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Everything posted by Rikarin

  1. Thank you! I hope one of the stage was not High Standarad.... damn WH from 10 and SH from 15!
  2. Newbie question. I shoot my first ever classirier on Sat. It was 4 stages. Aocrding to OhioIPSC page, I did C on 2 stages and D on 1, 1 unknown (not enough data). So, what's my class will be???
  3. Rikarin

    A Shooting Spree

    I don't mind this kind of shoting spree
  4. Mm, that's sooo Brian! triple, quadruple meaning sentence... "if calling isn't a way of life" For a beginner like me, calling the shot in match is like composing a song about rainbow I have never seen in my life. You explained to me how rainbow is like and where and when I should be looking for; paper plates and sandbag @ 25yards. And I will do that, with a lot of whinning....man, it will be a lonely, boring, frustrating process! I have a hunch, calling shot must be impossible to see if I try. Is it? I guess Its something I will run into when I least expect it. Isn't rainbow like that? So, unless I actually can see the rainbow and remember the feeling of watching it, I don't think I can compose a song Same goes to calling ths shot, but I am not saying I don't want to. I still remember the feeling of December 2003, when I first time shot a gun. EX-SEAL insructor was telling me to just make this shape with sights and put your taget on top of the front sight, keep eye on the frontsight and pull the triger without disturbing it so that when dummy round is in and I pull the triger, gun doesn't move. That's all I have to do, he said. And I did exactly that and hitting the steel 10 out of 10 10-12 yards.. Oh, that feeling of exhiliration of this perfect moment which felt like forever and everything else other than me, frontsight, target and ding ding sound of the steel ceased to exhist. I felt like I was born to shoot and it was just so beautifully perfect. I am certain I could've done 25 yards no problem because I had this feeling of all the planets has lined up to give me the power and nothing can stop me. I have been jonesing for that feeling since then but it is completely lost arc. I am so sad that I can not duplicate that pefrect moment. I don't know its a innocence lost which you can not regain, mere beginner's luck or its something I can obtain with a lot of training. (and picture is on that day. Look at my grip and stance!... and do anyone know what this gun is????)
  5. Haaaa. Again, I start my day laughing. Is there anything better than that? Thanks guys. You rule.
  6. heeeeheeeeheeeeee.. Oooh, Spook you are my hero! Geeez, 8 shooter, think warm happy thought??? Buhahahha. Yes, yes, reload with retention, Dude, Short_round! I am soooo glad I have a good laughter fix with this thread.. I always reply to an entirely serious thread with joke and totally derailing them. I guess I will not do that for a while... HoF? Aye!
  7. Com'mon guys more! You guys are making my days! (I still think best is the cross-eye dominatnt one )
  8. Oh my god, Ic-a-n-'t breeeeath, my jaw hurts! I'm in tears! You guys killing me! Stop! Stop! Buahahahhaha! aaaaagh! Oh geez. Oh geez.....
  9. Yeah, Matt's poster. That would be so cool. I wasn't clear of my joke. Lame.... I meant that for your practice of carying 90lb+, you could carry me and run because I'm pefrect weight. Ok, I will down-grade my wish to ride to-from my hotel and range. I will so fly in and be there!
  10. Q1 Do you guys visualize as through your eye is the video camera? I have hard time doing this. I can visualize me moving in the video. I am watching me from behind. Q2 How do you do this for the stages its impossible to located the target like all of them hiding behind the cover and like IDPA, you can't check up the stage. IPSC is easy since you can airgun while taping.
  11. Does that mean you shoot and eat Q on clock??? Wow, I can win somethin!
  12. Oh gosh! I'd looooooove to go see IronMan. I watched in Matt's video and it rocks! Er, For those of you thinking about doing Trooper Class, I humbly offer my service of being your "dummy carry pack" for exchange of ride from No-Cal! I am juuuust right wight for you!!! :D Seriously, IronMan is on same date as or ShootingMan, where we Kalifornia friends go to Nevada desert with all the firepowers and blow the S*&t up. Tough choice!
  13. Hi Brian Upon your suggestion, I wil declare I will forget about good score for a while and set goals on each local matches like "today, I will do smoooooth" "today, its all about follow through". Back to basics. Better do now than unlearn later. Oh, but its so hard not to think about scoring! Thats totally another mental conditioning topic I bet Thank you
  14. (To admins, sorry this doesn't belong to Mental Conditiong... it was kinda follow up from "not pressured by others'" theread. Feel free to move.) Oooooh, I woke up exhausted like never experienced. I am happy now. I gave my 100%. You are funny but so true. If its easy, why bother? I watched my own video (thanks Matt, Wayne and others took my video) and it was without doubt my best pefromance. I am quite happy I was able to do my best at my first match. Thanks so much for the gun, Kevin. Actually, if I shot mine, I'd be worse
  15. Geez, Carinab, I'd be stop shooting and hurried my butt back home. Can't believe you finished it. What a tough one you are... AND worrying about not helping others. You are my hero.
  16. .... and so I did. Only 2 mikes (both are10-15 yards shooting leftside from baricade) and two near perfect stages. Thanks bunches!
  17. Holy cow! I should be happy given I had felt so puressured before, it was borrowed gun, my first big match, woke up at 330 too nervous, drove all the way and back alone and all. I took so much time memorizing the stages before hand and it paid off. I didn't fall apart, didn't have falure to engage or procedural. Only 2 mikes and 2 stages out of 8 is only -1. I was so happy, having fun, exctatic, like, jumping up and down when official call "zero!" on the target I wasn't sure. (thanks for the applauds!) Most of all, I didn't let "speed demon" bite me, I couldn't beleve it! You know, speed demon is so hard to tame But, result wasn't that good; :( I am sorry I let you down, Bob, I couldn't win High Lady... I am bummed. All I won (by raffle) was earmuff sweat cover stuff (which, I actually can use though) It seems like I was waaaaaay too slow. I guess I was too cautious and checking the "holes" on each targets everytime I shoot, Because I TOTALLY lost ability to call shot this last couple of weeks shooting with broken barrel which spits bullets everywhere. (I just feel I am shooting worse than before, but that's totally another topic) But, I wanted to say thanks to the wonderful, well oganized match. ROs are so nice, and pleasant. They wanted to everybody to do well and did everything they can for us. Thanks!
  18. Wow, souds like fun. Near big airport OR some kind of carpool would be nice. Rent-a-car end up quite costly. Wherever it is, can we have forum handle stickers on? Otherwise I never get names/faces straight!
  19. So, at the raffle table of yesterday's IDPA, I had choice of BBQ suace, earmuff sweat cover stuff and Dillon calender.... I really wanted the calender but was too embarassed and ended up with earmuff stuff. AND still kicking myself!!!!!
  20. Buhahahhaah! You guys are so funny. I have to agree. She is so lively, smily and beatiful. And photo is tasteful too, well ogranzied, the angle, composition is very well calicurated. VERY great cover. But hey, I am kinda person have to understand no matter what the subject, and especially have a background in magazine editor, this is bothering me.... Can anyone please explain to me why May 2004 girl is so popular? You know, you can't see her eyes, the pose is artificial (that sideway hip and 90dgree twisted upper body) , dress is kind not well fitting, her arms doesn't look she is not working out at all, and kinda messy photo. I know its taste but is it because of her, er, you know, cleavage? We have a problem here: your sight was on her Glock and not on her heinie. Dammit, man... get your priorities straight!!! Finding her heinie was not hard, finding that Glock was like finding Waldo. Someone said there was a GT40 in the picture too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  21. Just watched the Garden State. Oh, wow. U believable.... I dn't like chick flicks usually but this one hit me hard.
  22. Huh? Is she limp wristing? Hrm, hmmm. are you taking about shooting??? ooooooh. I finally got it. ha ha ha.
  23. Thank you! Kevin let me "borrow" his minor loaded ammos too and I totally forget how much I like .40. I almost wanted to throw my 9mm off in the bay! Needed to change the grip pressure to how it supposed to be (more with weak hand which I couldn't do with 9mm because its so filppy!) but aaaaaaaah. all those things I was having hard time with 9mm, I don't have with .40. Besides, I haven't nailed down my load with new brass I recieved just last week. Now I don't have to worry and just shoot. And since I borrowed friend's gun, its somehow let pressure off from me.... if I shot bad I can blamed the gun So, thank you Heath. It worked great.
  24. Oooooh, thank you thank you. I totally forget! Yes yes!
  25. Maybe Kendo? Or Iaido? Kenjutsu? Man, I wish I can do aikido. I found it too boring for me and doing Brazilian Jiujitsu. Aikido is more practical especially for women. Brown belt is impressive! Go Carina!
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