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Everything posted by Shooter212

  1. I have the taccom 3 stage and it made a huge difference. I am just always playing around trying different things. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this, but I feel like my hipperfire trigger help with the recoil impulse too. It’s like the extra springs take a little speed out of the bolt coming back.
  2. I couldn’t find the original thread. I might try the ones I am finding on amazon. They don’t give a good description of the sizes on there is the only down side.
  3. I see people playing around with wave springs in there pccs. I am wondering where to find them. The places that I found online are big places that sell to businesses.
  4. Taccom, mbx, or hydraulic buffers are a must too. They make a world of difference in the feel.
  5. Everyone around me including myself run two razors. (Minnesota so we’re biased vortex does a lot for the sports up here.) One normal and one on a forty five mount. Works great for off hand hard leans. Indoor I run a green laser too it’s a blast.
  6. Thanks for the input guys. I ordered a 1/2” riser. I want it as close to absolute co/witnessed as possible. I have never had back up irons but gdcguns makes a good point. I think some magpuls will end up on there.
  7. I have a vortex razor on the way and want to order a riser. My question what height is everyone running with these one inch looks too high. It’s going on a Ar pcc.
  8. That’s nice too know about. Thanks for the reassurance guys.
  9. For those of you with shadow 2’s, do you think the Saftey detent is strong enough for 3 gun? Meaning can you put it on and throw it in a bucket or box with out it coming off?
  10. The rounds are nose diving. When I get over 15 or 16 rounds they don't hold the nose up in the mags.
  11. Anyone else have trouble with the rp9 mags. Mine don't feed when loaded to 18 rounds. I loaded them and let them sit for a couple days, hoping to try them again tomorrow and see if that helped.
  12. I am 6.4 with bear paws too! So that makes the regular ts sound better.
  13. Not trying to threadjack here but seems relevant. If someone was looking at buying a tac sport for 3 gun, would you go regular ts and buy sights and grips and magwell? Or is it better just go ts orange? Season is over in Minnesota so it gives me a little time to find one.
  14. Hey guys figured out the problem my scope had let loose on me. Dropping it off the bolt must of threw the scope different. It would group good then move I was chasing zero. Tried the box drill and it was all over the place. I have a strike eagle and it was in a Burris pepr mount. This is just pure speculation but I talked to a couple other guys with strike eagles and pepr mounts at a match last weekend, and they had to send there's back too. I know a bunch of guys that run these scopes so I don't think that's it. On the pepr there in not that much space between rings. I don't know if that has something to do with it. I ordered a warne mount to try that.
  15. Dropping the bolt off the catch.
  16. My rifle I built throws the first shot out of the magazine two inches give or take low at fifty yards every time. I can shoot good groups there after. I just don't know what I am missing. The rifle is one I put together out of some salvaged parts and some new. Barrel is a ballistic advantage 18" rifle length gas, the bcg and upper are out of an m&p rifle I bought for my first ar.
  17. I want to dip my toes into the world of CZ. I am looking for something for a back up 3 gun pistol and to play a little in uspsa. Mostly just to try a CZ though. I have narrowed it down to these two just on handling them haven't fired either. Just looking for some real world feed back. I know it's very subjective but what the heck let me know what you think. Little back ground I have run glocks for years starting in idpa to uspsa to 3gun then switched two years ago to a rock island double stack.
  18. I limit the travel of mine so it barely moves enough to function. I think it made a big difference in the movement of my dot. Mostly when returning it doesn't hit the barrel nearly as hard.
  19. I just finished putting my pcc together. I haven't shot one before or anyone else's and I know being blow back the recoil will be very different. But it feels really weird I feel like I am getting trigger slap like a ak and that it has more recoil slamming closed then backwards. I guess my question is the trigger slap a sign the action is opening to fast. I am running kaw valley bcg heavy buffer and 308 carbine spring.
  20. Shooter212

    Pmag 21

    They are not hard to seat fully loaded. But they are not super easy. It takes a firm tap to seat them in.
  21. Shooter212

    Pmag 21

    Just got these in the mail today. Can get 21 rounds in with my thumb. Drop free fully loaded. Ran flawless for a couple hundred rounds. Not bad for $24 a piece.
  22. I have been running one since shortly after they came out. I am pretty impressed. I never have had trouble with getting my thumb bit so never saw a reason to spend a bunch of money on welded lifter. But these for only ten bucks I had to try it. It does feel a lot smoother loading shells. The best part is a factory lifter always works. So win win in my book.
  23. This is what I was hoping to hear from someone. I am going to give this a try.
  24. I am pretty sure mine has a Novak cut after looking around more. Mine definitely has a different cut then the ultra match.
  25. I have a 51679 double stack 9mm. It says it has an lpa rear sight cut. It is adjustable but it is a three dot set up and I just don't like it. I was looking on Dawson's website and the picture on there for an lpa adjustable rear sight doesn't look the same. I was wondering if any one has changed the rear sights on these. Is my best option to get a bomar sight and have the slide cut?
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