on a cleaning rod inserted into a drill. the only way to keep the plastic from building up in the front end of the chamber is to ream it out good with a chamber brush and solvent.

    if you look with a bore light you can see the buildup at the front end of the chamber. go after it and keep shooting.


  4. I’m looking for a new 3 gun scope and thought the extra magnification on this might be useful as our local matches regularly have a 400+ yd stage.

    Anyone tried one of these ?

    i have two. one with the standard turrets and one with the .308 turrets. i don't use the illumination much. sometimes in the evening or early morning if the targets are hid in the woods and difficult to see. i have found that the hashmarks match my handloads if i zero the 300 yard hashmark and go from there. the dot and horseshoe are pretty much dead on after that and the downrange hashmarks for the 4, 5 and 6 are dead on. like JJ said, the glass is superb. i highly recommend this scope.


  5. I would be happy to put on a small class...How to pimp out your blaster :roflol:

    Jim :P

    What about a class on disassembling a shotgun on the clock? :ph34r:

    Jason,i don't know about a shotgun, but i had to tear apart my AR twice on one stage last year. on the clock til i finally said 'that's it/!' makes the ole heart pump, for sure! but, then again, it was one of those years.

    this year is gonna be better.

    :cheers: wynn

  6. Thanks Denise! I'm at work so haven't been able to check my home e-mail yet for that long-awaited confirmation e-mail (fingers crossed)!

    I was able to finally get through to the Whittington Center at 0836 MTN time this morning to request lodging. The phones were completely wrapped up and I must have hit redial at least 80 times before I got through. Put in a request for a Founders Cabin with a backup request for regular competitor housing - guess we won't know anything definite until we get a call-back sometime within the next 48 hours.

    The chances of getting in a founder's cabin are next to nothing. They are reserved for staff (we have over 50 staff) and a lot of times the cabin's founder wants to stay in it during the match, which sends us scrambling...

    There are the small semi-primitive cabins behind the founder's cabins that are never full, they have 10 beds in each but a single shower/bathroom and no kitchen... but they are perfect for a squad that is, well, close... (like the Sierra squad...) :roflol:


    ETA; The Whittington Center takes reservations starting TODAY for matches this summer...

    and we have our cabin reserved and if you aren't nice we won't let you have any beer!


    Wynn, Doug doesn't NEED any beer since he spanked me at the last Bo'tW club match! I'll drink his share! Are you coming to the Texas Tactical 2gun in two weeks?

    pm sent

  7. Thanks Denise! I'm at work so haven't been able to check my home e-mail yet for that long-awaited confirmation e-mail (fingers crossed)!

    I was able to finally get through to the Whittington Center at 0836 MTN time this morning to request lodging. The phones were completely wrapped up and I must have hit redial at least 80 times before I got through. Put in a request for a Founders Cabin with a backup request for regular competitor housing - guess we won't know anything definite until we get a call-back sometime within the next 48 hours.

    The chances of getting in a founder's cabin are next to nothing. They are reserved for staff (we have over 50 staff) and a lot of times the cabin's founder wants to stay in it during the match, which sends us scrambling...

    There are the small semi-primitive cabins behind the founder's cabins that are never full, they have 10 beds in each but a single shower/bathroom and no kitchen... but they are perfect for a squad that is, well, close... (like the Sierra squad...) :roflol:


    ETA; The Whittington Center takes reservations starting TODAY for matches this summer...

    and we have our cabin reserved and if you aren't nice we won't let you have any beer!


  8. The first year i shot 3 gun, (2003), i shot open. the RM3G match either had a HM division that year or the next. the next year, 2004, i shot HM. primarily because i carried an M14 for 16 years and thought it would be fun to compete with my M1A. i already had the rifle, Remington 870 and 1911 .45acp. I shot HM until 3 years ago when my eyes gave up the ability to see the open sights. if i could still see the sights, i would shoot HM iron sights. i think iron sights are faster on close up targets. i shoot HM scope or Heavy Tactical scope these days. i am just old and wearing out. i still think the main draw for me to shoot HM was the fun of it. (I am old, slow and miss alot, so winning ain't gonna happen.) DESUM CUNCTOR.


  9. I really like the way it appears to visitors who have come to this Forum after hearing about the well informed and knowledgeable people who post here.

    It can do nothing bu further enhance our reputation. Someday, with continuing help in regard to descriptive Forum Titles, we may ever find ourselves at a level similar to GT or the 15 Forums... :cheers:


    Well put my friend.

    A single thread on childish references to firearms..fine, if you must, but I really would like to see this stop.

    "We" are "negatively coloring" this forum for the bemusement of a few.



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