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Everything posted by Rikarin

  1. Thanks everybody. I got lots of tools in my bag now. To make sure, people I shoot with are just so nice bunches. Nobdoy is rude or mean. And I think I have most faul mouth, seriously. I learend conversational English from my ex-es but everybody is kind.
  2. Argh, help! One by one, I measured powder on analog scale and load 10 different load 10 each. Every load's ES is like, 60 to bad one is 88! I don't understand. Only difference is brass. Either Winchester, Finocchi, PMC, UMC, American Eagle I collected only once fired out of box in front of my eyes. 9x19, 147gr VV310 or 320 2.9-3.5 with Federal primer loaded with my brand new 650. Is it normal? If brass is same (I bought pre-primed fedeal brass), what ES I should expect? What elese I can do to make it more even? If hand measured have this big ES, machine measured might have bigger one. Mmm. Is those questions answere by some manual? What manual is good?
  3. Buhahahha! I can see when you have siginificant others shooting together, dealing with her/him gets you too. So, I was just wishing not wanting really.
  4. Bingo! My friend insisted I don't need to use one when I was using his reloader but one day I seceretly used it and whoa! what a difference. Now I ordered one for myself
  5. I wish I have husband to attend together, then it will be bit easier. Its not that men makes it difficult. The social dynamics of a lone woman in a big group of men is the difficult part. Having "my man" in same group would give me unconcious support and protection, because other guys are more careful when opening mouths. I am so glad she is enjoying! You guys shoot at Richimond right???
  6. This did it. When I don't chat and just image the stage over and over, its better. There's no shift from "be social, open to other people" to "focused and IN the stage" therefore less nervousness. You are so right, I can not make everybody happy anyway and if I want to win and that makes me a bitch, I just decided to volunteerly become a bitch. Yes, I want to be open for new way of doing things but I haven't even digested and made it happen what Matt taught me in the class. there's no way I can take other shooter's advices. Besides, I have my stages video taped and review afetrwards, most of the advice I'd be given, I myself will discover anyway and discoverying myself leads to correcting much easier and faster. OK, guys who read this and shoot at Richimond (Larry, Billy, Alvin, etc etc ), Maybe I will be iPod-ing, maybe I will sitting alone, imaging the stage over and over, its no personal but I will become really anti-social fro now on I met so many really cool and nice People at the Richimond and its kinda bummin but there's always after match beer for socializing.
  7. O Ahhhh Ohhhh. Pardon my ignorance. Yes indeed i was sticking them BEFORE reloading. The one I reload fits OK. (not all the way though) No wonder I need to push that handle with all my might when I used once-reloaded shells. yes it fits chamber Oh, I am so glad I asked. Thanks Flexmoney (as always), Larry, Fomister and Brian.
  8. Hello I just got 650 (thank you Brian, believe or not I assembled all by myself! Yahoo!) today and have a quick question. I shoot Glock19, current load have about 135pf (VV310 3.5gr, 147gr, OAL 1.156 or so ). But non of the brass I used doesn't fit the case guage. I mean non of them. Glock's chamber is kind loose as far as I was told but does this mean I can not use the brass anymore???? Yes, its 9mm case guage and new factory bullets fit perfectly.
  9. First of all, thanks to Flexmoney for reopening the thread. Carinab, Sniper and Shooter Girrl are absolutely right and I was stunned to know those female social techniques I need to use in sports. I was not expecting but now it really make sense. I came to realize Its VERY gender issue. PaulW, zhunter, fomeister, Dan. You guys can just do "don't let others get in your head" "chill out". Men can compartmentalize emotions and do the job. Boy, I wish I can just do like that! I know in theory "don't let others get in my mind" but I can not. Therefore, I want to know of "how" and many good examples are given here and I am thankful for them. I. Friendship or competition? I am the handful of female at Richmond and maybe only one (?) without husband/boyfriend. So, when I first showed up, being accepted was a big thing. But also, it was much easier to handle back then, because (1) there were no friendly teasing, trash talk, or (2) "you should do this" You must do this way" advice, which I must add, all friendly and come from good intention. but: (1)I haven't grow up in American male culture and trash talking (even its friendly) do make me feel bad. I know This is something I need to overcome somehow as far as I am doing "male" sports. (2) My Japanese female instinct is to make other people happy, i.e. try to take in ALL the advices given and get absolutely overwhelmed. Interacting with other shooters might be part of the game and I DO enjoy hacking back and forth with my friends (you know I do that alot with Ron) but at the same time, this exact "friends" thing is what shifting my focus away from shooting. After last IDPA match, I heard couple of comments on "so and so was so bummed because you beat him". I felt "oh, that means I'd loose his friendship, I shouldn't do better than him" I rather make people I don't know well upset than nice, kind friends. I rather do not want to be friend with anyone if I make anyone upset. So, iPod-ing could be my solution to not get friendly without offending anyone. I am not sure yet what to do on this part but will find some good solution. II. Good intention fixing Yes, I know everybody there are really nice and no one is malicious. But sometimes, good intention doesn't necessary produce good result. So Dan, I am not telling anyone is "picking on you". I know men's instinct is to try to "fix" woman by "telling what to do". Its just doesn't work. (have you ever try to give advice and tell her what to do when your girlfriend was upset and just made her madder?) So, I now so understand Shooter Girrl's self defense mechanism and I was like "whoa" when she said "....was having the same problems". I guess you women have been there done that (Men who haven't, read Mars and Venus dating book, then you'd understand what we (women) are saying well.) So, overall, it has been very helpful for me in many ways. I now learned how you guys see the game, and what you guys do. VERY great advices especially from fellow female shooters are precious. Thank you for all for chiming in! PS. ... then, off-topic question PaulW said "... they will try to eat you alive". I have come across this ALOT in the US. I just don't understand! Why's that? We belong to same team/class/group for gods sake! Can someone tell me "why" guys do that and "how" not get eaten up?
  10. Skywaler: Yes. My latest load was bit too hotter (135pf) and will correct. Primer got flattened but I found a person loading same thing locally and he gave me advise how much I can incease powder what not. Oh, I bought Dillon 650. Chag ching! No more lipsticks nor new clothes for a while..... Flexmoney: Mm. Glad to hear you like it. I thought I am a looser not liking no-overtravel. eer: Heck! A box! how demeaning! I will someday build a stage which you should shoot from only ports which are just right hight for me but everybody else need to duck. Damn tall people!! (or, normal hight people) Erick: High Erick. Yep. I have 3.5lb and I polished it to a mirror finish. I used to make knives and it was same techniques. Larry: oh yeah. I learned alot. I think I am pressuring to do better than last time I did well. back to basics! Ong45: Hmm, wonder who you are and wonder who's feet wasn't reaching... is that person's name start with A????? Ok, more range time today. I will try to get use to it!
  11. Hello Hope I am not flooding the board. Just having bad period I like shooting because it is competition with myself. I enjoy doing problem solving and constantly improving myself. As a result, I started to place myself in top 5 in the division, sometimes shooting better than people 2 classes up. But for me, this is the proof of how I am improving rather than who I beaten. Then problem started to happen. Guys I have beaten started to asking me "what was your points?" to see if he did better than me. When I have a bad stage, so many people decide to be experts and trying to criticize me in disguise as "help". (and usually a wrong technique too). Then, some are like "I want you to be the high lady at next match! This girl always win but you can beat her!". Now, it became so much about other people's match. I don't like this. I am seriously thinking about listening to iPod during the match so that no one will talk to me and I can isolate myself, so that I can just concentrate about me. But a my first big match is coming up in 2 weeks and I am now so pressured to perform, already nervous, and I am almost certain I would tense up!!! How are your experience dealing this kind of stuff? How not get pressured and nervous facing a big match???? I certainly re-start ( I am slacking) meditation everyday, but anything else???
  12. I did HORRIBLE at today's match. There's this stage you start from seated in a big chair, your back all the way to back of it. Guess what? My feet were hanging in mid air. I was so embarrased and felt like eating at kids' table on the thanksgiving day. I was already doing badly but this totaly throw me off. They let me start from feet on the ground but I msssed up everything. I was sobbing driving back, whining about it to my SWAT friend on the phone and he made me remember I changed sights, recoil spring AND installed Ghost Rocket on Friday. Yes, yes, he scolded me for chaning 3 things at same time. But more importantly, no wonder I have been shooting down so badly! If I pull triger same as before when there's no overtrvel, finger pull the gun down! Silly me! So my question is: Is ghost rocket good idea? Maybe overtravel is actually a good thing? Or I just need to practice and get used to it? Or maybe I should just ground down bit more? I changed spring and trigger back and go range now to adjust sights NOW. TTYL
  13. Alvin, Lily let me shoot their limitted (er, INfinity???) and open gun. Whoa! That red dot and no recoil. Is it BB gun? I want to put a classified says " will work for open gun" Scott, thanks for thie XD info. I LOVE that gun but wanted to know if 1911 has advantage. But if trigger is almost same, grip is almost same, XD is better idea for me. My friend have a souped up XD40 shooting miner in production and he said he can let me shoot match sometime. Lets see how it goes! I tried CZ but DA/SA kills me and didn't like the trigger at all. Nice grip though. Thanks for the info/idea!
  14. Hmm, this gives me a food for thought. I already own .40 Sig. I LOOOVE this gun but first DA is so hard to shoot a good pair. I will ask around today for this Operator gun to try! Thanks
  15. I have been playing with grip shape with playdough and came to the conclusion its the grip shape, rather than size. I can dump a magazine (Matt's recoil management drill) no problem without grip/stance changing. But when I comapare my stage drawing and score, I my score is really good when the stage has lots of arm's reach targets but bad when targets are far. Also, when I watch the video, I take so much time for re-aquisition of the sights, especially for long range target. And I shot my friends 1911 (Springfield) and like Whoa! What a great trigger! Glock's triger kinda circles around and its keep-on messing me. ( I have 2.5lb trigger) So 1) Need a better grip shape, if gun doesn't flip much, eas to get sighted pair. 2) I need a longer barrel gun (I have no idea why the heck G-19 I chose 3) Good crisp short trigger. Those are the ones I am trying to overcome now and thought single stack, SA-only sounds like a good choice to overcome those. But hey, $$$$! Totting around heavy gun really helps. I do Braizilian Jiujitsu too and kind have a strong arms I think if I can find good grip .40, I might be able to manage major. Thanks!
  16. Hello Somehow, quote pop-up window is not working so reply to all. thanks for the inputs. Mmm, other than XD (which I really like) I can not even recognize any. Got bug guys at the Richimond to let me shoot theres. Yes, I like "roll" recoil and love my .45 but too much to handle for the match. So far, recoil management is the #1 problem. When I loaded 110PF ammo, I was shooting so well. But this might be problem of Glock. Also,I found heavier the gun, more force needed to totting it, therefore I have to throw around like a hammer and can not steady it well. Nemo: I didn't have questions for a while, so didn't come here. Didn't mean to disapear! I thought if its :L-10, I don't have to spend too much $$$ but sounds like its not??? Carls: thanks for the data! I will check it out!
  17. Hello I am doing IDPA with Glock but our area has only couple of IPSC production shooters. Thinking about doing limitted 10 and need input on what gun would be the choice, because I do not like glock at all! I know it would be single stack 1911s but which one? Criteria would be: 1) light weight (I love polymer guns) 2) 9mm 3) hoefully, something I can take apart and work on like Glock 4) easy to manage recoil ( I like the gun which recoil back, rather than snappy) 5) Good for small body small hand female shooter Maybe load miner on .40 would be good idea for recoil? Thanks! Oh, update: 1) I took Matt Burkett's class again. It was awsome! So much homework again. 2) My reloading with VV310.147gr is working great. 3) Will cut my clothing/cosmetic budget and buy Dillon650, even thought it doesn't match with my interior at all, unless it comes with white. 4) Placed 6th in IDPA/SSP out of 26 shooters. All thanks to your help. (and Matt's)
  18. Wow Thanks.. This is helpful. Very objective and logical post.
  19. Range Report Whoa. It was like .22. and somehow accurate. I can shoot this load all day long, except that I couldn't even load more than 4-6rounds because bullets were too long! Buhahahha. Verocity was 780 and I was told bit too low. So I will shorten them to 1.150-1.155 (will compare with other bullets which works/not works) and will chrono again.
  20. Is that so? hmmmm, its worth try. THanks!
  21. Thanks Monster and sigtis108. I kinda understand now its really tweaked up recipe. I bought 2lb of N310. For rest of the bottle, I load bit less powder. if I can return one bottle, I will try with N320. Since I have to rely on my friend's reloader, I can not try many different recipes. I went for VV reading Titgroup is "snappy". After I switched from subsonicc UMC 147gr to Atlanta Arms pussycat load, I got TWICE as better. That means, 50% ranking instead of 25% or so. Especially in courses with arms reach length targets. And I will be sure to check those pressure signs you guys mentioned.
  22. OH my god. I am glad I asked. I knew its not on any manuals and my friend was really nervous, for his defence. I am pretty gung ho and stubborn 1) if there's bluges whats going on and whats worng? 2) if primer flattening whats wrong, again? 3) what is the flow and whats wrong? 4) when I change OAL , what changes other than just the length? 5) if limitted 40 shoot this with G34 with 123-130pf, what would be with G19? more pf or less? 6) and most importantly, what's the worst case scenario? blowing the gun off along with me? I heard couple of people blew the upper off due to squib. Is it like that? I had a 5000rounds of Wolf ammo for my Sig .40 and once in like 300rounds, the case bluged up, cracked and shut off the gun completely. I needed to push the case out putting the long bar from the muzzle. Is this pressure problem? (I am not shooting those ammos anymore) High TEchRedneck you said, "I never shot the 310 load in a stock barrel, supposedly the bar-sto has more case support" Hmm, mine is Glock19 with stock barrel. what is bar-sto and whats good about it? Cameron my other 147gr (UMC and Atlanta Arms) getting stuck at teh ramp of the barrel, even after I changed the plastic piece of the mag which pushes the ammos to what stamped 9mm from 2183-1. So, figured longer the better. If I don't shorten them, what would be the problem? Just feeding? limitted40 maybe this is your recipe. Thank you. Glad you have been firing ok... albit in G34. skywalker Thanks for pointing out I did load UNSAFE side. Dah. So, I will check the fired brass.! Larry I go IPSC pradtice (SAT) and IDPA classifier (SUN) both at Richmond this weekend... Again, thank you so much.
  23. Hello I am utter newbie, did reloading stuff first time today. My friend showed me how to do and he does hunting, not competing. I did search before on this forum and read up alot and came to the conlusion VVN310 and FMJ147 is way to go for my G19. I can not find the recipe again but what I made is Star 147gr FMJ, 3.3g or VVN310 and OAL 1.165....Primer is WSP But then, I did more read up and someone mentioned some pressure problem or something which might be not safe. I have no idea. What is this? What I should be paying atention when I shoot? (other than squib?) I will get hold of chronograph hopefully and do the PF stuff for IDPA/IPSC later but for now, does this sound ok? I think I did safer side (recipe said 2.7gr.-3.3gr) and longer OAL thinking I can shorten it later. Thank you (boy I didn't know reloading is hard job... I think I can skip arm work out for couple of days....)
  24. Thanks Tightloop. I can force translate it in Japanese to....... screen faking
  25. Loves2Shoot Huh? You can do that??? Wow. I got to try. Can't wait for April's Matt's class so that he can scrutinise me! Another question! I was trying to follow front sight and let it comes back same place all the time while I let the gun do the job i.e. recoil. Say, frontsight moves from 0 to 10 and comes back to 0. I can only follow it goes 0 to maybe 5 and 6-10 is too fast and blurrr, then from 5-0 I can follow again. Do you guys REALLY can follow frontsight all the time? 0 to 10 to 0????
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